Shin megami


Luzern, swizerland

Thank You, Goodnight - The Bon Jovi Story

I never was a Bon Jovi fan (my girlfriend is), but liked the documentary a lot. Found it very interesting how the band got big and am pretty impressed how JBJ kept his feet on the ground and didn't get drowned by fame (married his high-school girlfriend, no drugs, no dramas...).
Also a little bit sad to see how he is fighting against his voice issues.

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The Silent Sea

Difficult one to review. Starts really nice and then loses itself in the middle.
Really liked the visuals and the music, the SFX are also pretty nice.
Didn't like the actors at all, found that they were not convincing at all. For example the captain: "Your whole crew is dying, captain! What shall we do?". The captain just rises an eyebrow...
There are also a lot of plot holes: Why does the lift suddenly start to work, when they are working in the shaft? You get the feeling, that the moon would be "living", and word again about that
And one star less for (bad) copying Aliens: "Sir, there's something moving on the radar! And it's fast!" Beep Beep "It's getting nearer!" BeepBeepBeep "Oh, it's just a little girl who is hiding!"
And I was like "Oh no! Soooo cheap!"

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Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness

Didn't have high expectations going into it. But even than I found the series pretty bad: the voice acting sucked, the story was totally cliche and made no sense at all. And let's not even start with the animations...

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