Björgvin Arnarsson


Reykjavík, Iceland

Nancy Drew: 1x07 The Tale of the Fallen Sea Queen

Okay, I'll admit it. This show is getting pretty good. It's probably even the one I'm looking forward to the most each week out of all the on-going shows I'm watching. And I don't know whether it's the pacing, editing, or what, but I can't seem to involve myself mentally when I'm watching it most of the time like I can and have with other on-going shows. It's certainly a weird, unexplainable feeling to have combined with the fact that I'm looking forward to every week with a new episode. Maybe I always chose a time where I was mentally exhausted, not knowing it, to watch each new episode. With that said, this episode: one of the best ones so far. Even though it's already the least memorable one aside from a couple of moments that I can still recall.

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@legendaryfang56 I TOTALLY agree with you, every word :-)

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We Were Tomorrow: 1x01 Eden

Will this series ever air? It is not listed on Syfy's schedule and they don't mention it premiering anywhere.

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@broknsymetry According to IMDB it's going to air in January 2020. Trakt have it all wrong :-(

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We Were Tomorrow: 1x01 Eden

Will this series ever air? It is not listed on Syfy's schedule and they don't mention it premiering anywhere.

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@broknsymetry According to IMDB it will air in January 2020. Trakt peeps often have wrong air dates on series.... :-(

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We Were Tomorrow: 1x01 Eden

Will this series ever air? It is not listed on Syfy's schedule and they don't mention it premiering anywhere.

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@broknsymetry Tvtime says 1. August :-)

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Warrior: 1x10 If You're Going to Bow, Bow Low

This series is very good and very exciting.
Bruce Lee's is still popular, he will always be.
He was the best.
What I don't like is waiting again until the next season is out.
Does anyone know the date?

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@sascha2017 Found this via google:
Warrior Season 2 Release Date

Warrior Season 2 has yet to close in on any release window. However, a report from Deadline indicates that the seemingly quick Season 2 renewal was actually months in the making. Consequently, pre-production for the second season is said to have already started in South Africa in “late 2018-early 2019.”

More here:

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Counterpart: 2x10 Better Angels

I can't believe they're cancelling this series.

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@djelite Starz are selling it to others :-) "**2/11/2019 Status Update: Counterpart has been cancelled by Starz, but the producers are shopping it to other networks."

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The Blacklist: 6x07 General Shiro

Five minutes after the episode ended a stinkbug landed and crawled over my screen... For a split second I was as unnerved as I've ever been.
Great episode! I need a drink, I have a scratch in my throat...

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@mansemat ha ha ha ha ha ha ha :-) and now I have to scratch....

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The Flash: 5x03 The Death of Vibe

Wells is back baby!!! and smarter than ever Sherlock Wells

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@afterkush You are wrong.... It's Loque. Sherloque L-O-Q-U-E. hahaha :-) I think we all missed Wells, ANY Wells :-)

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Salvation: 2x02 Detente

I enjoyed season 1 for the entertaining show it was, but season 2 makes no sense to me so far. This episode seemed to be a collection of overly dramatic moments that felt outright nonsensical. Tanz's arrival in Iceland for example was followed by a standoff (wouldn't you more likely be looking to hide him rather than attracting attention in the lobby?) that had absolutely no stakes (nobody believed for a second they would shoot at him).

The whole direction of the plot seems forced and illogical to me why would the population rally behind the person who attempted to murder the president? Why is Claire's brother behaving that way when he apparently knows she was involved in a conspiracy to assassinate the president?

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@odrel I totally agree on every count! This was so PAINFUL to watch, it's Designated Survivor all over again! First season enjoyable rest horrible. I stopped watching DS and will probably quit this one also, I'm gonna give it 1 episode chance though.

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Colony: 3x07 A Clean, Well-Lighted Place

I'm confused!! Did they skip an episode? End of episode 6 Dalton/Will was in an interview to get inside Seattle Colony with his family, and they knew his real name. Episode 7, he's still Dalton and they are having huge marital problems and it's like they've been living and working in Seattle Colony for years??!!!

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@evilbyte They better have a flashback ready next week hahaha :-)

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Colony: 3x07 A Clean, Well-Lighted Place

I'm confused!! Did they skip an episode? End of episode 6 Dalton/Will was in an interview to get inside Seattle Colony with his family, and they knew his real name. Episode 7, he's still Dalton and they are having huge marital problems and it's like they've been living and working in Seattle Colony for years??!!!

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@broknsymetry hahaha I watched it as well :-) I REALLY hope there's an explanation/flashback next week :-)

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Fear the Walking Dead: 4x03 Good Out Here

Rule #1 of TWD.....NEVER look at the flowers!

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@90sstyle ha ha ha good one :-)

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Killjoys: 3x03 The Hullen Have Eyes

Am I the only one who gets distracted and laughs at the silliness whenever they're reminded of this episode's title? I mean, I know they ALL are but there's something about this one...

On a different note, the little village reminded me of that city on Serenity.

I'm liking the "battle of the nerds" so far. John needs to step up his game.

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@dtsouza Nope not the only one :-)

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The Flash: 3x09 The Present

Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-12-07T09:56:34Z— updated 2017-08-19T10:51:17Z

Am I crying? Yes. Yes, I am. Damn it, Flash. You did it again. You managed to turn me into a sobbing mess.

First of all, what was Mark fucking Hamill doing there? I've never seen him in anything other than Star Wars, so my first thought was a horrified "L-Luke?". Amazing. It takes some serious balls to cast such an iconic actor and then have him appear in just one scene. I applaud the showrunners.

Yay, Wally got his suit. Maybe he will finally stop whining.

I can't decide if I like Julian or not. Sure, he's not a bad guy, but he can still be an asshole when he wants to be.

"One shall betray you. One shall fall. One will suffer fate far worse than death."

Fuck off, Savitar. Nobody messes with Team Flash. And stay away from Iris. We've already lost Laurel, I won't let another plant-named love interest/moral compass/badass die on my watch.

So, Caitlin can control her powers now? It would be so cool (no pun intended) if she could use them without fear of turning into Killer Frost.

Drunk H.R. is hilarious. And his little happy dance with Wally in the park was absolutely adorable.

The Flash sure knows how to do a Christmas episode. I don't get nearly as excited about Christmas as I used to, but even my cold, dead heart warmed up a little when I saw all those decorations and all the characters together and happy for once. I was afraid something would happen and the episode would end on a cliffhanger, but no. Instead we got Barry and Iris being cute and in love. Someone punch me in the face, I can't handle the feels.

So, I guess this is the mid-season finale? In that case, see you all in 2017! And early Merry Christmas wishes to all of you!

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@aniela-krajewska Thank's for now, Miss AK :-) Looooove reading your reviews, funny as hell too and aaaa LOT of great insights :-) Already looking forward for next years reviews.
Happy or merry something something later this month ;-)
Kind regards, TheAtheist :-)

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The Flash: 3x04 The New Rogues

Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-10-26T13:56:21Z— updated 2017-08-18T22:36:27Z

I love this show so much. It never fails to meet my expectations.

There were so many hilarious moments in this episode. Where do I even start? Barry saying "Oh my God, I've become Oliver"? Harry and Cisco's bickering? All the different versions of Harrison Wells? Barry getting kicked out of the house? I honestly can't pick my favorite.

One little thing I really enjoyed was the exchange of "I love you's" between Barry and Joe in the middle of their awkward conversation at the precinct. It was such a small moment, but it literally made me go "Awwwwww". I love my beautiful family.

Mirror Master and Top were cool, I guess? As far as villains of the week go, they weren't outstanding, but the way they trapped Mirror Man at the end was pretty awesome.

No! Jesse and Harry! Come back! I don't want Harrison Wells with a sense of humor! Give me my Harry/CIsco bromance back!

Is Joe finally getting a love interest? Yay, you go, Dad Cop! You deserve it!

Caitlin, my sweet baby... Don't worry, everything will be fine, we still love you. Just don't turn evil, please. I mean, I really don't think the writers will go down that road. If they do, I'll be really, really angry. We have such a wonderful team dynamic on this show and Caitlin's an important part of it. There's absolutely no need to ruin that.

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@aniela-krajewska I wait almost as excited for your afterwords as for the next Flash episode :-) Love your writings Aniela.

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How to Get Away with Murder: 3x05 It’s About Frank


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@bouncyeyeball I still have goosebumps :-) One of the best lines in the series!

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iZombie: 2x15 He Blinded Me... With Science

"Let me in!"

It was weird from the start that "plastic surgery" was brought up as alibi, I thought it's very fishy. PS is not that good and quick these days. Glad it was resolved as it was. The weakest part were the scenes with Liv "normal" I must say. Best part perhaps the not-so-secret basement scenes and the follow up. Wow.
Did you notice, how Du Clark, after drinking that new SuperMax, got a little strain of hair that's white? It's too similar to freshly infected zombies to be normal and Major mentioned how that SuperMax stuff makes you aggressive. Du Clark seems to walk a very thin line between being human and becoming a zombie.
Overall a lot happened, Clive getting closer to the truth, Drake being the next "victim" of Major, Du Clark getting a bit heads on with Major, Blaine being morbidly hilarious, Liv discovering the, uhm, a truth about Drake...
I am eager to see where the Rita story will go now.

Ah, the writing in this show is simply stellar.
Missed that weekly dose of iZombie #Brainfood.

BTW: Season 3 confirmed!

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VERY nice post :-) I totally agree with everything you write :-)

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The Flash: 2x14 Escape from Earth-2

Review by Vero

What an amazing episode!!! The very beginning was haunting with all those "Bring me Wells". Amazing! I thought thisepisode was going to be focused on Zoom's psyche anyway but it was a good one. Everything was pretty obvious, especially the very end. Come on, "Jay" giving his back to the speed cannon and you do not think he's going to be sucked up to Earth-2? Awesome anayway.
I've been working on a theory since Last episode and I think that, obviously, Jay has a role to play in the story. Let'sget started. The creepy iron-masked guy is the real Jay Garrick, the original one, the one who is just a Man, the one with an apple-pie life who became a speedster when the particle accelarator exploded. Then, he wanted to be faster and he took velocity-6, but it didn't work. So, out of him, therecame two, another Jar Garrick (The one in Star labs) and Zoom. That's when Wells' sentence in the episode Enter Zoom makes sense. Caitlin said that Zoom can't be human, and Wells replied that he was once. It means that he is an evil Jay Garrick that has come out as a consequence of V-6. I buy this Theory. Therefore, There are three Jay Garricks: the one are familiar since episode 1, the Iron masked one and Zoom (and of coirse Hunter Zolomon). So, The Jay Garrick we are familiar with and Zoom are just two projections of the real Garrick (The real speedster who lost his speed when he drank V-6). they are mirror reflections and Zoom has Jay/iron-masked imprisoned in order not to Tell anyone what Zoom's identity actually is.
In a way this makes sense. Besides, the fact that Zoom wants to be faster is that he needs the speed from other speedsters, otherwise, his cells will die, as well has it's happening to Jay Garrick. I guess this is a good option. But now I'm wondering, what if Jay speedster and Zoom are just Clones of the real Jay Garrick? Wouldn't it mean that if the real Jay dies, both of them will die since they are the result of the speed drug? And what about the breaches?

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Nice one Fast enough, I'm buying your theory :-) The Earth-2 episodes are btw 2 of the best I've seen of the whole series, goosebumps all the way :-)

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