

Omicron Persei 8

Fargo: 5x08 Blanket

If someone had told me, after just watching ep. 02, that Gator would slowly, but surely, become my fave character this season I would've let 'em know that their crystal ball's seriously broken. At that time, I seriously couldn't stand seeing him appear onscreen at all, but Joe Keery's killing it, too, this season. All the talk's about Mr. Hamm & Ms. Temple, deservedly so, but I don't think a 3rd-Emmy nom's outta the question. I don't know if there's enough time left for a full-fledged Gator redemption arc, but I really hope he'll put the vape down for a sec & see his actual reality for what it is & freakin' help Dot!! He may never get the chance, though, considering who's sitting behind him in his cop car. Anyway, that was an excellent ep!!

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@jeffdownsouthjukin hoping against hope for a Gator redemption arc too!

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30 Coins: 2x08 The Eye of God

Somebody please explain this entire season to me like I'm a five year old?

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@zoloft it was a dumb

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Fargo: 5x10 Bisquik

The finale's final section was both tense and hilarious, then eventually touching (loved the final shot it ended on), which may skirt my personal line of corny if not for the fact that it's brushed up against the season's ethos in a fitting way, and fascinatingly played out in a push-and-pull game of will, feeling like a Coen what-if scenario: how Marge Gunderson tries and succeeds in taming Anton Chigurh. Loved how Wayne and Scotty intruded on Munch's somber third-person thing every so often (my favorite is a bottle sliding interrupted into frame from Wayne giving it to Munch).

Very good season that is near to level of 1 for me, although 2 remains my favorite as I loved it from beginning to end. My ranking would be 2 > 1 >= 5 >> 3 >> 4

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my favorite is a bottle sliding interrupted into frame from Wayne giving it to Munch

The Man is grateful.
lmao that scene was beautiful

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True Detective: 4x01 Night Country: Part 1

Really f-in’ good start. Love the cast. Love the erie cold desolate gritty setting. It’s hard to nail down exactly why it is but this show is just better than the rest. I guess it’s all of it. It’s just good without being pretentious or calling too much attention to itself,

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@dulneth-p it's an anthology series so each season is self-contained (though an episode in s3 does have some brief references to s1). i really enjoyed s3 and it was a big bounceback from the lackluster s2, def check it out after s4

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Slow Horses: 3x04 Uninvited Guests

great show but says its airing tuesday but apple has it on wed?

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@funkspiel a lot of the streaming shows that release at midnight often show up as premiering the day before...probably something to do with trakt's time zone settings

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The Bear: 2x07 Forks

Reply by BobDole12
BlockedParent2023-08-04T10:10:58Z— updated 2023-08-05T12:15:27Z

Damn are there really restaurants like the one in this episode? I need to get out more often.

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@whos_ur_buddha admittedly my knowledge of fine-dining high-end restaurants is barely above the average person's but, while probably not totally based on it, I got notes of Alinea from that restaurant

oh I guess you probably meant in terms of the insane eavesdropping note-passing customer-spying which definitely feels a bit overkill to be realistic (at least on a normal day-to-day basis) but what do I know I'm just a guy sat on a chair eating a hot pocket and unironically enjoying it

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The Bear: 2x03 Sundae

I really like how the city of Chicago, the food, the spots and the people at said spots are equal characters to our main cast in this season. The absolute adoration of food and culinary technique is in full force during Syds crosstown adventure; It's palpable and saliva-inducing. Along with a trip to New York, a food journey across Chicago has now entered my bucket list. Or maybe just a journey for that sundae topped with hot chocolate fudge. Surprising to see there has been no reference to Chicago-style, deep dish pizza though, or is that a little too stereotypical? We'll have to see at least one before the season is out, no? Surely?

As for the drama, the breakdown of communication between Syd and Carmy feels a little heavy handed and forced, which is unbecoming of this show and its usual subtle approach. I'm willing to let it slide though because I don't believe that it would stoop to such a novice trope, not when everything else up to this point has been so masterfully done. I have to believe this is the red herring, making us believe that something this trivial would lead to fractures between Carmy and Syd when in actuality they're dialled in on each other following their bond in Season 1.

The show continues to be a delight, if a little overly salted from these strangely unfitting character turns.

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Surprising to see there has been no reference to Chicago-style, deep dish pizza though, or is that a little too stereotypical?

Definitely too stereotypical. I feel like 90% of the deep dish pizza Chicagoans eat are when they're entertaining out-of-town guests

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The Bear: 2x03 Sundae
  • Great opening monologue from Carmy.

  • I don’t like this bad partnership foreshadowing at all, they’re foreshadowing Carmy letting Sydney down.

  • I’m sorry but Sydney’s "uhhhhs" and stuttering is starting to drive me nuts. "Well, yeah, ummm, yeah, okay" every time someone says something to her. She can never get to the point.

  • This episode made me hungry.

  • How much money does Sydney have for her to eat her way through Chicago? And did she eat everything? So many calories.

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How much money does Sydney have for her to eat her way through Chicago? And did she eat everything? So many calories

I assumed they (Carmy & Sydney) put a bit of money aside for them to menu-taste/hop the city...0 indications from the show this is the case though so just a major assumption on my part

No way she could finish everything she ordered in one day though, the calories would absolutely obliterate someone who's not used to consuming that much on the regular

(and her speaking and stammering totally put me off her character last season, she's so unassertive then will overcompensate and try to assert herself too hard and time it awfully. she speaks better when she's cooking stuff up w/ Carmy this season so hopefully she'll gain confidence and start talking normally all the time)

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Succession: 4x03 Connor's Wedding

The way they picked an episode title that would make absolutely no one suspect anything…

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@katherysm a wedding episode on HBO...shame on me for not putting two and two together by this point

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The White Lotus: 2x05 That's Amore

so either that's not his uncle or i'm calling the police

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@rapgod13 thank God House of the Dragon is over so I don't have to be grossed out by incest on HBO every Sun-

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House of the Dragon: 1x04 King of the Narrow Sea
House of the Dragon: 1x03 Second of His Name

enjoying this particular job in the end credits -

Production Manager (Blood Unit): Alison Aird

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@guysimchony ah that makes sense esp given how there wasn't actually a ton of blood in this ep. still, loved the idea of someone ringing up Alison Aird all "Alison we got a blood situation and we need the best to manage it"

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House of the Dragon

I'm not a big fan of Matt Smith but let's hope he's good in this

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@millsy79 Narrator: He wasn't.

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The Boys: 3x08 The Instant White-Hot Wild

Shout by drbi

I loved this episode except for noir's untimely death. I wanted to explore more of this nuanced character. Everything else was excellent, especially the last cheering that spell trouble for the world. I expected ryan to turn to homelander.

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@omid25nn i'm spoilerphobic as hell but if i'm reading the comments for an episode i haven't watched and get something from the episode spoiled that's 100% on me

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The Boys: 3x08 The Instant White-Hot Wild

Another good episode, but I must admit that I was kinda disappointed by it as a season finale. It ended well, but the episode felt a bit off. It felt as though every single character just had a sudden change of heart, as though we had missed an entire episode of development. Obviously we knew certain characters were headed a certain way, but they just seemed to suddenly jump from say 60% of the way that they progressed through the last 7 episodes, to 100% just in this one. It felt kinda weird how Homelander just suddenly showed up and got Ryan too - it came out of nowhere. It was still a good episode, but I thought it felt a bit rushed.

Also kinda disappointed that we're kinda just back where we started at the beginning of the season, with no real way to take down Homelander. I was expecting Soldier Boy to take Homelander's powers and then we'd get to see a new side to Homelander next season since he'd be weak and dealing with having no powers. Instead, it seems we're going to get a lot of focus on Ryan and Homelander together - which I do like. I had also thought that maybe all of The Boys would end up with powers by the end of the season, but that didn't happen either (not that that's a bad thing).

Anyway, I thought this was a good episode, but an ever so slightly disappointing end to a fantastic season of TV. Can't wait for season 4.

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It felt kinda weird how Homelander just suddenly showed up and got Ryan too - it came out of nowhere

in the prior(?) episode when Rep. Neuman talks to him after he milks a cow and he chokes her, she holds a piece of paper that most likely had the location of Ryan and says their relationship can be purely transactional. + earlier in the season Butcher(?) mentioned that Homelander had been looking for Ryan so he couldn't visit often or something like that. still a below average ep but that bit made sense if not super well established beyond a few stray lines of dialogue

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Severance: 1x09 The We We Are

Shout by _Jelly_

Great episode! But: why does Miltshick need so unrealistically long to cut the belt made of cloth that holds the security office doors. Come on

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@jelly also that Harmony Cobel was allowed anywhere near that conference/investors' meeting after being fired and security wasn't given a 'DO NOT LET THIS DISGRUNTLED RECENTLY-FIRED EMPLOYEE ENTER THE PREMISES' photo let alone getting backstage to Helly, but very minor quibbles compared to the rest of the stellar finale

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Severance: 1x09 The We We Are

props to my boy Dylan G for holding that position for what seemed like an eternity!

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@abstractlegend pour one out for his forearms

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Killing Eve

Shout by Are You Not Entertained?
BlockedParent2022-03-15T21:53:03Z— updated 2022-10-04T20:58:35Z

The first season was captivating, an exciting ride into an interesting plot. Season two went into some seriously weird stuff, so much so that I gave up. I'm still debating watching the 3rd season or not, season 2 was pretty awful.

UPDATE: Once season 3 aired I just couldn't bring myself to watch this any longer, I couldn't find a single thing in season 2 to bring me back to the show. Season 2 killed the show for me.

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@tvwatcherdenver season 2 was pretty good for me though in hindsight it got pretty fan-baity (esp towards the end) but s3 was AWFUL, every episode got me mad at how dumb it was. a lot of viewers in agreement based on the big 11-point drop between the ratings of seasons 2 and 3 (79% --> 68%)

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Trigger Point: 1x01 Episode 1

Review by BobDole12

A generally competently-made episode with lengthy, sustained stretches of legitimate intensity undone here and there by "Hollywood-isms" (for lack of a better term, realizing this is a British-made program): character quirks (she HAS to have her LUCKY pliers/cutters); forced character banter and handshakes to forcefully show how close the partners are that come across very forced and scripted; her blaring music and bobbing her head along in sync with the bobble-head dog; a lot of lone wolf moments where she takes off her helmet and goes straight towards the potential bomb, protocols be damned!! (major eyerolls at those moments) to, what, show how independent she is? how much she cares about innocent people? Then there's that one bound character with an explosive vest on freaking out, very annoying. idc how people would react in real life but watching someone flailing around and panicking when directly and clearly being told not to and to be still so the experts can disarm the explosive vest they're wearing is always annoying and makes you want to smack the character. Watching 3 people behave calm and cool under pressure and have the silence filled with dread and nervous anticipation beats trying to calm down a panicky character any day.

Forced bits of dialogue to give exposition about the characters' personal lives and background to make us care about them or whatever

Still, overall competently made. The intense moments are effectively so and even when characters banter in moments of respite, there's a sense of lingering dread clinging heavily in the air as I half-expected an explosion to happen in the more relaxed moments (so I certainly saw the last moment happening). The explosion was kind of janky though? Like a bag of dust just went off? It was explosion that seemed to be quite free of any fire

Saw Jed Mercurio's name in the credits at the end, makes sense
May or may not watch more, but as background noise

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@mogregio missed that interview, fair point

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The Chair: 1x01 Brilliant Mistake

Ok at first i did not like it but this is good :)
And fanny? means pussy i guess... and u could only see her underpants...
But lol the old woman was funny.

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@winchesterz in America fanny is slang for butt so when the girl was bending over in her short skirt & skimpy underwear she was flashing the office her backside (fanny means vagina in the UK)

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John Mulaney & The Sack Lunch Bunch

Not every segment in this works, but the stuff that does is great. Jake Gyllenhaal as Mr. Music is the highlight and I want to see him play more absurdly humorous characters like this.

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@jcpdiesel21 he's got the same manic-comedic energy in Okja (think a coked-up washed-up Steve Irwin) & to a much lesser extent Velvet Buzzsaw (less manic more weird-bordering-on-caricature snobby/pretentious art world nutter), both on Netflix!

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