


Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania

Whenever I am sitting down feeling contemplative and working on my bucket list, I always reflect upon my lifelong desire to one day see M.O.D.O.K.'s bare ass. Thanks, Marvel Studios! I can now scratch this one off the list.

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Moon Knight: 1x06 Gods and Monsters

Hmmm. Dark-haired female super-hero with golden winged battle armor? Yup. Marvel even does Wonder Woman 1984 better than D.C.

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WandaVision: 1x06 All-New Halloween Spooktacular!

Yup. There's a reason why super-hero costumes undergo dramatic design changes for the big screen. But hey... what comic book fan DIDN'T chuckle heartily at seeing Wanda and Vis in their old-school attire? Aside from that, its nice to see the series continuing to evolve the more dramatic elements of the show. The sitcom stuff is cute and all, but now we're six episodes in. It's time to step up the game a little. And did anyone notice how they lingered on the "Ellis" street sign When Vision was at the edge of town? Is this supposed to be some sort of reference to President Ellis from Iron Man 3? If so, I'm not seeing what the connection is supposed to be. Maybe its just a coincidence.

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King Solomon's Mines

Wow. Sharon Stone makes Jake Lloyd from The Phantom Menace look like an Academy Award winner by comparison.

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Dawn of the Dead

I know a lot of people complain about the concept of fast-moving zombies. Take heart though, fans. It is the LAST time that Zack Snyder will EVER do anything fast ever again. From here on out, you have a one-way ticket to the Slo-Mo Express!

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Dune: Part Two

I paid full ticket price to watch Zendaya make Resting Poo Face for 2 hours and 47 minutes.

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Destroy All Neighbors

In an era where so many movies are these super-serious emo trauma horror sorts of fare, it is refreshing to see something that isn't afraid to just be silly. Although it's a modern movie, it has all of the trappings, beats and rhythms of an 80's film. I suspect that co-star and producer Alex Winter has a lot to do with that. It pairs nicely with 80s cheeseball classics like Basket Case, Brain Dead, and Frankenhooker. It also works as a niece double feature with Studio 666. Well done, Josh Forbes. Well done.

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Kamen Rider: 1x36 Resurrected Mummy Monster, Egyptus

The highlights of this episode are the fact that the Colonel is going out kidnapping scientists to translate Egytpus' ancient tongue, but all the guy ever says is "Boolah, Boolah, Boolah, Boolah!" I can't imagine that would be that difficult to transcribe. I expected a bit more from this much-feared and greatly ballyhooed 4,000 year old Mummy, but ultimately all it takes is one well-placed Rider Kick to 'splode him.

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The Transformers: The Movie

I remember this movie was really super-awesome back in 1986. And ya know what? Its still just as awesome in 2023. Best Transformers yet. Till All Are One.

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This movie is AMAZING! Love the arthouse composition which is clearly poking fun at arthouse cinema. Props to the DP for actually giving the tire a personality! Who would'a thunk? The end scene (spoiler) with the tricycle leading the tire army on a march towards Hollywood is the chef's kiss.

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2001 Maniacs

There is a scene in the movie where Lin Shaye joyously sucks the blood off the end of a spear that just went through a guy's pooper and then his mouth. WHY HAVE I NOT HEARD ABOUT THIS BEFORE?!?! I would have watched this movie AGES ago if I knew about that! I feel an overwhelming swell of comfort knowing that I actually live in a world where this scene exists.

Let's face it, Lin Shaye can do no wrong. The woman is a goddamn national treasure.

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American Horror Story: 11x04 Black Out

Joe Mantello is quickly becoming one of my new favorite actors. This guy absolutely crushes it with each episode. Russell Tovey is practically invisible whenever he is in a scene with Mantello. That being said, however... EVERYONE tends to disappear whenever Zachary Quinto enters the scene. Can't wait to see a scene between Mantello and Quinto.

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American Horror Story: 11x03 Smoke Signals

I think this is the strongest episode from season eleven so far. We're making good headway and can finally get to the meat of the story now that we spent two episodes establishing all the characters. I'm glad to see how the B-plot is starting to merge with the A-plot, drawing connections between the mysterious virus and the Mai Tai Killer. NOW its starting to feel like American Horror Story. Excited to see how this develops.

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Smiling Woman

I gotta give credit to Alex Magana for his use of music to drive the tension. Without it, we would just have one woman standing next to another woman. Nothing incredibly frightening about that. The discordant instrumentation helps to give this short some heft.

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See, this is why I don't stay at Air B&Bs anymore. Same goddamn thing happens every goddamn time. You book the place, you walk in, you say "Oh, this seems nice...", and the next thing you know you're getting attacked by a mutant inbred titty bitch that tries to nurse you. Ruins the whole damn weekend.

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Dead Men Walk
The Silence of the Lambs

There are very few films in this world that I hold to be singularly perfect. The Godfather, Jaws, and Silence of the Lambs. Like those films, The Silence of the Lambs achieves a perfection so masterful and engaging that I would not sacrifice even a single frame or line of dialogue.

Rewatched it last night and it is still just as captivating now as it was when I was watching Ted Levine tuck his junk between his legs on the big screen back in '91.

To this day, I STILL can't listen to "Goodbye Horses". Thanks, Demme.

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Chucky: 2x01 Halloween II

Another slam-dunk episode from what is quite possibly the best thing on TV right now. Season 2 hits the ground running with a baller opening scene that leaves the fate of Andy Barclay hanging in the air. The three-way convo between Chucky, Bald Chucky, and Stick Chucky is the highlight of the ep. "We went over this during orientation!" I also think that the relationship between Jake and Devon is much more organic this season now that the actors have been allowed to grow into their characters a bit more. Much more palatable than the clunky Jake/Devon meet-cute from season one. Blech. Lexi, whom I hated in season one, is now shaping up to be my favorite non-doll character on the show. Even if she does snort anxiety meds. Can't wait to see what ep 2x02 holds.

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Vampires vs. the Bronx

It's kind of the East Coast version of the Lost Boys. Light and breezy, but still entertaining. I would recommend this movie to parents looking for a good starter film to introduce their kids to the genre. Or as a good palate cleanser after you just got done watching something super intense like Last House on the Left.

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Any possibility for me to take this movie seriously disappeared after Kid Cudi's penis waved to the camera.

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Studio 666

Silly, fun, gory and highly enjoyable. And I don't even LIKE the Foo Fighters! However, it is bittersweet to watch following the passing of Taylor Hawkins. The foreknowledge puts a bit of a shadow over the film.

Dave Grohl does a surprisingly good acting job considering he's not even an actor. The others are... passable. Which is to say, they are just good enough to play themselves. Whitney Cummings, Leslie Grossman, and even Jenna Ortega do a good job at rounding out the cast as periphery weirdos.

On a side note to anyone thinking about buying the Blu-ray in the hopes of getting some gnarly special features - don't even bother. All it has is a gag reel.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x08 The Elysian Kingdom

So far, I think this one is the weakest of the season. I'm really glad that they summed up the Rukiya storyline however. Now maybe we can actually develop M'Benga as a character. As the one character who has received disproportionately more screen time than everyone else other than the Captain, he is more of less a blank slate and is only defined by the storyline with his daughter - a story I was never crazy about to begin with. Maybe we can some definition and growth going forward.

Now, all that being said, I always like to add something positive to a negative, which is simply this: Give Anson Mount the Emmy Award right frickin' now for his role as the fop chancellor! The man is a goddamned national treasure!

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Slaughter High
Everything Everywhere All at Once

I'll never look at hot dogs the same way again.

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Only the French can produce a film about a lesbian serial killer who has wild BDSM monkey sex with a Cadillac, gets pregnant, has a weird dance-off, fucks a truck, and gives birth to a Turbo-Baby... AND it wins the Palme d'Or at Cannes?!?! If this movie were made in the U.S. it would have been produced by either Troma or Full Moon and would earn perpetual eye-rolls from any and all critics. What a weird world.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x01 Strange New Worlds

I can't remember the last time I was this excited over a Star Trek show. Anson Mount is perfect for this franchise and I'm excited to see where it goes from here. Hit it!

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Wait... so the guy is stuck in this clown costume, right? The amount of POOP that has accumulated in the back of his drawers is the single most horrifying element of this film.

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The King's Man

I could watch Rhys Ifans stache-eating some cake and tongue-banging Ralph Fiennes' war injury all day - every day. The rest of the movie? Meh.

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Let this movie be a lesson to all you parents out there. This is what happens when your kids disobey you!

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Blood Diner

After listening to two separate podcasts about this obscure gem, I had decided that I HAD to see it! Couldn't find it on any streaming service or any reasonably priced download or rental, so I just "screw it!" I blind-bought the Blu-ray off Amazon. Fortunately, I had several unused Amazon gift cards from previous Christmases, so it didn't cost me a thing.

Well, it was WELL worth the price I paid. It is exactly the low-budget, exploitative, offensive, off-the-wall glorious piece of fantastic trash that I knew it would be! Plus, there are TONS of behind-the-scenes bonus bits and a director's commentary on the Blu-ray (A rare find these days).

Watching Blood Diner is like engaging in a feast of your favorite flavored Hot Pockets. Sure, they taste great going down... but you know you're going to regret it later.

For fans of low-budget '80s cheese-fest "So bad its good" horror movies, Blood Diner gets two severed thumbs way up! I'm proud to say that this is my first official movie watch of 2022. Praise Sheetar!

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