



This movie lacks of integrity. First part is consistent and believable while the second one looks rushed and unlikely because it's inconsistent with the first part.

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Red, White & Royal Blue

This is just a modern gay fairytale. That's it.

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There's Still Tomorrow

The tale of a small victory on the road to female empowerment.

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I feel like I lost two hours of my life!

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The Price of Family

Way better than expected! Hadn't great expectations, yet I spent some lovely 90 minutes watching it! Lots of love to Angela Finocchiaro and Fioretta Mari.

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More the Merrier

An ode to free love.

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The Royal Treatment

Just a modern adaptation of the classic Cinderella fairytale, except in this one Cinderella is an Italian hairdresser from New York.

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Selena Gomez: My Mind & Me
Life Like

I find Drew Van Acker basically my ideal man. I admit though he's not a great actor and the movies and shows he accepts are not good. This one is no exception.

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The Mystery of Marilyn Monroe: The Unheard Tapes

"We all need to get out of childhood in one piece but if nowhere along the line do you get that sort of reinforcement that you're worth love, you're lovable, that there's something in you, that we're a good person, what you end up with is a sort of emptiness".

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Your Name Engraved Herein

Such a delicate movie. Astounding.

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The Invisible Thread

Francesco Gheghi with long hair looks so much like Timothée Chalamet! Anyway the movie was nice, not perfect but it deals with such an important topic. Plus, it comes as something new in Italy, since this kind of themes are often ignored.

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Papi Chulo

For the first hour I thought this movie was just silly, then everything became clearer and I started to feel the pain and sorrow of the main character. Get past the first 60 minutes and you won't regret watching this movie.

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Almanya: Welcome to Germany

This was such a sweet movie

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The Wedding Do Over

The only good thing of this movie is Parker Young

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There's Something About Mario

Clearly, this movie took inspiration by "Loose Cannons", an Italian acclaimed film back in 2010. Except that the original was so much better.

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Shout by Astrix

Blasphemare absens fides. The dangers of the faithIess. It's the notion that nature abhors a vacuum,
even a spirituaI one. PeopIe who've Iost their beIiefs, they're Iike empty vesseIs, more susceptibIe to having their Iives
taken over by forces bigger than themseIves.

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At the End of the Day

The story wasn't that bad, but the acting... terrible! I understand this was made with a low budget and they probably didn't want to waste much time filming but it could have been definitely better!

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Edoné – Eva’s Syndrome

Tonight on Cielo Tv (Italy).

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Horizon Line

You can't ask anything better from a disaster movie! This isn't the best movie you'll watch in your life, it's just entertainment. Leave it at that.

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Get Him to the Greek

I expected this to be so much better because Jonah Hill always makes me laugh, yet it was just a 'meh' movie for me.

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Locked Down

Many comments about this are way too harsh! Not a masterpiece, but not that bad. I've seen worse.

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365 Days

The genre of this movie is softcore porn and that's how it should be judged, as well as comedies are different from dramas and so on.

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The Professor

Something's missing. Great acting by Johnny Depp but the story felt almost unreal. That kind of reaction by the professor and even more the way people around him react to his revelation (except Peter) is not what we'd expect and that could even have been ok if only we had
witnessed a thorough exploration of the characters I can't see here.

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The Tale

Pretty solid story although the overall quality of the movie is not what I expected it to be, considering the involvement of HBO in this. While I was watching it I asked myself if this wasn't a Lifetime production...
I think this could have been better, anyway the story that was told here is too important to be ignored and I'm grateful to this movie for that.

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The Current War

This movie deserved more recognition than it actually got.

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I don't think this was so bad as other people said... Sure not that bad like other recent reboots...

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Deadly Attraction

This is pure trash, beyond any imagination!

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Embarassing. This was just embarassing. Shame on me 'cause I wanted to watch it despite the many warnings I received.

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Double Jeopardy

22 years later, I must say that I remembered it better ... It hasn't stood the test of time.

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