Tim Lee


Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


Reply by Tim Lee

I wished this was better. It wasn't. First elephant in the room, make up/prosthetics on Sofia were terrible. She was never going to look like Griselda. Why this weird botched middle ground? I don't know how that got approved. Story pacing was so so. It felt as if we were stop and start racing through plot points. Spending too much time on unimportant or uninteresting segments only to breeze by more intriguing moments. I wish we would have gotten a bit more time with Griselda on top of the world before the inevitable collapse and her murder. I liked where and how it ended, but it missed on a lot of the bigger story points. Writing was ok. I did enjoy the fashion, music, and hair. Really fun exposure to the culture of Latinos and Miami in this moment of time. I though Sofia did well, but not spectacularly. Her inspirational/rousing speeches fell flat or just felt like her screaming her dialogue instead of actually inspiring. She did well playing off her male leads though. Overall, if you like Sofia you'll like this. If you don't, move on past this series.

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I don’t like Sofia, but I like this series, the pacing of the series is extremely gripping and they constantly kept things moving at a really fast pace.

I got bored with the narcos series and was expecting more of the same with Griselda, but this series is far more interesting and I really don’t get these negative reactions. Apart from true detective, this is the best show on tv atm.

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Space: Above and Beyond: 1x01 Pilot

Reply by Tim Lee

It sucked me in! Likable characters, interesting plot, action and drama. Hope it stays good.

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Haha me too, it’s b grade as hell, but the story is well written, kind of like a mash up between starship troopers and the forever war

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