


American Horror Story: Season 12

Reply by Amourgirl

Numerous times, I found myself believing that 'AHS' had hit rock bottom, but it manages to keep unearthing new depths.

I was once a devoted fan, but now... Kim Kardashian discussing a viral TikTok salad dressing known as 'green goddess,' seriously? Even the most trivial chatter nauseates me.

It's alarmingly vacant, sluggish, and utterly devoid of the chills and thrills that horror should deliver.

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@eugenwang completely agree.. After the Lady Gaga season I truly thought it had reached rock bottom but somehow it managed to find a whole new low! I’m terribly disappointed with this season. I stuck with it hoping it would have had potential but the season just kept getting worse and the finale was just dreadful.

I think they should call it a day now. They will never get back what they had. I am officially done with AHS

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Outer Banks: Season 2

Reply by Amourgirl

It’s frustrating how they never call the coast guard or an adult to help. Like popes dad?
Also, Madison Bailey’s voice is that annoying that I hope to never watch anything with her in again
Really dislike her character

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@samngj Could not agree more… Her whiny voice drove me mad… She put me off more than the dreadful script writing and that’s saying something!

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