


The 100: 5x10 The Warriors Will

Yes Clarke, do break the jar that holds deadly worms cause it's a smart move...

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Grey's Anatomy: 14x20 Judgment Day

It's so refreshing to be laughing at Grey's instead of crying. That part where Maggie talked about different types of cheese really cracked me up.

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Grey's Anatomy: 14x14 Games People Play

Why do they keep pushing for that Jackson/Maggie thing... It's wrong and they also have zero chemistry. He belongs with April and I hoped they would end up together in the end, but now that Sarah is leaving the show, it's never gonna happen...

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 6x20 His Way

I was grinning during the whole episode. Odo and Kira are absolutely adorable.

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Killing Eve: 4x01 Just Dunk Me

Good first episode of this (unfortunately) final season. I do have one criticism though, Eve's love/hate attitude towards Villanel is getting old. She shouldn't be so much angry with her anymore especially given how the last session ended. The sooner they stop recycling that plot and get them working together the better. The sad thing is that we won't see much of it since there won't be S5.

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Killing Eve: 3x03 Meetings Have Biscuits

Shout by Ana

Villanelle's facial expressions at the toy store with all that children are the same ones I make when I'm surrounded by little kids lol :joy:
This episode was pure gold. The scene in the bus caught me unprepared, at first I thought Eve was hallucinating, but the fighting reassured me and then everything happened so fast. Villanelle's "smell me" had me burst into laughter and the next second there's pure shock. I honestly didn't expect the kiss to happen so early in the season or in this season at all. And then that head-butt, so much was going on at once :smile: Clearly Eve is way more obsessed with V than I thought.
The waiting for the next episode is killing me. :)

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Modern Family: 11x18 Finale (2)

Shout by Ana

I will miss this show so much! Farewell Modern Family!

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The Big Bang Theory: 12x24 Unraveling the Mystery: A Big Bang Farewell

And this is how you end a TV show! I was so glad to see Leonard and Penny finally starting a family together and Sheldon acknowledging all of his friends, the speech he gave teared me up. And Amy, oh boy, what a makeover, she was gorgeous. I only wish they didn't leave Raj's story unfinished, the whole arranged marriage storyline was there for no reason and he really deserved to be happy and in love. But overall, it was such an emotional, heartfelt farewell.
Thank you TBBT for all the laughs you gave me these last 12 years! I will miss you!

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Killing Eve: 1x08 God, I'm Tired

Shout by Ana

As great as this episode was I feel like it lacked something for it to be a season finale. It didn't actually answer any of the questions, it just went back to the start with Eve chasing Villanelle once again... Except that she's probably gonna want to kill Eve now, so one thing was set in motion, I guess...
And I think Eve is a bit crazy as well... Why put on an act just so she could stab her... She had a gun, she could've just shot her...

It was really entertaining first season though and I'm looking forward to s2. It's going to be a long wait...

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Dead to Me: 3x10 We've Reached the End

So this is another show that can be added to the list "Started great, but ended poorly". I'm really disappointed with this season. The resolution with Judy makes no sense. Where did she go? Is her body just floating somewhere in the middle of the sea? That's just too dark and horrible. And the ending scene is stupid. This affected the quality of the show as a whole. I don't think I can recommend it to anyone now. They obviously didn't have any idea what to do with the plot, it's good it ended.

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Doctor Who: Special 210 The Power of the Doctor

I said it before, and I'll say it again, Jodie absolutely deserved one more season. Her time on DW was cut short by reducing the number of the episodes and it's unfair. But, at least they gave her a heartfelt finale. That regeneration scene really hit me hard. I'm sad to see her leave, but still excited for Tennant.
Farewell Thirteen, I will miss you dearly.

P.S. Why did the new Doctor regenerate into new clothes? That was so odd.

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The 100: 7x15 The Dying of the Light

Was it really necessary to take her daughter away from her?? She already lost every single person she ever loved and now Madi... This is just over the top... Perhaps she'll recover somehow cause it really made no sense that they left her all by herself.

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Psych: The Movie

Man, I forgot how much I love this gang! Seeing them all and hearing that intro again really put a big smile on my face. I do wish we had gotten to see more of Lassiter, but due to his health issues it's understandable he didn't have a lot of screen time. Other than that, the movie was everything I expected it to be, fun and full of Shawn and Gus' silly things that made me laugh throughout the film! And now I'm gonna wait patiently for them to announce they are coming back for more seasons! Oh wishful thinking!

P.S. On the side note, I think Zachary was miscast for the role, he just cannot pull off being blonde nor that bad boy style.

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The Expanse: 3x01 Fight or Flight

This should have been made into 2 hour premiere, but either way I loved it. I'm happy that Avasarala and my favorite Martian (Bobbie) are finally back!

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Doctor Who: 9x10 Face the Raven

Clara, noooo! That silent scream really hit me hard... Why did she have to die like this.. Wish they had found a way to keep her alive cause her story deserves a much better ending...

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This little gem is a must see for everyone who likes great detective dramas with twist and turns that will keep you wondering who did it till the very end. The writing and the cast (especially Tennant and Colman) are absolutely brilliant. And the filming is not only superb but its location and beautiful landscapes are also perfectly chosen to fit the atmosphere of the show. The one and only downside is that it doesn't have more seasons. I'll really miss Broadchurch.

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Doctor Who: 7x05 The Angels Take Manhattan

I accidentally read spoilers, so I knew this was going to happen, but I still wasn't ready for it.. It hurts my soul...

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Doctor Who: Special 3 The Giggle

For the 60th anniversary specials, these episodes were very weak. The only highlight in this one was Neil Patrick Harris. That man is absolutely amazing in everything!
The bi-generation is so stupid and feels like a recycled idea; the only difference is that it actually makes sense in Journey's End, but here is just plain idiotic. Now there are two Doctors and two Tardis as well. If Chibnall pulled this stunt with 13 along with changing The Doctor's trademark which is the sonic screwdriver, everyone would slam him quite vigorously. And of course, the resolution of the problem with Toymaker was underwhelming, the myth of the bi-generation was not explained and neither was the sudden use of the word "mavity" in the previous episode. I was never a big fan of Russell to begin with, but for me, he really blew it again with this whole bi-generation thing. As for the new Doctor, it's still too early to tell, but I hope we'll get better episodes.

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 6x07 You Are Cordially Invited

Worf is so irritating in DS9. So self-centered and rude. Quark was absolutely right, Dax is just way too good for him.

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Killing Eve: 4x08 Hello, Losers

This feels like GOT all over again. Abysmal ending of the horrible season. We don't get to know who the twelve are, we don't get to know who ordered Kenny's murder, the twelve got wiped out in less than 2 minutes, Carolyn turned out to be a villain. What a joke. The show had so much potential, it started amazing then it crashed and burned. Whoever wrote this season should never touch any script ever again.
I haven't read the books, but I'm guessing they are better than this garbage.

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Dead to Me: 2x06 You Don't Have To

That ending made me die laughing. :joy::joy::joy: I love these little twists.

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Why Women Kill

Shout by Ana

I found the first three episodes to be bad, it really isn't to my liking to watch for 50 minutes who's gonna sleep with whom. They went a bit overboard there especially in the 2019 story. I thought of quitting, but I'm glad I sticked with it, because after episode 3 the show picks up the pace, they stopped focusing on hookups and focused more on the story and I started to enjoy every second of this. The plot turned out to be really good, the one from the '60s is the best in my opinion. Casting is great as well as directing, particularly in the last episode. So what started disappointing, ended as one of the better shows I've seen lately, therefore I can only recommend it.
8/10 from me.

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The Expanse: 4x01 New Terra

Shout by Ana

Strong start of the season! Can't wait to binge the rest!

And lovely to see that Cara Gee was promoted to series regular.

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The 100: 6x11 Ashes to Ashes

Bellamy is such a bastard to O. Whenever he speaks to her my blood pressure goes up. And what a hypocrite he still is, willing to sacrifice innocent people so he could save his own, but resenting O for doing the same thing. I know I always b*tch about him, but man, he is so annoying.

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The 100: 6x05 The Gospel of Josephine

Shout by Ana

Things are getting crazier. Has Octavia's hand just aged? :open_mouth:

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Charmed: 1x01 Pilot

The acting is much, much weaker than in the original, cgi was over the top and the demon kind of resembled the white walkers from GOT, it was laughable. I also did not like that "advisor to witches" (what's up with that btw) and how they got rid of orbing. But, Charmed was one of my favorite shows growing up, so I'll give this reboot a chance. Hopefully it will improve and get an interesting storyline. The ending of this episode did kinda make me want to check out the next one.

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Grey's Anatomy: 14x24 All of Me

I am so sad to see April and Arizona gone but at least they gave them a happy ending which is a rare thing for Grey's.
And Sara Ramírez's version of The Story playing during the weddings was perfect and beautiful!

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Grey's Anatomy: 14x23 Cold as Ice

The episode was all tears and pain, but come on she got back with the guy she left at the altar...really??? I am disappointed with that plot because it kind of ruins the great love story that was Japril.

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The 100: Season 5

Shout by Ana

I am so ready for all the emotional turmoil of season 5! Fingers crossed that Raven, Octavia and Murphy survive!

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Killing Eve: 1x01 Nice Face

Great start, I'm already hooked! And it's so nice to have Sandra Oh back on my screen!

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