Micah Sarver


Sonora California

Game of Thrones: 6x10 The Winds of Winter

Wow...this was just absolutely amazing. Between this episode and the last episode, this season totally went out with a bang. I wasn't disappointed at all. Some earlier episodes this season felt kind of off, but these last two totally made up for it. I can't wait till next season.

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The Walking Dead: 2x13 Beside the Dying Fire

This ain't a democracy anymore... It's a Ricktatorship!

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Mr. Robot: 2x09 eps2.7_init_5.fve

This show is phenomenal. This has quickly turned into one of my favorite shows & after every single episode, I can't wait to watch more. It's really going to suck when this season is over.

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Better Call Saul: 1x06 Five-O

Wow. This was definitely one of the best episodes I've seen in the series so far. I haven't been too interested in this show so far, but after this, I have to watch more. I hope there's more branching out to other characters like this in other episodes.

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Mr. Robot: 2x12 eps2.9_pyth0n-pt2.p7z

This is definitely one of my favorite shows now. I just want season 3 IMMEDIATELY! ...and season 4...and 5 I NEED MORE!!!!!!

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Mr. Robot: 2x07 eps2.5_h4ndshake.sme

Sorry Elliot, but I can't trust anything you tell me anymore.

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Game of Thrones: 7x06 Beyond the Wall

I can't believe Viserion is actually dead & turned. That has to be the most significant death of this season, although I don't know what will happen next episode. The fact that they have a dragon now, makes them a much bigger threat.

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Mr. Robot: 1x08 eps1.7_wh1ter0se.m4v

I never would have seen that coming.

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Castaway on the Moon

I usually don't watch films with subtitles, but I absolutely loved this. I always wanted to find out what would happen next. This is a must-watch film in my opinion.

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The Walking Dead: 6x09 No Way Out

FINALLY!!! I've been waiting for them to do something like that for SO LONG!!!!!!

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The Walking Dead: 3x04 Killer Within

This episode had me crying.

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Game of Thrones: 4x01 Two Swords

Watching this episode, I couldn't help but be totally distracted by the fact that they recast Daario Naharis.

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The Walking Dead: 3x08 Made to Suffer

I'm rewatching the series & I can't believe I forgot how much of a dipshit Andrea is.

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The Walking Dead: 3x14 Prey

Andrea's own stupidity got her in that chair. She had plenty of chances to end it, but she kept holding back for some reason. She even had the opportunity to come back to Rick's group, but she chose to be a fool.

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The Office: 7x14 The Search

DAMN! Phyllis' joke at the end..... o.O

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The Walking Dead: 1x03 Tell It to the Frogs

The best thing Shane ever does is in this episode.

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Ray Donovan: 5x08 Horses

I really felt this one. This episode was desperately needed to portray the heartbreak of Abby's passing. The whole season has built up to this in some way or another, but this was the episode that really tied it all together. Before this, I felt as if something was terribly wrong about finding out about Abby's passing this season, but now I feel like everything is as it should be. I didn't want Abby's passing to be something taken lightly, and before this episode, I didn't feel the impact that it should have had. Although it made me quite sad, I'm glad this was episode was so thoughtfully made....except for that stupid horse's song.....fuck that song.

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The Office: 5x23 Broke

Let's see, Michael quits his job when he didn't have to and Pam decides to follow him to his new company which was a terrible idea. To no one's surprise, it doesn't last long but they did steal several big clients which was a surprise. This causes David to want to buy them out, but instead of SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, Michael, the biggest screw up of all time, gets everyone their job back?!?! HOW?!?!

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The Walking Dead: 5x14 Spend

I feel like Noah's death was the most gruesome death since the start. DAMN!!!

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The Walking Dead: 5x07 Crossed

Sasha is too good for her own good. You don't help someone who is your captive!!! STUPID!!!!!!!!

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Ray Donovan: 4x09 Goodbye Beautiful

It's really going to suck if they kill Avi off the show. I always wanted the writers to develop Avi & Lena a bit more and involve them more in the plot. Lena was a badass in this episode though.

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Ray Donovan: 4x05 Get Even Before Leavin'

Wow...some crazy shit went down in this episode. I knew Teresa felt like things were fucked up, but I never thought she'd go that far. I never thought Mickey would do something like what he did at the end either.

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Ray Donovan: 5x07 If I Should Fall from Grace with God

I'm so happy Frank is dead. I'm sure another obnoxious prick will fill his spot though.

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The Walking Dead: 7x08 Hearts Still Beating

FINALLY, a good episode! The first I've actually enjoyed all season. Everything leading up to this was "meh" in some way. Now I'm just waiting for Carol and the rest to stop being complete dumbasses. They have completely ruined Carol's character from the badass she used to be. I don't have much faith at this point for TWD to not completely fuck up any hope I have for the rest of the season, but I'm going to at least find out. Maybe I'll want to watch Season 8 when it comes around, maybe not. If the second half of Season 7 is as disappointing as this half, I'll probably give up on the show. All I know for sure is that a lot of people are going to die and I'm hoping it won't be too many of the characters I actually like on this show.

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The Walking Dead: 6x03 Thank You
Game of Thrones: 4x08 The Mountain and the Viper

If only he would have just killed him instead of trying to get him to confess. That's another character I liked that is now dead in this series.

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The Office: 5x08 Frame Toby

No God, please no! NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Marvel's Iron Fist: 1x09 The Mistress of All Agonies

Harold coming back from the dead I can handle, but ninja stars made out of tin foil??!?!! COMMON!!!!

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The Walking Dead: 5x04 Slabtown

Dawn is the type of person I'd like to see eaten alive & torn apart.

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The Office: 7x15 PDA

Gabe is almost as bad as Toby... Ahh, who am I kidding? No one can be as bad as Toby.

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