

Istanbul, Turkey

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: 1x02 Adrift

Everything I said for the first episode goes for this one as well. Directing and cinematography remain excellent. Pacing is better. I'm curious to see how the different storylines will unfold.

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Marriage Story

From directing and cinematography to script and acting, it's a masterfully crafted film. And it hit too close to home.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: 1x01 A Shadow of the Past

I'm a huge fan of anyting and everything related to Middle Earth. I also work in media and understand that text and screen are different mediums so I judge The Rings of Power as it is: a television series.

They clearly put a lot of time, effort, and thought into this, especially in the pre-production phase. That's particularly evident in directing and cinematography. There are many creative and well-crafted scenes and sequences throughout. Use of colour and lighting is also top notch. Pacing/editing may seem fast but that's understandable since they have to establish many different characters and storylines within limited time. Dialogues and humour worked for me. Speech patterns are distinctive enough and I found them fitting for their respective races.

On a more personal note, it does feel amazing to go back to Middle Earth after all this time.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x02 Warriors

Looks like they changed a lot of things but oh my goodness, Avatar Kyoshi was amazing!

Suki was perfect btw, I loved the way she looked and carried herself in costume and make-up.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: 1x05 Partings

The visual beauty of this show is breathtaking. I really liked "The Song of the Roots of Hithaeglir" btw, it perfectly illustrates how myths and legends work on a meta level. Can't wait for the next episode, looks like shit will hit the fan in the Southlands.

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Elementary: 7x13 Their Last Bow

Perfect ending for our beloved duo. I will miss them dearly.

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Stranger Things: 4x07 Chapter Seven: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab

Dustin spoke my mind lol, they were really that stupid.

A huge step up from the previous episodes. Pacing was much better, we learned some new stuff (that twist was great), and got lots of action. Hope the last two episodes will be up to par with this one.

And man, I love Jamie Campbell Bower's voice, the way he speaks is mesmerising.

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Paris Je T'aime

Such a passionate film; beautiful and full of emotions. I liked most segments but my absolute favourites are:

Bastille by Isabel Coixet
Place des fêtes by Oliver Schmitz
Faubourg Saint-Denis by Tom Tykwer
Quartier Latin by Frédéric Auburtin and Gérard Depardieu

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Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

This was so much fun!

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: 1x03 Adar

Shout by Amarantha
BlockedParent2022-09-11T18:48:58Z— updated 2022-09-17T11:22:42Z

Still going strong. Númenor was absolutely stunning and Elendil totally stole this episode for me. Slow-mo horse riding sequence could have been done a bit more tastefully, though.

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Russian Doll: Season 1

This was a fantastic season. Writing was top-notch. Great performances from everyone. And the story was wrapped up nicely. I hope they don't screw up in the second season.

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Death on the Nile

Agatha Christie is one of my all time favourite authors. I've read most of her works and seen several adaptations of them. Murder on the Orient Express (2017) was flawed in certain aspects, mainly the writing, which ultimately made the film fall flat despite its all star cast and impressive visual aesthetic. I know I shouldn't get hyped for Death on the Nile, but it's one of my favourite stories by Christie and I do hope that they do it justice this time.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x01 Aang

Bending looks so fucking cool!

Gotta admit, the attack on the Southern Air Temple was heart-wrenching to watch.

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The Sandman: Season 1

Shout by Amarantha
BlockedParent2022-08-31T20:45:49Z— updated 2022-09-04T12:06:58Z

Been a fan of the graphic novels since my younger days and never thought I would actually see it in live action. I do have some nitpicks but as a whole it's a well-crafted season. Hope we get more and see the story in its entirety. I'm particularly looking forward to Season of Mists (Volume 4) and Ramadan (one-shot short story).

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Ocean's Eight

No idea why people go so hard on this one. It's fun, it's entertaining, it does what it sets out to do. Acting isn't consistent across the board, though. I found most of them meh but Hathaway was great.

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The Witcher: Season 1

My main issue with this season is the writing. I liked the different timelines converging at the end, but 1. Yennefer's arc was way too rushed and Ciri's arc was way too slow. 2. Geralt and Yennefer's relationship wasn't convincing. They met for the first time in episode 5 and were all lovey dovey in episode 6. We never saw them bond. There's a reason why the rule "show, don't tell" exists. 3. Geralt and Ciri's meeting at the end didn't have any emotional weight. Had they met in Brokilon for the first time, the hugging at the end would have been effective. And Ciri's first words to Geralt shouldn't have been "Who's Yennefer?" which was absolutely ridiculous. Geralt's "something more, much more" speech would have been perfect, but why they scrapped that despite naming the last episode "much more" is beyond me.

That being said, I enjoyed watching this season and am looking forward to the second one. It also made me want to read the books and play the games, so there's that. In fact, I installed and started playing the first game and will get the books as soon as possible.

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As If: 5x01 Fly

A good entry to the new season.

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A great litmus test regardless of its quality as a TV show. Nobody would bat an eye if the lead was a man who wanted to find himself and divorced his wife but switch the gender and watch people freak out lol. Fuck your hypocrisy.

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A well made film that accurately portrays the cold reality of being an artist.

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Death on the Nile

Finally got around to watching this and yes, it's better than Murder on the Orient Express, lol.

This is one of my favourite stories by Christie so I was understandably wary of this film but they did good imo. First and foremost, such beautiful cinematography! Composition, framing, lighting - it's just chef's kiss. Script and dialogue were fine too, though acting could have been better. And I don't think Gal Gadot was a good choice for that role.

The story itself hit me differently this time, which was unexpected to say the least. I'd rather not go into detail here for spoilery reasons but that's probably because my perspective on life and death has changed a lot since I read the book years ago.

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Stranger Things: 4x08 Chapter Eight: Papa

Oh god, they are still acting stupid lol. This wasn't as good as the previous episode but we got some more action at least. I love watching Eleven blowing shit up.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: 1x04 The Great Wave

Things are moving along nicely. Editing was a bit weird in a few places, though. And what's up with this director and his love of slow-mo sequences lol.

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Fun to watch. And I love Margot Robbie.

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Crazy, Stupid, Love.

Too cloying with all that "one true love" and "soul mate" bullshit but an entertaining watch nonetheless.

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Love & Other Drugs

Not a big fan of Hathaway but she's adorable in this one.

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Messiah: Season 1

All that supernatural stuff aside, it was interesting to see how this guy affected those around him. I wonder where the story will go in the second season.

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The Simpsons: 35x04 Thirst Trap: A Corporate Love Story

Decent enough parody of Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos.

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Stranger Things

The first two seasons were great. And that's how this show should have ended.

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Britney vs. Spears

Not a good documentary from a filmmaking perspective but Britney's story is so moving I couldn't help but got angry and teary-eyed. From what I've heard about conservatorship is that it's a very rare occurrence that is usually opted for as a last resort (in Europe at least, not sure how it's like in the US). It's truly baffling how they so easily placed a 27 year old woman under a conservatorship AND refused to lift it in later years even though she was obviously a sane and functioning adult. Why did this happen to her in the first place? And more importantly, why did it take 13 years to right this wrong? Britney's ordeal proves once again that there's something seriously wrong with the system and I wish the documentary had examined it more closely.

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New York, I Love You

Weaker than Paris, Je T'Aime in regards to writing and cinematography. My favourites are:

Segment Seven by Shekhar Kapur
Segment Nine by Fatih Akın
Segment Ten by Yvan Attal
Segment Eleven by Joshua Marston

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