Azazel Deucalion


Seattle, Washington

About Me

Ok let's see, I would think I'm what you would consider a lone wolf. I enjoy my own company lol not sure how that happened but it's true. Although it does get a bit complicated when you in that grown up kind of mood and need to merge, fuse, connect, become one (what ever they are calling it now days) with another. Any way I'm a proud Canadian 62ish half black other half navajo. I can assure you I'm not the stereotype black dude. Don't know why that's relevant but anyway I love having fun. Bowling is awesome, laser tag is the best although paint balling is kind of addictive. I play ping pong and always at the movies. No girl friend not many friends besides my left and right hands oh and my little thunder buddy I was born with that identifies me as part of the male species. So say wat up, hi, hello, how ever you greet someone if you wanted to associate with them and I'll most certainly greet you back. Canadians are peace keepers and love to be curious but for some unfortunate reason we have no filter on the whole beneath our nose so if I say something surprising believe me I'll be surprised just as much cause I tend to not think before I speak. Drama, stress, depressed and angry free. Why do serious no no no why never serious is me.

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Shows — 47d 1h 14m
(1,992 eps)

Movies — 13d 15h 16m
(161 movies)
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