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Warminster, Pennsylvania

Dexter: New Blood: Season 1

Shout by bags

I wish that self-righteous bitch Deb had stayed dead instead of Yoda-ing her way back. Disliked her in the last few seasons of dexter, hated her here. Also, good shot Harrison. Let it really end here. Please. No ghost of dexter please.

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The Feed: Season 1

Shout by bags

Great concept, some definite highs during the arc, but the ending did not live up to the story. it's like they decided in the last 15 minutes to make all of season one a prequel for season 2. Nothing gets resolved.

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Community: Season 6

Shout by bags

Season six is a huge mistake. Most of episode 13 was good (at least in comparison to the rest of the season) but what the hell was that ending???

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