Micah Sarver


Sonora California

Death Note

The only reason I'm going to watch this is that Willem Dafoe is Ryuk. Everything else about this movie feels off. I'm expecting this to be a disappointment, unfortunately. I don't care if L is black, the way he acts in the trailer isn't true to his character.

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I had expectations that this wasn't going to be good at all, but I wanted to watch anyway just to be sure. It turned out to be pretty decent. Not GREAT, but worth a watch for sure.

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Unfriended: Dark Web

There was one main part that really threw me off... When Matias decided to act like it was all a joke and THEY BELIEVED HIM! WTF was that? Still this was pretty watchable imo, and some parts definitely remind me of some real shit I've seen on the web.

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Castaway on the Moon

I usually don't watch films with subtitles, but I absolutely loved this. I always wanted to find out what would happen next. This is a must-watch film in my opinion.

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Tomb Raider

This one was a big disappointment for me. I had hopes for this considering I'm a Tomb Raider fan as well as a fan of Alicia Vikander, but this movie was a failure in my opinion.

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Death Note

If you're looking at the comments to see if you should watch this or not, I say don't waste your time. You will be disappointed.

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Nocturnal Animals

This movie was a fucking train wreck. It just kept pissing me off, and for some reason I still watched it to the end. I wish I hadn't.

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This movie could have been SO much better! It just feels like wasted potential for an amazing movie which seems to be on par with most movies these days.

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By the end of the film, it became rather obvious that "The Man" was just a portrayal of Satan

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