

Central NY

The Shack

Shout by Bestivus

Mack was the victim of a traumatic brain injury. Sorry not sorry.

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The Wonder

Had a very basic understanding of the premise going into this, but wow, it did not go where I thought it would. If you're into slow burns, great acting, and fantastic cinematography, this checks all the boxes.

And the craziest part? It draws inspiration from events that actually happened:

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You: 2x01 A Fresh Start

Shout by Bestivus

Infatuation ended with BECK

Now LOVE is my muse

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Gossip Girl: 6x09 The Revengers

What even was that music at the end?

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Gossip Girl: 4x17 Empire of the Son

Alright alright, now I'm totally on board with Dan and Blair. Again, not holding out hope that doesn't go without tons of destruction and hellfire, but I'mma ship it while I can.

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Gossip Girl: 3x15 The Sixteen Year Old Virgin

Real talk, I'm totally on board with Dan and Vanessa. I'm not holding out hope they stay together (this is GG afterall) but I'll ship it while I can.

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The Dinosaurs!

My fascination with dinosaurs started as a child, and these four episodes (which were each on individual VHS tapes at the time) were always in heavy rotation when I was growing up.

The field of paleontology has certainly grown and matured and expanded in the 30 years since this aired, but the concepts, animations, interviews, and theories posited still hold up to this day. I'd recommend this to anyone honestly, interest in dinosaurs or not.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x10 A Quality of Mercy

Contrary to some of the other comments on this episode and series in general - by all means bring on season 2 and beyond. This is what Star Trek was and is supposed to be!

The "problem of the week" storytelling is what made TOS and TNG what they were, and I'm glad they stuck to it with this series. Discovery and Picard aside, I'm excited for where we go from here.

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The Umbrella Academy: 3x02 World's Biggest Ball of Twine

The people complaining about Vanya transitioning to Viktor should probably just stop watching and spare the rest of us. It doesn't take away from the story, the show's literal creator embraced it, why can't that be good enough?

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For All Mankind: 3x02 Game Changer

"Stick it to those bastards Ed"

Molly is my spirit animal :joy:

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Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie

Before you watch this movie, think of literally anything else, and watch that instead.

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Euphoria: 2x07 The Theater and Its Double

If Fez doesn't make it through this season I swear I'm gonna lose it

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The Expanse: 6x06 Babylon's Ashes

I thought for sure that the short season and short episodes would lead to an unsatisfying ending...

I could not have been more wrong. I'll miss this show, I'll miss these characters, I'll miss this ship. Till we meet again Rocinante.

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The Expanse: 3x08 It Reaches Out

Shout by Bestivus

" reaches out it reaches out it reaches out it reaches out - 113 times a second, nothing answers and it reaches out. It is not conscious, though parts of it are. There are structures within it that were once separate organisms; aboriginal, evolved, and complex. It is designed to improvise, to use what is there and then move on. Good enough is good enough, and so the artifacts are ignored or adapted. The conscious parts try to make sense of the reaching out. Try to interpret it."

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The Clovehitch Killer

A good movie until it isn't. The slow burn was good, the acting was good, the tension was good.

But it lacks one critical thing - common sense. Nobody thinks to call the cops, and any reasoning for not doing so isn't well conveyed to the audience. Meh.

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Bosch: 7x04 Triple Play

Jesus, within the first minute, had me like "Holy fricken crap!"

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The Handmaid's Tale: 4x07 Home

When June saw Rita again, mannnn someone started cutting onions in here. Those traumatic bonds that all of them share with each other, I hope the show goes into that more.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 4x03 The Crossing

Damnit not Alma... Ughhhhhhhhhhh, this is gonna be another season that hits us hard in the feels, I can tell already.

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You're the Worst: Season 5

An amazing last season for an amazing series.

That last episode was just perfection.

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You're the Worst: 3x13 No Longer Just Us

Shout by Bestivus

Godddddddd the ending is just so massively depressing. Gretchen's genuine happiness collapsing into shock as she realizes what Jimmy is doing... Probably the quickest swing of emotions, including my own as a viewer, that I can think of while watching a show.

Jimmy is the worst this time around.

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Your Honor: 1x03 Part Three

Welp, think this is it for me, I'm checking out. Adam is pretty insufferable. The "woe is me I killed someone" mentality ruined it. He had the lucidity to throw Rocco's phone into the drink, he ran from the scene, he clearly didn't want to get caught. Oh but now he feels bad and is borderline self sabotaging himself and his father? Please.

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The Expanse: Season 1

The first season can start out rough for some people. The alternating between Miller's and Jim's point of views can throw off the pace a bit. It took me two tries to get through the first few episodes, spaced 6 months apart, but the show is now my favorite of all time - so keep that in mind when starting it up. Stick it out, you won't be disappointed.

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The Expanse: 5x03 Mother

And so starts the churn...

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Sailor Moon: 3x13 The Stolen Pure Heart! Usagi’s Crisis

Shout by Bestivus

Usagi's face when she sees Minako will never not make me laugh

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Sailor Moon: 3x03 A Handsome Boy? Haruka Tenoh’s Secret

Probably one of the funniest episodes so far, I'm rolling as I write this.

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Sailor Moon: 2x04 Usagi's Crisis: The Tiara Stops Working

Shout by Bestivus

Moonlight Knight shows up

Me: Hold up
Usagi: Hold up

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The Rules of Attraction

All I can really say is "What did I just watch?"

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Love is Blind

Don't expect anything incredible out of this. The concept is interesting, but anyone watching that has any sense of emotional maturity will know it's all for entertainment's sake.

There's no growth; the players will continue to be players, the dramatic will continue to be dramatic. This ain't about changing how people date or form relationships or fall in love.

If you're looking something to turn your brain off to during the quarantine, go for it. If you're looking for something with actual improvement of the cast, look elsewhere.

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Too Hot to Handle: 1x02 When Harry Met Francesca

"Three wise men. Jesus."

Had me fricken rolling. Why am I enjoying this show?

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Top Gear: 7x02 The RS4 Against a Climber

I'm a little partial to this episode. Firstly, I've got a B7 RS4. Secondly, Clarkson didn't say he hated it! If that isn't a win, I don't know what is.

...the car is Biblically good. And dare I say... Better than an M3.

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