


Doctor Who: Special 148 The Husbands of River Song

Finally we know where the screwdriver comes from!

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I also liked the use of the sonic glasses and then the use of the new Tardis blue sonic by Doctor Who.

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Homeland: 5x12 A False Glimmer

Obviously left it open for a reboot in the future, much like 24. The next trend for tv at the moment are these reboot mini series of 'old' shows...

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Didn't know...this season was meant to be the final season as officially stated by Showtime earlier this year.
Guess they don't actually have any decent replacements and they will scrape the barrel with another season. Thought it seemed too open for it to be obviously continued <- guess I came to the right judgement once again.

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Doctor Who: 9x12 Hell Bent (2)

Frustrating episode in general. Bloody Clara back just ruined it for me. Ruined its for me for the extent of why return to Gallifrey...what was the point? The story told was a stupid waist of bloody having the Doctor return to Gallifrey. Too many tacky & we guessed/already knew this stuff. Imagine Face the Raven was season finale & therefore Heaven Sent was the Christmas episode - they could have started the next season on Gallifrey. Although I'd hate the long wait, it would have been better than what we got. There is a lot more I could say but it would just frustrate me more 'Damn you Steven Moffat!' haha.

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@WalterBishopj You're way confused yourself...

I said 'imagine' as I was just bringing up a 'what if' they had those episode in that order. I know the order<I watched them -.-

I'm not confused at all with this episode. It was basic and frustratingly dumb, with stupid plots.
Could have gone in awesome directions but all we got was a cop out for Moffat to get a Tardis for Clara, which is a character he's obviously too attached to because she's is his 'baby' much like River (but she is also back even though her story was though to be done with M Smith's Doctor, although the Christmas episode is meant to take place straight after The Angels Take Manhattan).

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The Walking Dead: 6x07 Heads Up

Aside from the (expected?) surprise in the beginning, there is nothing much going on in this episode. Alexandrians still adapting to the new situation, zombies still wailing on the wall, Ron still hating on Carl, and Father Gabriel still showing up as additional filler. IMO there are too many characters depicted that it feels a bit disjointed and lacking further progress. Something happens in the end, but that's it--cliffhanger again. It's really unfortunate as I thought we've got past the filler episode last week.

I still wonder why the heck don't they stab the zombies on the gate one by one like they did in prison back then?

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They would have no story to fall back onto with all the zombies in the herd were killed like they did back in the prison. What stopped the herd being blocked back into the quarry with reinforcements in the first couple episodes? Convenient story telling that's why.

DON't start apply any logic to show anymore... It's really dumb now on.

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Is that a CGI Nimoy? I thought he had retired from acting? If it's CGI it's bloody good.

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J.J. Abrams produced this and directed the Star Trek movie at the same time... Convinced him to do real life cameos in Fringe.

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