Benedetto Greco


Omicron Persei 8

Pain Hustlers

The first part of the film depicts the rise of a scammer, while the second part portrays her remorse and anguish. However, there isn’t a clear redemption, and there is too little focus on the outcomes of her scam and the consequences it has on people. There’s a real risk that films like this glorify what’s wrong. It’s a shame.

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Crimes of the Future

The movie has a very serious problem that is tied to the nature of the genre, its immortality: it's full of dialogues that explain, explain, and explain... it feels more like an essay than a film. Horror, on the other hand, never dies because it's a boundless machine: it doesn't need to explain. Other genres, from westerns to musicals to war films, have to justify their narratives and "close" them credibly. Horror doesn't. It has no limits and no obligations. Cronenberg deserves credit for resetting monsters, zombies, and vampires and bringing horror inside us, into our bodies. But in cinema, it would be better to make a spectacle of it, not philosophy.

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The Lighthouse

Fascinating, gothic, and dark. The performances of the two actors make it worth watching (especially Pattinson), but you have to be a fan of films that "reveal little" to fully appreciate it. In my opinion, it has been described a bit too enthusiastically as a masterpiece, but it's certainly an original film to be watched on a stormy winter night.

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First Cow

Certainly, the set design and costumes are unique. The story is simple but impactful, yet it's unclear what this film truly is. It's not a thriller or a western, not a noir; it's a comedy that tries to do a bit of everything. It's original but slow-paced and not very engaging in the way it all unfolds.

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