


Claws: Season 1

Very funny with some good actors, some great insults, nice balance of light and darkness with the plot. It reminds me of early Desperate Housewives, oh and the nails are awesomely tasteless!

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Lost in Space: Season 1

Possibly one of the worst reboots ever, Netflix wasted a lot of money on this painfully scripted and poorly executed story. Don't bother wasting your time, even the cgi is pretty crap.

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The Mist: Season 1

I know Stephen King is corny but this is a new low, zero tension, couldn't care if they die horribly, in fact I hope they do! Watch the film, its not quite as bad!

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See: Season 1

6 episodes in and its absolute drivel, no character development, slow uninteresting storyline, acting is histrionic nonsense, cgi is good though! WTF were Apple thinking blowing $15Million on each episode? Utter crap, and that's being reasonably generous!

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Sweet Tooth: Season 2

Season 2 is dreadful! Bad acting, crap plot, shitty costumes, this sweet tooth has gone rotten!

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Brave New World: Season 1

This is not Brave New World! It is not the story I read, the actors are made of wood, it did not grab my attention whatsoever, maybe I've taken too much Soma. What a waste of television.

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Cursed: Season 1

Utter utter utter drivel writing, characterless, devoid of any Arthurian magic, shitty cgi, a complete waste of money and time, don't even bother unless you're about 12 years old, it really is that bad!

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Sweet Tooth: Season 2

Season 2 is dreadful, bad acting, crap plot, rubbish costumes, this sweet tooth has gone rotten!

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Away: Season 1

So unbelievably bad, I cant understand why Netflix thinks we want to watch crap like this! Dont waste your time on this zero scifi dreary hand wringing pc bollocks.

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The Protector: Season 1

Iron Fist in Turkey, some nice stuff to look at, zero plot or acting abilities, avoid.

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Lost in Space: Season 2

I would rather be lost in space at Christmas than watch this utterly atrocious crap posing as sci fi and 'entertainment'.

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High Maintenance: Season 1

fucking dreadful! Not funny at all!

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