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Omicron Persei 8

The Witcher: 3x08 The Cost of Chaos

One of the best episodes in the season, probably because it follows the source material much more closely then previous seasons/episodes. It is focused on some key moments.

Spoiler for those complaining that is is focusing on Ciri? Yennefer more. Yes that is how the source material is. There is much less of Geralt and more Ciri (if not Yennefer).

Little redeeming last 2 episodes for me for the show for the otherwise horrid Season 2 second hald and horrid Season 3 first part. Too bad the series will be always spoiled by poor choices.

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The Witcher: 3x07 Out of the Fire, Into the Frying Pan

Finally a good episode. Focused, close to the books. We have character work. Thumbs up :thumbsup:
The VFX was bad especially the second fight scene, seems like someone from production told them, we need action towards end and they went a made ot extra. Bleh (stupid deviation from book again)

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The Witcher: 3x06 Everybody Has a Plan 'til They Get Punched in the Face

Extremely bed where it deviates from the original source. Stupid writing choices, compounded by stupid writing choices in past seasons and episodes. When will Hollywood learn to lean to the original text as much as possible. I would hope that Lord of the Rings movies showed the way, but no. Again and again Hollywood butchers great stories.
The books are more focused, so much less sporadic. Focus on drama not on fight scenes.
There were few good points when the deviation for low form the source. I liked the Vilgefortz fight scene with Geralt.
Rience death scene ... wtf
And so many pointless stupid deviations...

Director of the series should be fired ..

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Game of Thrones: 8x05 The Bells

I really liked the story-arch ending in this.
Denny has never been "peaceful". She just thought that she is better then others, but it was always "rightful ruler" this and that, which is just talk of tyrants. Yes, there are people that liked her and they just can't seem to understand that she would end not being good, but evil. They will despise this episode. Denny many time said that she will do whatever needs to be done to be on the Irone Throne and many times said that she will burn the Kings Landing.

What was a letdown for me, was the ease it took her to take everything down (fleet, walls, all defenses). Previous episodes have shown how dangerous those could be and this episode it was just flying here and there like nothing. No effort at all. Either show some clever tactics, or show that there at he end was not so mane scorpions, or that he first dragon kill was just a lucky shot. This was done in too easy way. (I assume from timing point they did not want to show a siege or any struggle, just get to the end.)

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The Walking Dead: 8x02 The Damned

Oh, weak so weak. Probably the weakest episode so far.
Half of the runtime is just stupid unbelievable shooting at 5 meters apart (16 feet :D) nobody hitting anybody, all visibly not shooting and the sound is made in post-production.
I am afraid the show goes downhill from now on :(

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The Walking Dead: 8x04 Some Guy

Show's quality goes down. Similarly as episode 2 this has been highly engaging. The story, the execution.
For the god's sake, if you have shootouts make them believable and not that they shoot thousands of round just into a car and they just continue and continue.

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The X-Files: 10x01 My Struggle

The brutal "Info dump" in 3/4 of the episode just ruined everything for me. Character s are trying to justify their chain of thoughts/opinion by just rapidly spilling out tons and tons of facts that 1. even if you know what they are referring to you wont be able to comprehend it at the speed of talking 2. if you don't know what they are talking about, or it has no significance, it is just plain stupid, gets you out of the story and any justification for the series to continue.

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Game of Thrones: 5x08 Hardhome

Shout by General

Finally :) the lurking "main" story comes forward and shows the full potential threat. Much better done than in books :-) where this is just hinted at, that it happened.

Winter is coming!

Spoiler: I loved the start of the "assault". Especially just the hinting at. We saw nothing just terror, suspension, and then it came. Not in walking dead style, but better and well suited to Game of Thrones. Graduated to White Walkers appearance and then the final realization what it means for living to face those who control the dead.

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