

Omicron Persei 8

About Me

A list of all possible ratings from 1/10 to 10/10 and what it means when an item receives this rating. This list is based on my opinion and may not align with everyone. Keep in mind that I am not a movie critic, so take these ratings with a grain of salt.

1/10: Never consume. Insultingly bad movie, meets none of the qualities of a good movie.
2/10: Do not consume. Had regrets after consuming this entertainment.
3/10: Would rather not consume. Entertainment that I would not recommend to people looking for fun entertainment in this genre in this style.
4/10: Not recommended. Bad entertainment that would give a bad impression of a genre in this style.
5/10: Mediocre entertainment. Not bad entertainment, but it probably suffers from one or more of these things: boring, illogical, poorly acted, or something else along these lines.
6/10: Fairly enjoyable entertainment. Kept my attention most of the time.
7/10: Good entertainment. Kept my attention the entire time.
8/10: Super fun entertainment. Highly recommended for anyone looking for entertainment in this genre and style.
9/10: Favorite entertainment. Highly recommended for anyone who enjoys consuming this style of entertainment.
10/10: Everyone should consume this. In my opinion, everyone should consume this entertainment.

Last 30 Days
Shows — 1d 3h 7m
(49 eps)

Movies — 19h 2m
(9 movies)
All Time
Shows — 11d 23m
(494 eps)

Movies — 9d 5h 59m
(106 movies)
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Only watch when you have seen the movie(s) or episode(s) that come before this one.


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0 ratings with an average of 0 hearts.
