Robert Eiva


Melbourne, Victoria


A cartoon of a TV show. The comic tone of the show doesn't so much undermine the toxic ideology of white supremacy as in Jojo Rabbit but instead provide a simple, comfortable, palatable bad guy. The comedy, however weak, provides a cover for ignoring the complexity of the evil it touches.

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The spy drama is like a see-saw, where the advantage shifts from one side or the other, but there is no real sense of struggle when the balance shifts, and no sense that the victories are earned. Each complex challenge has an easy solution.

As for the personal drama, Hanna herself is also not a particularly compelling main character. I would have expected a greater sense of excitement (whether wonder or fear) when the girl who grew up in the wilderness finally rode her first vehicle, or saw her first TV or listened to her first mp3, but she mostly takes it all in stride. Hell, even as awkward as she is, she's still far too comfortable around other people given her extreme lack of interpersonal experience. There isn't a sense of how deeply this incredible background should have shaped her or the difficulty she should be facing in overcoming it.

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Doom Patrol
The Umbrella Academy
Warrior Nun

This show is basically a modern version of Buffy.

I feared it would be overly Christian but it wasn't. It's about as religious as you'd expect any TV show about Shaolin monks would be.

I enjoyed that it wasn't constantly focused on spectacle for the sake of spectacle and is solidly character-driven. I enjoyed how it took the time to explore the humanity of most of the characters (including villains) and there are moments you question whether certain characters are really going to develop into true antagonists.

The plot isn't always surprising, and not always perfectly executed (an example being where a demon just stands around holding an impaled Lilith while Ava decides to pick up a sword), but its characters are always thoroughly believable and the action is visually quite appealing.

This was a very pleasant surprise.

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The Spanish Princess

I find myself watching people bicker about the distinction between drizzle and rain with no hint of subtext or irony in a TV show ostensibly about politics.

This is a poor substitute for watching a better made show like The Crown.

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Killing Eve

The assassin just... loiters with a stupid smirk. Putting her fingerprints on everything. Waiting for someone to walk in on her assassination. She's bound to have been walking past numerous security cameras on her way in and out of these locations as well.

Her particular brand of psychopathy doesn't make her intimidating or intriguing. It just seems to make her bland and shallow and worst of all, inefficient.

Yes, there are people hiding some of the evidence for her, but that hardly serves her reputation as a master assassin. It's awfully convenient that her greatest achievements (such as killing a witness, two armed guards and a nurse silently in a hospital) all take place off screen.

Meanwhile, Eve is selected as the head of the taskforce not because she's collecting any of the ample amount of evidence being left behind by the assassin, but because she strings together theories based on gut feelings. You're telling me no ONE thought to check the hospital staff roster until Eve had an epiphany days later?

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Vinland Saga

I had high hopes for this series, but it was a bit of a let down.

It lacks grounding. The fights aren't really that exciting and rely on certain characters having superpowers that allow them to survive despite their stupidity. In fact, it's almost like they're powered by their stupidity. Like Thorkell, who fights for the sake of fighting and says he likes being on the "losing side" for a challenge.

The philosophy is broken. And the plot moves very, very slowly.

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If someone walks in on you watching this, then switch to some porn. It'll probably be less awkward.

Definitely a very ecchi story, but is there any substance hidden beneath the silly premise? Unfortunately not much. It's almost a parody when you hear a character pleading to learn the secret of the "Vacuum Butt Cannon" technique. Almost.

In the end it takes itself too seriously when it's being stupid, and not seriously enough when it has the chance to do some real storytelling.

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Recovery of an MMO Junkie

Cute idea, with a few funny moments, but oddly it seems to take itself a bit too seriously. Instead of a comedy, it ended up being more of a pervy shounen anime with a silly premise.

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That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

It's pretty fun in the beginning, and it's nice to see the humanising of all of these fantasy creatures, and Rimuru's absurd over-poweredness is more entertaining than you'd expect but later in the series (after the Orc Demon Lord) it seems to get distracted from the central plot and lose its sense of direction. After that, not much is really added by the end of the first season.

Hopefully the second season brings it back on track.

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Yona of the Dawn

Overall, I respect this show for what it is and the themes it presents. However, it has a more filler and exposition than I'd like to stretch out the core story. It is also quite immature and some of the character motivations are overly simplistic and boring.

Perhaps better for a young adult audience rather than myself.

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Good Omens

I'm a fan of Terry Pratchett's books, including this collaboration with Neil Gaiman. Unfortunately, this is yet another adaptation that demonstrates that Pratchett's talent for writing doesn't easily translate to the screen. They try their best -- yet again, by having a narrator read out key bits of exposition lifted from the book -- but no matter the talent involved here, the jokes just never land as potently as they did in the book. Key moments, like the decision to call his dog, "Dog" fail to earn a smirk from me. The scene of Crowley's plants shivering in fear is not only a distraction from the plot of the show, but it also feels like something out of a children's cartoon.

If you enjoy Terry Pratchett's work, then just read the book.

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The Rising of the Shield Hero
Please Like Me

I quite enjoy Josh Thomas's stand up and this series came to me highly recommended.

However, this show lacks the energy of a stand up routine so with long slow periods between jokes that aren't worth the wait. This is not a comedy. It is first and foremost a drama, but it's hard when there's no sense of direction. The story moments just seem to happen without appearing to fit within any story or character arcs.

For example, the series starts with the end of Josh's last heterosexual relationship. Is the story arc about how he finds a new relationship? Nope. Next story beat he gets a boyfriend. Is the story arc about how he (and the people around him) cope with the realisation that he's gay? Nope. A couple quick jokes and everyone (Josh included) immediately accepts his homosexuality. Every time it appears like an interesting arc is being set up, it immediately fizzles out.

It lost my interest half way through the first episode, and although I endured watching until the end of the second episode, I was not rewarded for my persistence.

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Maoyu: Archenemy & Hero

It has some interesting concepts, but the leading male is a bland, unlikeable character. And the leading female becomes unrelatable just because she is obsessed with him for no reason. It became unwatchable after a couple of episodes.

I also think it would have been more interesting is the "deal with the devil" premise came with some uncomfortable consequences that were actually meaningful, and not just the stupid, "virgin man is too shy to kiss a pretty woman he likes even though she is literally begging him to kiss her".

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The Heroic Legend of Arslan

It has some interesting concepts and in some ways it's great that it tries to take a complex view of themes such as slavery and religion and the part these play in war. However, in the end this seems to boil down to being a series of impactful and thematic moments that fit the themes, but the TV show doesn't do the work to fully justify those moments and weave them into the story. Many characters seem far too two-dimensional as a result.

A great example of this is Kharlan, who betrays Andragoras out of loyalty to the true heir Silver Mask. He burns Parsian villages and sell out his country to Lucitania, and risks his own title as a lord... For what benefit? Why is his loyalty to Silver Mask so important that he's willing to give up practically every other principle he has? In addition, why are his own soldiers so eager to follow him in this when he's kept his loyalties a secret from them too? These motivations are not explored in the TV series.

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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
The Rookie

Shout by Robert Eiva
BlockedParent2018-10-19T09:43:34Z— updated 2019-10-15T07:53:43Z

First of all, this is not a crime show. This is a slice of life drama that just happens to star a group of cops. The crimes don't matter. All that matters is the relationship between the team members and how they feel. That could be great if it's done well, but it's underwhelming here.

It appears they're trying to present an idealised idea of being a cop. Like the job is something out of an action movie where the cops are the heroes and their office is a kind of bootcamp, where superiors demean and bully their underlings (even in front of criminals).

At one point in the first episode, one supervisor (as a kind of twisted hazing ritual) deliberately sets his rookie up to be attacked by a drug dealer (lucky he didn't have a knife or something), and then stands and watches, smugly, while his rookie is receiving punches. Yet, by the end of the same episode I'm supposed to feel sympathetic for that supervisor? No, thank you.

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This TV show just seems to be about people meandering around acting miserable and awkward.

The world is meant to be a weird reflection on reality. But it has some ideas that were so goofball that I had to stop for a few moments to comprehend what was supposed to be happening on-screen. Like "Ad Buddy", which in this story is a way to pay for a service by having a real physical actor approach you and just read advertisements out to you one-on-one. The world-building (which seems to be the main focus of the first couple of episodes) is extremely shallow. The world really makes zero sense.

I like to imagine this show is going somewhere but I'm already bored and I've checked out.

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Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

It's just hard to tell if the creators of this show have ever seen a TMNT TV show or movie before. Every single character presented in this new show are so different from their previous characterisations that it makes you wonder why they choose to call it Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. (In this version, everyone is characterised as an over-eager, snarking buffoon.)

If you can forget that these are supposed to be the ninja turtles, then maybe you'll be able to find something to like about it.

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Gurren Lagann

In many ways, it's a very inspired TV show that pushes pushes you to be the best you can be with great characters and a great story .

The transition into the second half when it begins the second arc is a bit jarring and a bit of a drag at first, but it leads into some of the best moments of the series.

I really feel this has been let down by the lecherousness of its creators. Overall, the adult content is probably worthy of nothing more than a PG rating, and I'd be comfortable with explicit content if it were handled well. Instead, sexuality is treated extremely immaturely with Simon's face constantly inadvertantly finding its way into cleavage and it's just an annoying distraction from the otherwise great story.

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