

After watching a fiasco of modern TV called Mr. Robot, I needed to come back to review this TV show, which also has the theme of social revolution mixed with personal "journey", and I realised this is a masterpiece. It has better and more stable, rounded characters, better understanding of society. This show isn't obsessed by extreme individualism and it does a great job of exploring motif of selfishness against caring for others/greater good. Authors of this show are theoretically equipped, aren't swimming in cliches and obvious popular culture rip-offs, style never preceeds the substance and ambitiousness didn't ate the whole point and internal coherence of the show, which is apparently a hard thing to do, no matter the budget.

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The Society
Top of the Lake

If the creator of this series wanted to make something to show how small towns in western societies (no matter the indigenous people who seem to fit right in) are filled with reprobates, degenerates and just awful, horrible, selfish people (and the more disgusting they are the more money and power they have) whom one noble city girl cannot change, then they succeeded.
Otherwise I don't get the point of this show and I wonder how did the basic info manage to trick me into watching this cheap attempt at portraying a valid topic of complexities of small communities.

I'll stick to Twin Peaks

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