Aniela Krajewska



Loki: 2x04 Heart of the TVA

Dare I say… best episode of Loki yet? Definitely the best this season. Everything about it was PERFECT.

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Loki: 2x02 Breaking Brad

Loki: so how should I approach Sylvie, the woman I have feelings for and just tortured a guy to find
Also Loki: ah yes, showing up in full TVA gear with a prisoner in a jumpsuit like the one she was forced to wear as a child and immediately yammering about the TVA and how I saw her there in the future even though I know full well it's the organization that ruined her life and she hates it deeply will surely do the trick. it's not like it's gonna set a totally wrong tone for this reunion I've been laser focused on since the moment she pushed me through the time door. 10/10 zero flaws in that plan.

Bro really needs to get some game QUICK like I understand he's never been in love before but what the hell was that :sneezing_face:

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Criminal Minds: 6x02 JJ

This episode is so funny when you remember the network literally fired AJ Cook to save a buck on production costs and it backfired so spectacularly that they brought her back a season later. And they tried to make this episode all sad about JJ leaving but like… y’all did that lmfao that’s on you

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The Sandman: 1x03 Dream a Little Dream of Me

I’ve only had Johanna Constantine for 40 minutes but if anything happens to her I’ll kill everyone in this room and then myself

So nice to have Jenna Coleman back on my screen again. This was my favorite episode so far.

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Stranger Things: 4x08 Chapter Eight: Papa

Pride month ended yesterday and Stranger Things really said let’s make our gay characters suffer lmao

Also so glad Brenner is dead, that bitch really had it coming

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First Kill: 1x01 First Kiss

This was a pretty bad first episode, but it was so cringy that I'm actually lowkey obsessed lol. There didn't need to be that much voiceover exposition and I HATE the trend of putting pop music in every single scene, like please just hire a composer instead of using your gen Z intern's Spotify playlist. I'm also not totally sold on the chemistry between the two leads. All that being said, if you are looking for a show to watch with your 13-year-old sister while you eat pizza and make snarky comments about the story, it's definitely a good choice.

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Doctor Who: Special 209 Legend of the Sea Devils

Chibnall is a hit-and-miss storyteller, but I am going to give him some brownie points for not shying away from Yaz falling in love with Thirteen and vice versa. I never in a million years expected it to actually happen, so the last couple of specials were a pleasant surprise. I really liked the scene on the beach (callback to TenRose?). It felt very Broadchurch-y to me, which is a good thing.

That "coming soon" preview at the end of the episode really hit me in the feels. Perhaps I'm in the minority (but then again, my favorite Doctor/companion duo is Twelve and Clara, so maybe I'm just cursed to always have unpopular opinions when it comes to this show), but I will miss Jodie dearly. I really love her Doctor. I'm sure I'll like whoever replaces her, but I expect there will be lots of ugly crying on my part when it's time to say goodbye to her.

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Killing Eve: 4x08 Hello, Losers

Can't believe this episode ended with them hugging and absolutely nothing else happened after that.

In all seriousness, I thought we as a society were over killing sapphic characters for shock value, but I guess not. What a disappointing conclusion to a horrible season. Phoebe Waller-Bridge created such a fantastic show and Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer consistently knocked their performances out of the park, and for what? Season 2 was already a letdown, but after that the show just became a parody of itself and it was clear the new showrunners had no idea what to do with these characters. The last 3 minutes of this ep were pure clownery. How groundbreaking to kill off one of the leads and leave the other in anguish. I hope Laura Neal doesn't cut herself on all that edge.

I guess at least Sandra got a Golden Globe, Jodie got an Emmy, and they got to dive tongue first into each other's mouths. Good for them. I hope their next projects treat them better.

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Bridgerton: 2x08 The Viscount Who Loved Me

I loved this season so much. The chemistry between the two leads was off the charts and the yearning nearly killed me. Kate and Anthony have me in a chokehold.

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Bridgerton: 2x07 Harmony

How did that sex scene manage to be less graphic yet so much hotter than the ones between Simon and Daphne? Anthony and Kate truly outsold

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Bridgerton: 2x03 A Bee in Your Bonnet

Anthony and Kate have electric chemistry, hot damn

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Downton Abbey: 5x05 Episode 5

I can't feel any sympathy for Edith when she's basically uprooting Marigold's entire life at whim. First she ripped her from a family in Switzerland that presumably loved her like their own child, now she's constantly harassing the Drewes and planning to take the child away from them too because they're (rightfully) setting boundaries. She seems to have no consideration for her daughter's wellbeing or the feelings of her caretakers. Being tossed from place to place can't be good for a child, especially one this young. But of course Edith only cares about herself and what she wants, and I guess Mrs Drewe is a bad guy for standing in the way of that, even though she's the one who actually cares about what's best for Marigold.

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Downton Abbey: 2x02 Episode 2

Shout by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParent2022-03-13T22:27:49Z— updated 2022-03-24T14:34:42Z

So I'm supposed to feel bad for Edith because she won't be able to sneak around with a married man anymore? And to think she had the audacity to call Mary a slut for what happened with Pamuk...

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The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window: 1x08 Episode 8

My roommate and I binged this in one sitting, and on episode 3 I turned to him and said that I was sure the kid did it. Three dead women in her life? That's not a coincidence, and the father seemed too obvious. No one ever suspects a cute kid. He didn't believe me, so I was very happy to rub it in his face when it turned out I was right.

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New Amsterdam: 4x12 The Crossover

Shout by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParent2022-01-12T15:47:11Z— updated 2022-01-24T14:32:21Z

So Lauren really wore a nasty unwashed jersey to the operating room huh

Also can’t wait for Max’s ass to get arrested for performing invasive medical procedures in an alley

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A Discovery of Witches: 3x04 Episode 4

Shout by Aniela Krajewska

I loved the birth scene. I bet Teresa Palmer had a lot of input into how it was filmed (she's a mom of four and she creates a lot of content devoted to pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood - she's even written a book). It felt powerful and raw in a way not many birth scenes do.

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Titans: 3x13 Purple Rain

So I guess that's it for Barbara and possibly for Donna as well (although the latter might still return in some capacity). Shame, I really like both of them. Especially Barbara has really been a standout character this season.

Also love the recurring theme of Dick being a total dad and constantly getting new modes of transportation that can accommodate his ever-growing bunch of superpowered children.

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Leverage: Redemption: 1x16 The Harry Wilson Job (2)

Please let there be a season 2. This revival is so much fun. Also anyone who says that Gina Bellman is too old to be the Grifter anymore is a coward. That scene where Sophie was explaining the heist to Bligh was hot as fuck. I actually think she has never looked better, not even on the original show.

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Titans: 3x09 Souls

Man, Teagan Croft looks so grown up all of a sudden. I almost didn't recognize her at first.

I'm glad Donna and Rachel are finally back. Can't wait for them to rejoin the team. Donna, Rachel, Starfire and Barbara all together on one screen will be epic.

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Sex Education: 3x07 Episode 7

My two best girls making up and going on a road trip together was everything. And Erin finally decided to do the right thing for once in her life. I'm glad Elsie is safe and sound.

As soon as the open day at the school started, I knew we were in for something hilarious. The video didn't disappoint. Hope and Ruby getting into a cat fight was a thing of beauty. And Cal falling from the ceiling was the icing on the cake.

If someone had told me last season that I'd be rooting for Michael Groff, I wouldn't have believed them. I love his storyline. Why did they have to throw the salad on the floor though? Such a waste.

The final scene was absolutely perfect. The show has been building up to it since episode 1 and it was everything I wanted it to be. I need to know what happened with Jean though.

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Sex Education: 3x06 Episode 6

What is up with teen dramas and cheating? First Maeve, now Eric. Also the fact that a 17 year old went gallivanting around a strange city with an adult he just met is messed up. I know they didn't hook up, but the fact that the show made us think for a minute there that they did is gross. Like, sir, that is a literal minor, please go to jail.

The headmistress is evil evil. What she did to Adam, Lily and Cal was horrible. The students need to riot right now and get her removed.

Loved the simple moment of Adam's dad recreating the joy he felt cooking with his mom as a child. Very touching scene.

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Sex Education: 3x05 Episode 5

I know the teachers are supposed to be a little bit incompetent for comedic purposes, but how do you mistake two whole ass adults for a couple of teenagers? And what were those German tourists doing getting on a strange bus anyway?

I'm amused that Emma Mackey, a native French speaker, had to pretend she didn't know a lick of French in this episode.

The Kiss finally happened and when I tell you I screamed... But, of course, it's a shame that Maeve basically cheated on Isaac. That kind of ruined the moment a little bit.

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Sex Education: 3x04 Episode 4

The award for the most unexpectedly sweet moment of the season goes to Olivia and Anwar rushing to Ruby's side when she was hurting. Their friendship sometimes seems really superficial, but they truly do care about each other. I love that.

I'm still not on board with Maeve and Isaac, but I liked that their scene together showed a different kind of intimacy. It wasn't the usual graphic sex stuff, and it felt appropriate for the moment and for the characters.

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Sex Education: 3x03 Episode 3

The double date was so fun. It started off super awkward, but Adam unexpectedly giving Otis great advice regarding Ola and finding common ground with Ruby over the Kardashians of all things was really heartwarming to watch.

The headmistress offering to help fund Maeve's trip to America has earned her a tiny bit of good will. Maeve deserves so much after all that she's been through. The show really wants me to get on the Erin forgiveness train, but it's not happening. The way she's treated Maeve is too awful to get past IMO. You don't owe people second chances just because you're related to them.

The last scene was heartbreaking. It must've been so hard for Ruby to open up to Otis and let him see past the facade and when he didn't say I love you back you could see her heart shatter. I know he shouldn't say it if he's not sure or not ready, but still, I felt so bad for her.

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Sex Education: 3x02 Episode 2

Well, looks like this show subverted my expectations yet again. I was sure the Isaac thing was gonna be dragged out till the last possible moment. I'm pleasantly surprised.

In other news, Maeve's mom is still the worst, the headmistress has made the fastest change from hero to villain I've ever seen, Maeve and Aimee's friendship is everything to me, Adam's character development is great (I love that he's finding ways to change his harmful patterns of behavior, we stan) and Otis and Ruby might just be the first time I actually ship the couple that's in the way of another couple I'm rooting for.

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Sex Education: 3x01 Episode 1

Nothing like a sex montage to start off the new season.

Whoever gave Maeve that haircut needs to be shot. Someone really looked at the gorgeous Emma Mackey and thought it would be a good idea to give her these bangs. Disgraceful.

Even though I ship Maeve and Otis, he and Ruby are cute. Maeve and Isaac on the other hand are a big nope for me. I hope he stays firmly in the friend zone, but this show is a teen drama, so it could go either way at this point.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 8x09 The Last Day

This truly was the perfect goodbye indeed. Great mix of humor and emotion. Loved all the callbacks and the returning characters. I will miss this bunch of wackos and their shenanigans.

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Titans: 3x08 Home

I'm really enjoying season 3 so far. I'm actually paying attention to what's happening on screen instead of using the show as background noise while I scroll through my phone like I did for most of season 2. I wonder when Rachel (and hopefully Donna) are coming back. We haven't seen them in forever and I miss them. I do really like Barbara though. She's quickly becoming one of my favorite characters.

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Lucifer: 6x09 Goodbye, Lucifer

Lucifer taking the time to tell everyone how much he appreciates them is definitely one of the highlights of the season. The scene with Maze was sooo emotional. I started sobbing midway through it and had to pause the episode because I couldn't stop. I love their relationship so much and I'm glad Lucifer acknowledged that he hasn't always treated her great. That was a real sign of growth from him. Also setting up a foundation in Ella's name? Who's chopping onions in here?

I hate how they keep sidelining Trixie. She's Chloe's daughter and Rory's sister, and even if she can't know the full truth, she should've been included in the family beach outing. But I also can't be completely mad when Lauren German really looked like an absolute angel in that scene and Deckerstar were at their softest. Just like Rory, I want to keep the mental image of the two of them curled up on the sand, just enjoying each other. Plus, Trixie got her absolutely heart-wrenching scene with Dan, so I suppose it all worked out. The fact that he needed that conversation to get into Heaven was so sweet.

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Lucifer: 6x08 Save the Devil, Save the World

Loved the Ella angst in this episode. I'm glad she called everyone out on keeping the truth from her. Aimee Garcia rarely gets this kind of material, but she handled it amazingly.

Some of the scenes from Linda's book were really funny. And the Deckerstar montages (especially the last one) made me tear up. They've been through so much together and I've forgotten some of it, so it was nice to have a reminder.

Also, what was up with Linda apparently hooking up with some guy from the wedding? Did she break up with Amenadiel and I didn't notice?

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