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Warminster, Pennsylvania

Battlestar Galactica

Review by Tamás Szelei
BlockedParent2022-07-14T13:45:00Z— updated 2022-07-26T14:17:43Z

I'm waaay overdue watching this, and finally did. In 2022, so many movies and TV shows spoon-feed the narrative to the viewers: look, this is the bad guy, he's doing evil stuff and looks evil. This is the good guy: he may have flaws, but he's just human, you know? Or here's a guy you originally thought was evil, but turns out that he was just hurt badly. Character development, because he's good, actually.

Watching BSG in 2022 is a breath of fresh air. The characters are complex, multi-dimensional. They make mistakes and more importantly: those mistakes have consequences. There is a lot of nuance in the relationships between the characters and the writers kept these relationships extremely consistent.

There is also real character development. Not only for the better: very often, quite the opposite. These changes are real: they affect the story and the characters relationships as well. And why wouldn't some people change for the worse? They are experiencing unprecedented hardships, injustice and tragedy.

Finally, something we don't see often: the story is a complete arc. I'm not claiming that the writers knew from the start where the story would end up, but they had a lot of foresight. So when the finale came, it felt complete, logical, like things were flowing in that direction from the beginning.

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@sztomi as someone who also just watched this for the first time I agree with your points. In addition, I was pleasantly surprised at how well the visuals have fared after 15 plus years. I was somewhat hesitant about watching this series after seeing all of the 'stop after season 2' reviews and etc. but I'm glad i persevered.

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Avenue 5: 1x01 I Was Flying

There's some potential here, but it has some work to do. First impressions are everything and this didn't make a great one. Mostly, for a comedy it wasn't funny at all, but the cast and situation are interesting enough to keep me watching for now.

The best moment was easily the reveal about the captain. I hope the characters aren't going to be jerks all the time (everyone seems to hate what they're doing) because it's a lot to take.

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@misnomer but sitcom is shorter to type then "science fiction mystery comedy-drama television series". Glad you enjoyed!

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Avenue 5: 1x01 I Was Flying

There's some potential here, but it has some work to do. First impressions are everything and this didn't make a great one. Mostly, for a comedy it wasn't funny at all, but the cast and situation are interesting enough to keep me watching for now.

The best moment was easily the reveal about the captain. I hope the characters aren't going to be jerks all the time (everyone seems to hate what they're doing) because it's a lot to take.

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@misnomer if you want a funny sci-fi sitcom check out resident alien. alan tudyk is hysterical

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Atypical: 1x05 That’s My Sweatshirt

jesus this show is a masterpiece

fuck the mother though.

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@bendikts the bartender took care of that

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Master of None: 3x05 Moments in Love, Chapter 5

I feel like this season spent so much time trying to be arty and poignant it forgot to be interesting.
You could say it fits into the 'slice of life' genre but even those stories usually have something else drawing me in. I just struggled to give a damn through the whole thing.

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@reiko_lj totally agree. Very pretty, long, deep, moving shots of nothingness that did nothing to advance a plot

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