House: 8x02 Transplant

This episode was so bad I was amazed when I got to the end and it wasn't just a dream sequence. I mean, lungs kept in a plexiglass box? I don't think it works that way. Lisa Edelstein was smart to move on. Poor Hugh Laurie tries his best to make this absurdity feel realistic. At least he got to stop wearing the hairpiece.

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House: 7x02 Selfish

This episode more than makes up for the one before it. The ending will move you to tears.

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House: 6x22 Help Me

Sorry, this episode is where House jumps the shark for me (if the first episode of this season wasn’t already the shark jumper). House somehow crawls under a collapsed building with a bum leg to single handedly save a patient trapped in the rubble, saves another over his cell phone, says no to drugs, and gets the girl, all in one hour of “very special episode” tv. You can tell it’s a very special episode because it doesn’t have any opening credits. A ridiculous episode with ridiculous plot twists, saved only by Hugh Laurie and Lisa Edelstein doing their best to make it believable.

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And Then There Were None

Annoying soundtrack that just won’t shut up throughout the whole show (reminded me of a video game soundtrack) . Last episode is marred by drawn out conclusion and lots of filler slo-mo to meet the time slot. Standout performance by Toby Stephens as the tortured doctor. Barely recognizeable from his current “Lost In Space” role.

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Little House on the Prairie: 7x05 The Silent Cry

The actor that plays Houston (Dub Taylor) steals the show in this one.

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Star Trek: 3x17 That Which Survives

Cool effect for Lee Merriweather’s entrance and exit. Also fun to see Scotty crawling around in a livewire jeffries tube.

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Star Trek: 3x14 Whom Gods Destroy

Yvonne Craig (Marta) seems to be channeling Joey Heatherton in this episode.

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Star Trek: Enterprise: 4x20 Demons (1)

Would’ve worked better as a season instead of just two episodes. Maybe that’s what was originally planned. Who knows.

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Star Trek: Enterprise: 4x11 Observer Effect

Great to see Mayweather actor actually get something to do. Also bonus points for the shoutout to “Andromeda Strain”!

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Little House on the Prairie: 3x21 Gold Country (1)

Michael Landon insists on referring to gold as “color” repeatedly throughout this episode. It is an annoying affectation.

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Star Trek: Enterprise: 3x05 Impulse

Zombie Vulcans! LOL. So bad.

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