

Omicron Persei 8

The Bear

I'll never understand this being categorized as a comedy even in the age of dark dramedies blurring the lines

Jane the Virgin petitioning the Emmys to be considered a comedy? Understandable
Shameless as a comedy? Dark moments but overall a comedy
Poker Face as a one-hour crime comedy? Hell yeah
Barry? Barely by the end, but still

But I will never ever ever understand The Bear as comedy

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Famous 5eva should've EGOT'd

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Significant Others

one of those annoying overly-indie-feeling things where all the characters are f*cked up and EvErYbOdY's JuSs TrYiN' tO gEt By AnD mUdDlE ThRoUgH lIfE

the child actors get out of this alright though

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The American Buffalo

Big Leo-Pointing-at-the-TV meme reactions whenever they mention national parks or the Roosevelts like I'm watching the KBCU come together or somethin

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The Crown

This show's quality really ended up matching the British Empire's trajectory

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The Lazarus Project

this show is the epitome of constantly being this close to being good

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Ted Lasso

most overrated show in the history of television

went from a cheesy forced and contrived show carried by its performances to a series of shitty afterschool specials whose ambitions completely outstripped its ability

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A Black Lady Sketch Show

odd-numbered seasons :thumbsup:
even-numbered seasons :thumbsdown:

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The Big Door Prize

Really enjoy the cast top to bottom and promising first episode but over half of the season over and it's just...meandering? The episodes quickly started to feel like aimless discursions
Could live with the going-nowhere-slowly plot but that the character explorations are very shallow and surface deep

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India: The Modi Question

BBC really gonna make a 2-hour documentary about ethnic tensions b/t muslims and hindus in India w/o a mention of UK's historical role in the Pakistan-India partition based on ethnic/religious lines? :eyes:

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Munich Games

Shout by BobDole12

I'm a sucker for a geopolitical spy/espionage show and there's enough cleverness and generally intelligent/competent characters to make the lapses in intelligence/competence and/or contrived writing that much more annoying

Extremely obvious by the end of the 5th episodes what the whole deal is

Can we also not have any more cop/spy shows with a spouse whose sole purpose is to be upset about their cop/intelligence agent spouse not spending enough time at home?

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The New Nurses

season 1 - charming and delightful
season 2 - charming and delightful
season 3 - why am i not enjoying this as much?
season 4 - I now recognize the Denmark as a territory wholly under the authority and administration of Greenland

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We're all disappointed by the 3rd episode but I'm still thankful Dolly Wells got a lead role and absolutely crushed it

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The Now

amazing how many generally above-average actors all simultaneously hit their limits in selling extremely-below-average writing

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The Rope

Started off strong with an enticing first episode but petered out quickly with its last two.

The problem with these mystery sci-fi/fantasy type shows is the answer is almost always never fully satisfactory to everybody, and if it goes the route of 'well there's really no answer, hope you enjoyed the journey!' then the journey better've been worth it

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Star Wars: Andor

Nina Gold coming for her 5th Casting Director Emmy

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House of the Dragon

The tragic story of a man who just wanted to build his model city in some damn peace

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Silicon Valley-lite, starts off very shaky but becomes very watchable by the end. Would've gladly watched a 2nd season had there been one

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Alpha House

What if Veep but kind of mediocre but still watchable for political junkies

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Zen Motoring

this should be mandatory viewing in every Driver's Ed class

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Season 1: Edge-of-your-seat, pulse-pounding, very-bingeable geopolitical thriller
Season 2: Decent but loses much of its need to watch the next episode NOW quality
Season 3: ugh

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not on the level of Raising Hope or Pramface but generally pretty enjoyable even if Olly's character is such a pill

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A Thousand Fangs

doesn't quite cohere in the end but much too distracted by Rojas's sweaty biceps to care

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God's Favorite Idiot

i am once again asking Melissa McCarthy to divorce ben falcone

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doesn't seem like this miniseries is liked around these parts (I like it more with each passing episode) but the mockumentary + unreliable narrator(s) combination is very apt to tell the story of angelyne

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Future Man

watching this for the first time 2 years after it finished and I'm astonished/disappointed Eliza Coupe didn't star in 100 action-comedies after this series. In a just universe Eliza Coupe is starring in better versions of Ryan Reynolds movies

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Adult Material

Hayley deserved all the awards for this role (at least the ones that didn't go to Jessie Buckley for Fargo s4) and I am not ready for Chris Miles to be playing dad roles

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thought this would be a show i'd dump after 1 episode based on lukewarm reviews but man this was so much better than the reviews lead me to believe, kept waiting for it to go off quality-wise but it never did. you can quibble about how explicitly gory it needed to be given it was based on true events with real victims and at what point it slips into exploitative territory but that didn't really bother me (understandable if it did others)

Jessica Biel - best acting I've seen from her, never expected much from her acting-wise and she really surpassed my low expectations
Melanie Lynskey - reliably good, easily switching from oh-god-I-hate-these-type-of-people to feeling bad for her and back again
Pablo Schreiber - daddy
Jolly Green Jizzface Jonads Jonah Ryan - dude was so nice as a dad
Justin Timberlake - his appearance was mad distracting

directing & editing on point too

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The First Lady

still in disbelief casting just went with the current most famous black actress to play michelle obama instead of an actress who actually resembles her in any way shape or form and then hair & make-up just threw a michelle obama bob on her and called it a day

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Killing Eve

Season 1: Fantastic
Season 2: Fan Service
Season 3: Fan Fiction
Season 4: Fanasfkankfjnaskjf;nk

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