William Millender


Staten Island, New York

There Will Be Blood

Take it from someone who is NOT a fan of old west movies or period pieces in general; this is a perfect film. Should be up there with Shawshank and Jaws and Schindler's List.

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The Toxic Avenger: The Musical

Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2023-07-30T01:53:44Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:22:43Z

Not usually a musical person but once in awhile one gets my attention. There are some GREAT performances here with just a cast of 5 playing all the roles. Amazing show.

It would have been a 10 if the Toxie costume were a bit better. I feel like they should have broken the character up with two different performers (pre and post transformation).

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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The Petrified Forest

Nice movie. Davis and Howard’s chemistry is incredible. Bogart is great. You can see why he became a star.

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The Fate of the Furious

I don't usually love F&F movies. They're usually just ok to whatever for me. I probably enjoyed this one the most out of any of them. It was a fun ride.

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The Platform

Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2024-01-25T04:32:51Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:21:30Z

Very similar to tone and vibe of The Cube: https://trakt.tv/movies/cube-1997

Wouldn't be surprised if it was an influence on the director because it has very familiar themes.

That said, I liked it. Check your brain at the door and watch Cube first and then this for a very claustrophobic but entertaining evening.

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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Pieces of a Woman

Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2021-02-04T04:24:26Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:35:16Z

It's slow but very well acted. A decent, sad, depressing art house film that I never want to see again.

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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Chris Rock: Selective Outrage

Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2023-03-06T05:09:31Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:24:54Z

Most of the time he felt like Bring The Pain Rock. But there were some stumbles like the flat abortion jokes and the concussion/emancipation mess up that kept it from being a true classic. He’s still one of the GOATs. This did not improve that standing nor diminish it.

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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Status Update

I’m going the opposite way of the other reviewers. I’m a fish out of water story fan. I expected this to be completely trash but I wound up liking it a lot. Despite being cliche and predictable there are some very funny moments. It’s also a better produced film than I expected. Low expectations probably led me to like this a lot more than I otherwise would. But it was very funny in parts.

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Anyone But You

Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2024-02-19T08:55:37Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:21:21Z

Just a movie about two people that will occasionally make you laugh and sometimes make you groan, while not having the ability to help yourself thinking about taking both of them on in a threesome despite your status as a straight person.

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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Not much to it but the acting was phenominal and the direction was good.

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Bullet Train

Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2022-11-20T01:02:22Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:25:18Z

Not as good as I hoped it would be. Not as bad as I expected it to be.

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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What We Did on Our Holiday

Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2021-12-19T03:31:22Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:29:57Z

This was a genuinely charming film. The children are the star of the show. They have great comedic timing and deliver their lines like pros. Connelly is great as ever. He's basically just playing himself dying.

Whoever else said this felt like a TV show, I agree. Felt like a really long episode of series about family centered drama with funny moments, like this is us. Or party of five.

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2022-05-17T23:30:43Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:26:47Z

The reviews are all pretty mixed on this film and that's totally appropriate. It's either a decent, no nonsense horror flick, or a predictable gory mess all at the same time. It succeeds in being interesting enough to watch but also shows you that there could have been a better version of this with a bigger budget. But that would basically just get you Texas Chainsaw Massacre again so...

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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Grudge Match

Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2022-02-27T00:35:36Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:28:11Z

The film is exactly the film you're imagining it is.
Would have been fun if they got some better writers and made this a Rocky sequel with a comedy twist.

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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Love Hard

Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2021-11-13T23:01:23Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:31:17Z

It's exactly what you think it's going to be. But I still liked it. The leads are great. The story is paced well. And there are some genuinely funny moments.

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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The Jetsons & WWE: Robo-WrestleMania

Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2021-10-31T23:47:36Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:31:26Z

This was one of the better WWE cartoons. Had some funny moments. But I fast forwarded through a good half of it.

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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Blood Father

Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2021-10-30T23:57:20Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:31:49Z

This was better than it had any right being. In my head, I just imagined Riggs from Lethal Weapon went off the deep end and had to save his daughter.

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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Black as Night

Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2021-10-09T03:03:03Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:33:05Z

Surprisingly good genre flick. It's nothing new or novel but I expected a lot less. Cast was good except the best friend character. He was too over the top. The actor didn't feel like a genuine character.
Reminds me of Attack The Block meets Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

loading replies

Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2020-12-12T06:18:33Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:35:33Z

Finally getting around to see this. While it is a good movie, for me it suffers by being about "The Joker".
If it was an origin story where he was going to join the DCU then I'd be all for it. But as a stand alone film, it didn't need to be about that character. It could have stood on it's own.

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

loading replies

Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2020-09-07T04:01:18Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:36:26Z

It's predictable and problematic but genuinely funny in parts.

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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It was cute. Didn’t like it at first but it grew on me. Charming.

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This is pretty much 8 mile for on PC millenials. Has some funny parts and some dope rhymes. Ultimately it was a little too long. A tighter story would have made this more enjoyable.

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I saw, what I did not know was, the ending of the film in a YouTube clip. Thought it looked good and I love Ben Foster so I decided to check it out.

I expected a completely different movie based on the clip. They could have made this thing much shorter. Would have thought it was better with a tighter script and someone else cast in the Mable role, cause she sucks.

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The Void

Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2023-05-14T02:59:17Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:23:29Z

I’m just going to say this…. If you’re trying to decide “should I watch this stoned or should I watch this sober?”; brother, I have to tell you that if you’re not smoking one out, don’t even watch it.

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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Good Burger

Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2023-03-22T20:52:03Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:24:45Z

I've seen this twice. Once as a kid. It was ok but it wasn't Iconic for me. I was 17 and the demo for this is a little younger.
Second time I saw this was as a stoner adult. As I sit here and realize this was a stone flick all along....

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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All That We Destroy

Could have great but the end was shite

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The Greatest Showman

Not only did I want to like it. I wanted to LOVE it. I saw the scene where Never Enough is performed before I saw the film and then from the opening scene, I thought the movie was going to thrill me, but it ultimately felt hollow to me. The modern music was really good, but it took me out of it a little. Also, I wanted it to be longer and a little darker at times. I felt like the freak show characters and the relationship between Barnum and the singer could have been fleshed out a lot more. This could have been a grand two and half hour epic. But instead, we got a really good hour and a half musical by way of Hollywood. Fun film, but ultimately too fluffy and empty.

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Ready Player One

The nerd in me loved the shit out of this movie. The movie lover in me saw the Swiss cheese plot holes.

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The Whale
Good on Paper

Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2021-06-27T03:16:50Z— updated 2024-03-10T04:34:41Z

Decent romcom. I'm an Illiza fan, so I'm a little bias. I will say tho, the moral part of the story was a little shallow. It came across as "don't judge pretty people as vapid and disposable, they're actually human underneath, but if you meet a weirdo, they're probably a weirdo". Being that it's a movie about her life, the weirdo part is fine because it's part of her real story. But the schlocky scene where the two pretty blondes stop being fake to each other felt shoehorned in and counter to the main theme of the film.

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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