


Tomorrow: 1x06 A Soul Becomes a Star

I'm fine
Also, really, really into the Ryeon–Joong-Gil dynamic especially after finally seeing a softer side of him in this episode :eyes:

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Stranger Things: 4x04 Chapter Four: Dear Billy


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Abbott Elementary: 1x07 Art Teacher

LOL at Gregory with that side plot :joy:

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This Is Us: 5x04 Honestly

Such an ordinary episode, but has all the elements that made me fall in love with the show all the way back in episode 1.

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Business Proposal: 1x08 Episode 8

Kang Tae-Moo really be the child of Lee Young-joon and Kim Mi-so from What's Wrong With Secretary Kim, eeee

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Business Proposal: 1x07 Episode 7

All I wanted throughout the episode was punch Min-woo in the face whenever he appeared. The audacity! :unamused:

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Itaewon Class: 1x05 Episode 5

This show is killing me especially the found family of it all :sob:

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Business Proposal: 1x03 Episode 3

Okay, I'm actually into the plot twist this early on because hopefully it now gives them more time to get to really know each other eeee

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Business Proposal: 1x02 Episode 2

No thoughts, just archaeopteryx heeee. Okay but, Shin Ha-ri and Jin Young-seo's friendship is goals. Oh and I love the extra animations!

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Business Proposal: 1x01 Episode 1

The grandfather asking whether Kang Tae-moo and Cha Seong-hun are in a relationship and their responses aikslskd. Gotta love the queer positivity. Also, Shin Ha-ri as fake Jin Yeong-Seo is e v e r y t h i n g. I LOVE.

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Marvel's Daredevil: 1x11 The Path of the Righteous

Okay, I totally didn't see that coming fujgcl

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BoJack Horseman: 4x12 What Time Is It Right Now

LOL Todd, never stop with your business ideas. A pretty heartwarming ending to Bojack Horseman season, say what

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BoJack Horseman: 4x11 Time's Arrow

Well, this was depressing as hell

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The Flight Attendant: 1x06 After Dark

Miranda is so fucking unhinged, I have to say I love it LOL

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The Flight Attendant: 1x05 Other People's Houses

I love that the mystery keeps deepening but also, what the fuckkkkk

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BoJack Horseman: 4x03 Hooray! Todd Episode!

Todd is my fave especially after this episode and him finally accepting that he's asexual.

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BoJack Horseman: 2x10 Yes And

Noooo, I actually liked Wanda!

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Seinfeld: 9x24 The Finale (2)

Apparently, the ending is a controversial one but I think it's pretty fitting. (Nothing can beat HIMYM's ending anyway). They really never learned anything throughout the show's run so to have an ending being about their apparent comeuppance was almost inevitable. It wouldn't have been like them to have an emotional ending. I'm glad they actually did something with it, got some guest characters back, and how Jerry the show, again, went nowhere.

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Seinfeld: 9x18 The Frogger

I kinda found the whole $29K cake thing annoying since there was already that storyline about the $20K golf clubs that got destroyed (which just shows that Elaine didn't learn anything from it but ehh)

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Seinfeld: 9x14 The Strong Box

Kramer with the key was so great LOL

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Seinfeld: 9x11 The Dealership

George with the Twix was at his best ever yet LOL

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Seinfeld: 9x10 The Strike

That was fun about Kramer's job LOL. Also, George's family really couldn't be more abusive, yikes

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Seinfeld: 9x06 The Merv Griffin Show

Loved the talk show part, hated the drugged part

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Seinfeld: 8x18 The Nap

LOL Kramer stealing the show once again. However, George and the napping was fun to watch, too especially the redesign

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Seinfeld: 8x17 The English Patient

Finally, a side plot surrounding Jerry that I actually liked heee

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Seinfeld: 8x16 The Pothole

LOL another winner of an episode

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Seinfeld: 8x15 The Susie

The whole Susie thing cracked me up LOL. Also, Kramer breaking up with George on Alison's behalf jkjhg.

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Seinfeld: 8x08 The Chicken Roaster

George is so fucking annoying in this and also that Myanmar side plot was so ehhh

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Seinfeld: 8x06 The Fatigues

'It tastes like dirt.'
'Well, I also dropped it on the way over.'
Ahahaha amazing

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Seinfeld: 8x04 The Little Kicks

George as a ~bad boy and that ending, haa

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