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BNA: Brand New Animal

I didn't really know much about it, and didn't watch too many furry animes either. I think I actually foncused it with Beastars, and didn't know the difference between both.I actually thought both might be even related and one the successor to the other, or a spin-off

Back to BNA: It is likely less brutal than Beastars, overall pretty mild, family friendly, and maybe the biggest thing for it is just charming, and a huge adventure with an equally charming as well as clumsy and adorkable main character. It is about getting amazed over and over by this awesome world and creatures! And they are all so cute and adorkable!!

Yet, surprisingly, despite being so adventurous and light-hearted, it manages to maintain a thrilling story which wants you to watch the next episode to unravel some secrets.

Be Like: The Cat Returns, A Whisker Away (maybe, still unwatched), Whisper of the Heart (maybe, still unwatched), Beastars (maybe, still unwatched), some western adventure-fairytales

Rating: 10/10, I loved it!

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B: The Beginning

First off, I watched this with German dub mostly, and while it wasn't terrible, the English one is way superior, and the German...maybe pretty dull. Watch it in English.

The killer B, who is murdering horrible criminals. Actually, he isn't as much as the protagonist as Keith is.

Maybe it was for the German dub, as Keith is way more badass in English voice, but this really took some time for me to kick off. It is all about the climax and ending building up and honestly, in the process - it feels like eventually it was inventing way more concepts for it than necessary. Some parts of the plot were confusing like the whole black wing king something which I felt was never properly explained.

Be like: Hellsing OVAs (less bloody, but all about the climax and ending building up), Darker than Black (same, plus maybe somewhat more similar setting)

Rating: 8/10

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My Little Pony: Make Your Mark

Just watched it, and it is actually quite good. Don't get scared off by the kinda low rankin: It is probably either from My Little Pony haters - or the Friendship is Magic purists. Obviously, this IS a subjective rating - as all are - but the show is indeed pretty good.

The major change is probably that the story is constantly progressing through the episodes and episodes are not almost entirely closed within their own as they were in FiM.
I have to admit, it is a tad bit hard to figure out in which order they are to watch if you are not familiar:
1. The Movie: MLP - A New Generation
After that, the current 3 chapters - luckily, Netflix have sorted these automatically:

  1. Ch1: The special introducing the show - 45 mins
  2. Ch2: 8 episodes x20 mins
  3. Ch3: Another special, 45 mins.

Additionally, it is accompanied by the Tell your Tale series on youtube, which seems to consist of 5 minutes shorts, referencing to the series, but I haven't watched it yet. I didn't feel I was missing any story elements not watching it.

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Hero Mask

It is not horrible, but kind of absolutely average. It feels this could have been easily 8 instead of 24 episodes, it feels make episodes are not contributing much long term. Watchable, but not too exciting.

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Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation
Tiger & Bunny

This is basically a pretty much super average super hero anime.
That could be enjoyable.
But it wasn't for me. The issues are characters that you can't relate to, that you don't care about. The protagonist is basically a All Might (from MHA) value-wise, but he is actually pretty much a looser and a jerk at the same time. He is like the most unskilled of all the heroes available, is super annoying and just a prick other times, trying to play being more important than he is.

Else, the plot is evolving so super slow, the presentation isn't exciting or providing tension either. It just felt like "let's get over with this".

Rating: 5/10. This might seem very, very harsh on this, but I dropped after 7 episodes wasted of my lifetime. And I tried; i switched between English and German dub even, not making a difference. It just felt...doll, monotonous and boring.

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Yu Yu Hakusho

I think this is about the Golden Seal, not Poltergeist report. The former is kinda average.

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Steins;Gate 0

Steins; Gate 0

Obviously the successor from S;G, so there isn't too much to say about the plot. It follows an alternative world line in which Okabe fails to rescue someone, and leads to the events of the very last S;G episode and makes it happen.

I felt you need to pay way less attention than in S;G, and roughly only the last quarter is like the second half from S;G. Those who have watched will understand.

Rating: 10/10, still Steins;Gate

I rec watching S;G first, obviously.

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I would have to actually rewatch the start of the series again, and still missing season 3 (?).

There are action scenes in there for sure, but I think the thriller and mystery part plays a higher role.

Unlike Black Lagoon, while the different arcs seem to be pretty loose at first, they are in a way connected more to the main plot.

I think I would have wished a bit more for a streamlined and connected plot, with some twisting questioning appearing later having happened earlier on to keep you

At the end of the series (?), episode 25, there is still not revealed what these gates are and where they are coming from in the first place.

Rating: 9/10

Like: lagoon (with mystery elements and plot twists?), Black Bullet

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Akame ga Kill!

Akame Ga Kill

I am in the mid of it, and I am deeply impressed. It started a tiny bit slow, but not too much. It is quickly escalating to some extreme scenes. It is about a assassination group killing corrupts in a government city, supporting rebels to overthrow a corrupt government.

The characters are pretty extreme, fleshed out, interesting and come with backgrounds, they don't feel like they are thrown in lovelessly.

There is an openly gay character, a possibly hinting lesbian and trans character, but unlike most animes, I like that they are merely making it one attribute of the characters, instead of the defining one. That guy dude is a bastard of a fighter and is surely remembered by the audience for that and his motivational words!

It is also pretty brutal, for that matter. Albeit so far, still miles away from the likes of Hellsing Ultimate.

Familiar to: Hunter X Hunter, Black Bullet, Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood

Rating: 10/10

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The Asterisk War: The Academy City on the Water
God Eater

God Eater

Think of a more futuristic and based of the real world Attack on Titan with high-tech gear. Somehow felt a bit similar to Black Bullet, too.

At least I ended up binge-watching this, unlike Black Butler which was more a pain than enjoyment. Plot seemed to be consistent, enough plot twists to not get boring and was pretty exciting overall.

I think people could claim it was a bit cliché - Typical 12/13 ep anime with a protagonist becoming more and more powerful. It was done well, however.

There were many characters you would get the impression of just being there as a part of the team, but later on, solid backstories are revealed.

Also, at the end of each episode, a tiny bit of backstory is slowly revealed how the monsters came into existence.

Rating: 9/10

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Opinion: It stroke me initially as an over-average run of the mill action anime, and this was mostly staying. I think Season 2 got better, especially the second half. I think the anime should have started way earlier with putting questions into the viewer, that makes you want to watch all the episodes.

Rating: 7

Rating season 2: 8.5

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Black Butler
Angel Beats!

AngelBeats (netflix)

This was weird all along. Some fighting, pretty weird humour and often over-the-top. It got pretty good rating, but wasn't my cup of tea. Somehow some kind of highschool musical drama I suppose?

The visuals have been stunning, maybe too stunning. I didn't feel much anticipation and excitement for the next episodes, and there is barely tension, overall pretty lighthearted.

Rating: 5/10

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Black Lagoon
Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045

I stopped after looking at it for 5 mins. WTF is this.
The animation literally looks like it was done with the Source Film Maker. So badly animated, i couldn't take it.

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Black Lagoon

Please watch the English and not the German dub.

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Great Pretender
No Game No Life

I am a bit foncused because I am pretty sure I watched this on netflix recently but it isn't listed here. if you want to watch this, check out whether it is online there!

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Yu Yu Hakusho
Angels of Death

You need to be able to take quite some brutality.
While I think they could have easily ejected some story scenarios, and there were quite some questions unanswered throughout the anime, I think the ending comes with an interesting statement:
No matter who you are, you will always be a human.
I felt that single statement, given the characters, was incredible simple and deep at the same time, and sends an important message. It was absolutely impactful for me.

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Death Parade

I think this is has an unusual promise (after the first ep). I think one can say it somewhat becomes repeatable, but the very first episode is somewhat unique, as you don't really know much about the place at that time.

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Demon King Daimao

While I enjoyed it, it is mostly an ecci focused anime, with some cute characters indeed.
While the plot DOES get to extreme later, some of the plot devices and story parts are very superficial.
I think if you don't mind ecci, you can enjoy this, albeit we can debate whether this is remarkable though.

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Trinity Seven

An Anime I watched like 1 or 2 years ago, but was pretty unremarkable, I don't even know much what happened in there anymore, other than a highschool and some elite girl fighters. What was the plot again?

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I couldn't stand the flashy graphics forever lol.

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