Loudermilk: Season 1

A fun introduction to the dysfunctional world of Sam Loudermilk. from start to finish this season plays back and forth with dark bleak comedy and seems like it's still getting its sea legs but it hits it out of the park

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What If...?: 2x06 What If... Kahhori Reshaped the World?

would of been an amazing episode BUT it was done purely in subtitles. Hopefully they give a "dub ed" option in the future so it can be sat back and enjoyed without having to read as well

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The show has a weird daily diary story telling method where at no point do you feel invested in the story because when you hear that DUN DUM you know it's onto the next day...........

and it's real "rapey" they come out and aggressively demonize sexual assault and the need for consent .......... then immediately pretend that sex with prisoners is consensual especially after they killed all your former friends and family.

but as far as reborn mechanics it's a solid show of its type

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Sasaki and Peeps: Season 1

Season 1's plot felt like an AI and a toddler told a story together. It was an interesting show with an "enjoyable" cast that felt like no one was around long enough to matter outside of A middle aged man, His pet bird and a fairly straightforward business plan in a world(s) that is constantly off the rails

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Absolute trash at its finest. They build the mythos that would exist in a fighting anime like DBZ or something like that with moves and techniques and consistently apply it throughout. after watching it sit at my head at a 7..........but it's one that constantly comes to mind so I came back and made it a 8

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