

Plano, Texas


I usually love time travel movies but not this one... It's on the skirts of being a B movie, which almost adds to it's charm. In the end the writing is complicated just for being complicated sake. It's not entertaining. Major plot parts seem to be skipped over quickly and the viewer is left wondering what the heck is going on for most of the movie. It does not get better with time, only worse. I understand the basic premise of the movie and the machine, but never quite understood what the actors were trying to figure out or what the hell was actually going on. Terrible movie.

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The Prestige

This is a must watch for just about anyone. Deserves to be on any list of great movies. If you have not seen it or know anyone that has not seen it, definitely press play.

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Joy Ride

The crude humor in Joy Ride can be funny at times and then over the top just for the shock factor. The R rating is well deserved on this one. It has some funny moments but whether or not it's worth sitting through the rest of it to get to them is up to you. It's ok, definitely not great. I'm glad I did not pay to watch this in the theater.

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The Super Mario Bros. Movie

I enjoyed the movie. It was ok but not amazing. I have been a fan of Nintendo and Mario brothers since the late 80's. They did a good job of throwing in a lot of relevant references. The animation style was great and it fit well. The writing was the weakest part of the movie. The entire movie feels like an introduction to the characters. There is no real meaningful plot. This is no "Lego Movie." but it's entertaining and worth a watch non the less.

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Jeepers Creepers: Reborn

It's terrible. How do you even do green screen this bad in 2022?

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The Man Who Fell to Earth

I like the plot of the movie and the ambition of the writers, but it does not deliver. I suspect the actors and all the other people involved with the production got in their own way. David Bowie's acting performance is amateur level. All in all this watches like a B movie, which had a great trajectory in the beginning and then falls apart in the weirdest of ways. It might be worth watching just for the weirdness and unique things on it's own right.

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Watch the dad from Elf, James Caan, in an 80's futuristic sports game where there are minimal rules against player injury. If you don't enjoy movies with an appreciation for the craft, then the mediocre acting and bad directing may not make this a must watch for you. To enjoy this movie, don't watch for the plot, watch for the props and sets. Makes me wish I had a time machine!

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