


Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x09 All Those Who Wander

Reply by Ana

damn good episode after last weeks travesty, sad over Hemmer's death but not sorry to see La'an leave

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@quasar1967 Please use spoiler tags. I've come to check the ratings, but instead saw a gigantic spoiler, and it ruined the episode and the whole season for me and possibly it will for others as well. Fix it please.

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Charmed: 3x17 The Storm Before the Calm

Reply by Ana

If they don't bring Abby back I'll cry wtf she's my fave and basically the only reason I look forward to every ep. why is she gone?? :(

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@luthor-zor-el Yeah, this really came as a shock. She's the best part of the show, it would make no sense to just kick her out like that. I hope she'll come back next season.

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Call Me Kat: 1x01 Plus One

Reply by Ana

Review by Ana

I've honestly experienced vicarious embarrassment while watching this. They copied the first episode of Miranda almost word for word, even used the 'Orlando and Bloom' joke, but failed to deliver it. The acting feels forced and quite bad which is disappointing because Mayim is a good actress, but I guess she's just not right for this role (I don't know if there's anyone at all that could carry this US version). Her interaction with the audience seems awkward as well like she was just explaining her actions to us and I didn't feel connected to her. I have seen the second episode as well and it did not get better. Their own jokes aren't funny and the laugh track just makes it worse because there's really nothing to be laughing about. I might force myself to watch the rest just to see whether it would improve, but based on the first two episodes that's probably unlikely to happen.
They should have never tried to remake Miranda, that show is unique and utterly hilarious thanks to the performance of the brilliant Miranda Hart. So, all of you who might not have seen it yet, just do yourself a favor and go watch Miranda instead, it's infinitely better.

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@y2jin99 Why are you being angry and defensive? Are people not allowed to dislike something? Besides, everyone here is allowed to express their opinion even if it's a negative one, there's no need for you to try to convince me how wrong I am. Plus, it wasn't based just on the pilot, so I don't see the point of your comment.

The comparison with Miranda is justified and expected since it's based on it, who cares if someone hasn't seen it. It's actually a good thing to compare the two because more people will hear about that amazing show and maybe give it a go. And even if I hadn't seen Miranda, I would have still stopped watching this one after 3rd episode (as I did) cause it's unfunny, cringey with some third-class acting. If you find it humorous, well, good for you. I hope there will be many more seasons for you to enjoy. Cheers!

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Killing Eve: 3x08 Are You Leading or Am I?

Reply by Ana

I don't get the negative comments on this season. Sure, it was a bit slow, not many things happened, but it was all about characters growth, especially Villanelle's, I mean, she now wants to break free, to stop with the killing and she was willing to let go of Eve, so Eve could have a normal life, far away from V's dark influence. And there's Eve, who embraced her dark side for a moment, but is scared of it and wants to escape it. So, from that aspect, the season is really good.
Of course there are other things that could've been better. Kenny's death and Niko's story were obviously used as plot devices to make Eve work on the case again and bring her and V together. "Who killed Kenny" part should've been handled better, it's just so unbelievable that he accidentally fell off the roof. But all in all, the season was still strong.
I loved the ending and I'm glad they both turned back and chose each other (at least that's how I understood that scene). So I'm looking forward to seeing what's next season will bring. Maybe they'll work together to bring down the 12, since Villanelle wanted to join MI6.
Anyway, fingers crossed that this gets renewed for S5 as well! :smile:

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@the_argentinian It was the best, but not the only good thing this season. I actually enjoyed the slower pace and them tackling the different types of relationships, familial, friendship, romantic. So, for me, it was a good season. If you didn't enjoy it, well what can I say... We all have different taste and opinions. :)

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Doctor Who: 12x06 Praxeus

Shout by onlime

What happened? Did I miss an episode? What happened to the other Doctor and to all the plot that's attached to that mystery?
Instead we get another episode that is more or less the same as Orphan-55 with some ridiculous monster connected to environmental issues and some blatant lecturing. If you really want to raise awareness on how humans are destroying earth please do it in a serious way and not like this. Otherwise even people who agree - like I do - will feel annoyed. The overall idea and concept of the story and the monster is totally fine, but the delivery ruined it.
In other news: Once more an episode full of diversity for diversity's sake, not because it makes any sense. Why are you suddenly so bad at this, BBC?

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@onlime You didn't miss an episode. This episode is continuation of the previous one. Fugitive of the Judoon ended with Doctor receiving three signals from three different parts of the world.

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Doctor Who: 12x05 Fugitive of the Judoon

JACK FUCKING HARKNESS!!! OH MY GOD, I MISSED HIM SO MUCH! Jack and Thirteen are the iconic chaotic duo we deserve! The cowards in the writers' room didn't let them meet cause they knew those two would be too powerful together. (Also, if they don't let them kiss, I'm suing).
Loved the callbacks to David Tennant's iconic "a Judoon platoon upon the moon" line.
I'll be honest, I'm not a fan of the new incarnation of the Doctor. Nothing against the actress, but she doesn't feel like the Doctor to me. Like, she's too put together? My Doctor is a clown with a single brain cell, so I don't vibe with this sophisticated version. The storyline looks interesting though. Has the Doctor lost her memory or is Ruth!Doctor from an alternate timeline/universe? How does the Timeless Child fit into this? And what was Jack talking about? So many questions. I hope the pay off is worth it.

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@aniela-krajewska I agree about the new doctor, there was something off about her - those martial arts skills, the use of weapons, plus she was way to serious. I don't know, maybe she wasn't the doctor at all.

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The 100: 6x05 The Gospel of Josephine

Reply by Ana

Shout by Ana

Things are getting crazier. Has Octavia's hand just aged? :open_mouth:

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@genetai Perhaps... But wouldn't Diyoza be affected then as well? Maybe they'll explain it in the next episode.

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The 100: 6x03 The Children of Gabriel

I'm really starting to hate Bellamy, leaving her in the woods all alone was cruel and he knows it's dangerous and she may die, they warned them. I'm tired of his unjustified anger. He sure quickly forgot how he drugged her knowing she might die and he didn't care. This is the third time he does that to her. He did worse things than O, he got Lincoln killed as well, but he has to be forgiven, right... Nice episode though.

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@niquarl Yes, he shows remorse from time to time, though he didn't mind killing Cooper at all in s5, plus he killed more people than O for nothing, so he's not the one to preach. But it's not just about that, it's about how he didn't even care enough to ask what happened in the bunker, he fails to see that his sister is mentally broken and that she needs help and support, instead he tries to get her killed multiple times. What kind of brother is that?! So I have no justification of his behavior towards O.

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The 100: 6x05 The Gospel of Josephine

Reply by Ana

Shout by Ana

Things are getting crazier. Has Octavia's hand just aged? :open_mouth:

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@tasa24 Yes, it looked exactly like that. The guy mentioned that the green light was temporal flare, so I guess that anomaly ages everything it comes in contact with. Though I'm a bit confused about how it could've affected her hand since she was completely immersed in the mud.

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Game of Thrones: 8x05 The Bells

Reply by Ana

Review by Ana
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-05-13T21:14:44Z— updated 2019-05-21T17:57:04Z

What the f*ck was this?!?! I've never been so pissed! Cersei is the one who is insane deviant psychopath, she is the one who's always been murdering innocents and yet they gave her this "heartbreaking" death, like I'm suppose to be sad for that bitch. She deserved much worse faith. And Dany!?! Dany has been nothing but kind, fair and good queen. She helped and saved people, she never ever hurt anyone who didn't deserve it. And now, all of a sudden, in less than 5 minutes they make her do something so out of character just to make her look mad! Why? Just to justify putting Jon on a throne! Because he's a man I guess?!? Jon who, let's face it, is an incapable ruler, he never did anything right and he would be dead a long time ago if it wasn't for other people saving his ass like Sansa, Arya and DANY, but somehow he gets all the credits, praise and promotions! I was rooting 7 season for her just to get this bullshit! F*ck this show and the writers! You managed to make the best show the worst show ever! I don't even care anymore about what happens in the last episode, they probably going to kill Dany so the dumb Jon could become a king. This show is dead to me.

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@smajl It's not a feminist rage, it was said in the previous episode that he should sit on the throne and be the ruler because he's the man. Said by Varys. Watch it again to see it, I didn't make this stuff up. Yes, he is man of honor and that's all he is. He brought people together, but all his battle plans went to hell, he has zero leader capabilities. He always says he doesn't want the title and yet he always gets it as a reward for other people's accomplishments. And they ruined Dany's character in the matter of minutes for his sake. It's shitty writing and it's disrespectful to her character.

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The 100: 5x04 Pandora's Box

Is Abby supposed to be a junkie now?? Cause Kane told her to stop taking the pills... And what's going on with his hair, it's ridiculous, I can't take the guy seriously...
The Bellamy/Octavia and Clarke/Abby reunions were really emotional, I teared up a little.
Also the friendship that's going on between Raven and Murphy is kinda cute, I am all for it!

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@juiletburked Yes, Abby is ill and since Raven went to space and couldn't help her, she needed to take medications of some sort. But now the more I think about it, she's been taking the pills for six years, would it really be such a surprise that she got addicted to them... Plus, Kane told her not to take them anymore, the actual lines were these, I quote:
Kane: Promise me you'll stop taking the pills.
Abby: I will. I promise.
So I think she was medically dependent on them at first, but now she's chemically dependent as well.

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The Expanse: 3x05 Triple Point

Great episode as always...But I've just read that the show got canceled, what the hell?!? They are out of their minds! This is the best sci-fi show on TV! There is a petition going on for Netflix to pick it up for s4, everyone should sign it! Hopefully they will find a new network.

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@abcscout Here's the link to petition

Yeah, Netflix didn't want to buy the rghts, so they should be negotiating with Amazon now. We'll see how the things will turn out. I still can't believe SyFy chose to end it. I guess there's no point in investing time in their shows cause they are prone to canceling them, did the same with Dark Matter.

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How to Get Away with Murder: 3x15 Wes

Reply by Ana

I always had that feeling.
Man, she's gonna be more pissed when she founds out!
Oliver proposed!! OMG!! SAY YES Connor!
Michaela said it back to Asher!!
I can't wait for the new season.

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@messtix You got it wrong, Wes is not Annalise's son, he's Charles Mahoney's and Rose Edmond's son. It's been said in this episode. At the end Annalise just said she felt as if Wes was her son. She loves him that way.

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