
1 follower

Omicron Persei 8

Perfect Tenant

report: s1 - data refresh - ep7 to 20 deleted

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Perfect Tenant

the attic search and digging scene is stolen from

Korean drama:
harvest villa 2010
female lead: lee bo young

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Yağmur Zamanı

* low video quality,
* bad audio mix.

good series., enjoyable.

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The Shadow Team

ep 75 to 79 watched at ytb.
playlist 79 bölüm sahneler . 55min avg.

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The Shadow Team

Shout by blackholeearth0
BlockedParent2024-03-15T15:31:13Z— updated 2024-03-16T15:59:48Z

s3 - report - data refresh - cast order fixed
will see in 4 days

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A Family Story

Remake of -- this is us

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dropped at 42.. . char limit abc

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Umuda Kelepçe Vurulmaz

after ep9 its going down for me. its getting boring.

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Don't Let Go of My Hand

s2 -report - invalid meta data - s2 titles. changes to ep numbers , rel to s1...

will see if report works in 4 days

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Çifte Saadet

at ep 9, im bored. 2ep to final . i will increase my fast forward to next level , then i did before..

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got boring around ep10 -12.
but gets better at ep 14 .

ep14 is break point.
big secret is revealed.

people are not paralyzed by the secret, anymore.

things start to change.

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data refresh - 1 cast has been added - güneş

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Kalbim Seni Seçti

season data not avail . ep2 eched

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Cranberry Sorbet

bunch of idiots gathered again the fuck up episode numberss :clap::clap::clap:

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Cranberry Sorbet

trakt yeah what a shitshow. again s2 episode numberings are fucked up .

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ep1-12 hotel ..

ep13 ...
Summer ends , no customer for hotel.
they need to work as fish restaurant . to survive the fall/winter..

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One Liter Tear

thanks admins for merging this.

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İkizler Memo-Can

data refresh --> cast will see in 4 days

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dropped at ep12.
since there is nothing to watch recently.
cz, im uptodate with all good series.

might have to watch this as last resort.

currently ep16 is available.

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My Wonderful Life

ep8 - watched

episode list is not up todate. That's why I'm noting in here

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Street Birds

ep35 has been watched . yeah

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Faraway Downs

Australia 2008 nicole and hugh jackman.
same cowboy theme .

is this remake ??

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Çöp Adam

Shout by blackholeearth0
BlockedParent2023-09-27T18:41:23Z— updated 2023-10-11T15:58:36Z

ep 28 title was wrong.

reported as invalid metadata

Edit: looks like it worked

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s01 ends with big cliffhanger. and some scary fact in the future .
so good enjoyed it.

s02 was equally good.

s04: 20ep. Angelina girl , she was annoying sometimes, but necessary evil for the plot.

.ending was good satisfying .

s04 could have been shorter. couple of episodes were getting borish.

but every 5 episode. situation changes. has relatively bigger impact, than the episodic missions.

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Al Sancak

reported as invalid metadata.

to update status to ended.

will see in 4 days

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The Morning Show

s1 was ok , s2 same shit. drama anxiety repeating.

If want drama chaos (as if u dont have in ur life) , then watch it.
if u have anxiety or shit , don't watch it.

i just watched s2 for the sake of just mark as completed in trakt.

I can't stand it.. just dropping.

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Miracle Workers

i watched s1 ok.
im skipping s2 kingdom age
im skipping s3 cowboy and churchPapa

im watching s4: post apocalyptic like madmax but they kiss try to live like married

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Shout by blackholeearth0
BlockedParent2023-08-07T20:05:02Z— updated 2023-12-01T17:38:31Z

s1 was surprising .
hidden identify etc. but it has lost its surprising effect after 1/2 season .
but thats ok.

s2 was continuation. its okk.
s3 was chore for me.
at s2 s3 story focused mafia more than before.
i didnt like it.

i dont wanna watch mafia. if there were none . it would've been better.

look at dexter /you , they did really good without mafia.

i dont wanna watch s4. cuz

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I Will Not Give You to The Hands

Shout by blackholeearth0
BlockedParent2023-08-01T17:33:31Z— updated 2023-12-01T17:52:10Z

ep 4 5 were boring.
i dont think the series will be able to improve itself.

and rating going down under 3. not just me , but for all

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I Will Not Give You to The Hands

ep7 rating 1.80. not in top 5 series of the week.

most series of this week are over 2.0 rating

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