Aubyn Gordon


Rosedale, NY

Homeland: 8x12 Prisoners of War

First off, many thanks to the cast, and production teams of Homeland. It's been a great ride! I will miss being put on the roller coaster you guys call "episodes" every week. Saul: I'm gonna miss watching you act, and hopefully you will be in your next project, I can't wait to watch. - Carrie: You are brilliant! I hate you for making me worry so much about you week to week! Great job. Thanks for doing your thing so well to stay in the game, and keeping Saul alive. You're a fabulous actress and I wish the series could've continued so you could show off how well you could do things from the other side. Thank you again the whole team and Showtime for giving us viewers one of the great shows to watch!!

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Clash of the Cover Bands

Shout by Aubyn Gordon

What a waste of my time! I couldve heard some people sing Karaoke better than some of these people performed! The contestants that really had any talent they did not lead them into the finale! I really hope that this show was cancelled!

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7x13 What We're Fighting For

I would like to tip my hat first off to the writers for the incredible emotional journey they have put many of us on. Every week is like watching a new Marvel movie, the costumes and acting make me wonder why the movie actors make so much. Thanks to the team of actors, directors, and whole staff off S.H.I.E.L.D. to pull us in every week. A very special thank you for pulling everything together in the end for us fans!

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Chicago Med: 5x15 I Will Do No Harm

I'm more ashamed that I watch this till the end. I will do no harm... What type of healthcare can force a doctor and nurse to treat a patient out on this middle of the street. Or what about the patient with the yellow eyes????

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Silicon Valley

Dumbest Series finale I've watched in a long time. And I really liked all the other seasons and episodes! They owe their fans an apology for such a ridiculous ending. … I wonder if they are going to take their awards back???

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