


The Acolyte: 1x02 Revenge / Justice

So inclusive it's become a meme. "Hello fellow Millennials"

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The Acolyte: 1x01 Lost / Found

I really hope this show gets better, because episode 1 was a travesty. The script is so generic it hurts. My wife and I called every plot point before it happened. The acting is laughable, there was no conviction in anyone except Carrie Anne Moss. Dialogue was embarrassing. This was an absolute shitshow. Disney once again shows us the quickest way to the bottom.

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This is actually a sci fi hidden gem. It's surprisingly well acted. The plot is simple but the execution is really thoughtful. There's a lot of incidental world-building scenes and vignettes. Mention has to be made of the great soundtrack too, very hypnotic and considered.

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Invasion: Season 2

To the writers of the show, some free advice: when you are developing a character ask yourself this simple question: is this character an unlikeable insufferable prick that nobody wants to watch?

If your answer keeps coming up 'yes' then you are doing something wrong. Try writing compelling characters that have redeeming qualities. Hint: angsty idiot preteens aren't compelling.

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Zone 414

what a steaming pile of crap.

There was nothing to enjoy about this. From the opening scene it's obvious that Blade Runner was the influence. And it's not like they took subtle clues and vibes, it's literally Blade Runner made by a film student, only somehow they got millions of dollars in funding.

Look, Guy Peace is a great actor, I just think he takes movies with weak scripts because for some reason Hollywood doesn't like him. And this is the weakest of scripts. The characters are all caricatures: over-acted, no background, stereotypes. The visual language is literally "yo dawg that Blade Runner movie was sick, make my shit look like (snorts a huge line) that..."

And what the fu was going on with the makeup for Travis Flimmel? That was just embarrassing.

Not even the boobies could keep me interested in this travesty...
do yourself a favour a forget this movie exists.

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The Frisco Kid

this film is a study in things that aren't funny. Honestly it feels like the director tried to make a Mel Brooks film without involving Mel Brooks. You've got the cast, the story, the music, but none of it works.

I love Gene Wilder, and I love Harrison Ford, but even they couldn't save this dismal script. it's like an early draft of Blazing Saddles but shit.

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I'd be hard pressed to decide which is worse, this movie or Manos Hands of Fate.

Although acted earnestly by all involved, it's just an absolute dumpster fire of a movie. The story is very 90s, with all the tropes of early Virtual Reality, edgy techno music, cavernous club scenes, techno jargon and of course 1337 h4x0rszzz. It has not aged well.

Russell Crowe gives an interesting performance as the antagonist but his character is simply ridiculous, and feels like it was written by a 15 year old.

I couldn't finish the film, honestly I'd rather watch paint dry.

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The Virtuoso

Not a great movie but not terrible. Anson Mount is always a pleasure to watch. The script is not very inspired but it's acted well. The twist at the end is very predictable, overall a decent watch.

I would love to see a cut of the film without the narration, I feel like it cheapens the performances.

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Tedious and meandering. It has a good premise but ultimately fails to develop a strong connection to the main character. Half the movie is given over to weird things happening with lots of abstract visuals in the hotel room, lots of loud audio cues and self indulgent scenes of loss and grief. But since I didn't care for the protagonist it was simply boring. He's not likeable and doesn't have any redeeming qualities that we are shown: he's surly, sarcastic, misanthropic, and disingenuous.
Definitely not Cusack's best.

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Incredibly boring and drawn out. Poorly acted and a weak script. Takes far too much influence from I Am Mother and Ex Machina without exploring its own story. Everyone talking about the twist at the end making it an amazing movie, well I don't believe you should have to sleep through 90 minutes of tedious dialogue just for one interesting plot point.
Give this one a miss.

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