

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma


Loved this movie, loved the writing, the plot, the acting EVERYTHING. The idea of poorer people being in the back is so realistic to what would happen irl

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The Emoji Movie

Honestly the only notable thing I remember about this movie is the eggplant being in the least used emojis on a TEEN BOYS phone!! That thing would 1000% be right up top with the crying laughing emoji and peach emoji

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Bodies Bodies Bodies

Shout by bleppei

15% funny 85% stupid. The first guy (ofc it’s Pete Davidson) accidentally killing himself and setting off a chain of events honestly just bothered me a bit more than it entertained me

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The Breed

To be fair I would’ve taken the puppy in too. Smart crazy dogs mean smart crazy tricks right? Right? I’m getting mauled aren’t I

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Very very good storyline but I HATED how she treated her son, like I understand you want to go back to normal and act like a teenager but does he really not mean anything to you?

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The Menu

Shout by bleppei

Was genuinely expecting cannibalism, was shocked to find out it wasn’t. Also genius to make this his initiation to the new owner

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Inception and the matrix mixed into one big ball that weirdly also reminds me of Star Wars and the hunger games. I had trouble following which one the original man was and which were clones, also I still don’t really understand how his wife was in a pod the entire time alive.

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The story was…different… but! I did like it, it was just executed badly. I love the idea of it being passed on the way it was but it felt like someone with no imagination just wrote down their schitzoid nightmare

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Deep Blue Nightmare

Waste of time, horrible acting, took me forever to find somewhere that streams it, overall just very very frustrating with how stupid everyone was

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My Husbands Killer Girlfriend

Shout by bleppei

Somewhat annoying especially about how long it was. Definitely better as a short film and the main character was insanely idiotic and should not have been able to keep her child in the first place. I do like the insane asylum escapee trope even if it is a bit overused in horror, still sadly a 4/10

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The Swarm

Shout by bleppei

She most definitely should’ve locked down and fortified the tents, not only because it was her only source of income, but also after learning they ATE BLOOD. Her letting her son keep them in his bedroom after knowing that too also bothered me. Otherwise a very unique script that’s never been done before to my knowledge

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The Day After Tomorrow

Shout by bleppei

Wonderful way to get a powerful economical message across while also being entertaining. Feel horrible for those people on the ISS watching the world freeze, burn, and die right before their eyes tho. The Idiocracy in people who live on/near a beach and not knowing what a tsunami looks like and it’s signs bothered me though

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The Girl with All the Gifts

Shout by bleppei

Loved the experimentation idea in the beginning. The zombie mother pushing around the baby with rats in it was genius, along with the idea that zombie women had half zombie babies eat their ways out. Hated the ending which is why I’m docking points

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Pacific Rim

Amazing special effects ESPECIALLY for when it was filmed, but sadly the overused trip of monsters fighting other monsters/machines really got in the way of my experience. Decent film but I don’t think I’ll be watching its successors

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The 5th Wave

Shout by bleppei

Love love love this movie and I don’t care if I’m in the minority. The part about the aliens secretly integrating into the government to make the humans destroy themselves was the writers at their finest. Genuinely hoping somehow they make another one, or even better a show sort of like Jericho about rebuilding after disaster

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Thoroughly enjoyed this movie because it had that classic Tim burton style. I liked the fact that it was in black and white as a modern claymation movie because you could see the gore but not to the point it wouldn’t get streamed. I was rooting for the cat girl and the main boy to get together but about halfway in I realized I’m probably just insane

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I enjoyed this movie but I wish they took out the cats voice changing from Irish to English. I wished that the girl had adopted her foster sister even though you can’t adopt until 21 haha

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In the Tall Grass

Shout by bleppei

Very strange movie, not entirely sure if I liked it but not entirely sure if I disliked it either. The time warp was very confusing at first and I had to have someone explain most of it to me

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Another Country

Powerful look into a true story of an interracial family in 1956 during the peak of segregation. Very very eye opening.

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