Caitlin Clevenger


Madison, Wisconsin

Teenage Bounty Hunters

Unexpectedly delightful. Like Clueless meets Veronica Mars.

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Daybreak: 1x01 Josh vs. the Apocalypse: Part 1

It's definitely stupid, but it's fun.

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Extremely melodramatic. I don’t know whether or not it’s a faithful representation of depression, but as TV, it was just grating.

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I think this will be tough to get into for those who haven't seen the movie or read the series. I did both, but I still had to read through some recaps after each episode to make sure I knew what was going on. Basically, it just won't hand you much in the way of exposition.
If you can invest the brain effort to keep track of the story though, I think it's worth it. In terms of superhero shows, it's much more similar to The Boys than any of the Marvel/DC stuff out right now: it's more mystery/suspense over the long term than episodic action.
Regina King is fantastic.

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Shadow in the Cloud

There’s a 20 or 30 minute section of Moretz, alone on screen, communicating to the other characters via radio and totally powerless, that’s just fantastic. I thought I was going to watch a full length film version of her desperately trying to complete her mission while disembodied voices grow more and more paranoid. That was not what happened.

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The Irishman

The whole cast does a great job, and there's a few really memorable scenes: if this movie were under two hours, I would be rating it much higher. But once I got into the third hour of them still not killing Jimmy Hoffa, I started being annoyed. Why are we talking about shorts for this long? Why does this conversation about fish never seem to end? All these drawn out scenes that develop character but don't advance the plot, they're great in moderation but when you're two hours in and getting restless, they sour the whole film and you walk out disappointed.

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Welcome to Flatch

Lots of reviews here comparing this show unfavorably to its UK counterpart - I haven't seen the original so I came to this show with no expectations, and found it very funny. Kelly and Lloyd are wacky characters, a couple of adult-sized little kids given the freedom to do the stupidest thing imaginable, and you can't look away.

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Miracle on 34th Street

I watch this every Thanksgiving (my family's decided the opening scene with the parade makes this a Thanksgiving movie, not a Christmas movie), and I quote it the rest of the year - especially drunk Mrs. Shellhammer.
Only gets better with age.

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The Final Cut

I just can't get over how dumb the concept is: you buy a memory recorder for your unborn child, for the exclusive purpose of being able to put together a better tribute video for them at a funeral that neither you nor they will likely attend?

It would almost make sense if it was a crime deterrent that cops used to catch murderers, but no, the writer of Final Cut thinks that the first thought that pops into a pregnant mother's head is "But what video will they show at my baby's funeral?"

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They have Tom Hardy in so much makeup he looks like he’s wearing someone else’s skin over his own. I assumed they had aged him up so they could show him looking normal in flashbacks- nope. They really spent the whole movie following around a pooping, groaning, dementia patient.

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Even if this was supposed to be a parody of bad horror films (and it's never clear if it is), it is really bad. But there are points where it gets so bad it's good. Watching with my family on Thanksgiving day, we laughed our heads off at all the turkey's lines.

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The Morning Show

Well, it's not a comedy. It's trying hard to give some "hot takes" on issues that are pretty darn cold. Bradley's rant in particular in the pilot about coal, and protest culture, and political cycles really wasn't viral-video worthy and though I got the sense it was supposed to get me on her side, it just made me lose respect for her.
I am interested to see where Mitch's story goes, though: he seems to jump back and forth between "guy who didn't know he was doing anything wrong" and "misogynist creep", and I want to hear how his story compares to his accusers'.

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I see what this movie is trying to do in capturing the poetry in the mundane, and perhaps it's doing it very well, but I could find nothing in this story to capture my interest. A boring story, even executed beautifully, doesn't do it for me.

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Another Time

A time travel movie where there’s no time travel until the last 20 minutes. It’s a bad movie for other reasons too, but that really seals it.

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This Is 40

A comedy with no humor and no joy.

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Nate: A One Man Show

Deeply uncomfortable. Not deeply funny.

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Birdemic: Shock and Terror

You don’t really understand how important a sound editor is until you watch a movie that doesn’t have one.

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Butt Boy

Watched the first twenty minutes and got too bored. The synopsis promises something interesting will happen eventually.

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I'm so glad I finally checked this show out. I'm a big fan of the two main actors and the show is as wonderfully weird as they are.

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The Oath

It attempts to walk a line between comedy and horror but never quite reaches either. The threat the Oath poses is never well defined enough for us to understand what the big fuss is about on either side.

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Most Dangerous Game

Of the shows I’ve tried on Quibi so far, this is the best. I’m waiting eagerly to find out what happens next. I do wish it were in a longer format, though.

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Watching someone get food exploded on them, then have to eat it is good for one minute of entertainment. And if the rest of this were a full length cooking show it wouldn’t be worth watching a whole episode for one good giggle. But give the five minute format, it works.

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Who keeps hitting the greenlight button on all these sitcoms about thirty somethings living with their parents? I feel like I’ve seen this pilot a dozen times on a dozen shows that didn’t get a second season.

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Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan: Season 2

A let down after a great first season.
Where's Cathy? In every Jack Ryan movie they're married, and their relationship was a compelling story in the first season, but I guess someone at Amazon thinks it's more fun to make him sleep with random women wherever he goes. Just. Like. Every. Other. Spy. Story. Yawn.

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A guilty pleasure. In many ways it's a trashy romance novel brought into the TV format. You know, the ones marketed to women with a shirtless hunk on the cover. Jamie is that shirtless hunk, a true female fantasy who time and again sacrifices himself to save Claire.

But I got hooked on the characters and the idea of a perfect love that even time can't tear apart, and there's no going back for me now.

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The Sun Is Also a Star

Teen romance bingo:
Friend whose only purpose is to listen to how much he loves her
Star crossed lovers
Disapproving parents
I love you
What if I don’t want to go to college Dad
Extended stares
Fails the bechdel test
Not like other girls

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The Politician

Very fun watch. Over the top drama that works as long as you're willing to suspend your disbelief.
They try to shoehorn in Ben Platt's musical talent in a few places in ways that don't seem natural, but that's really my only complaint.
Hope it continues on to season 2, because the finale promises another great arc.

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Saturday Night Live: 45x01 Woody Harrelson and Billie Eilish

Woody's monologue was stunted and awkward and essentially one long take on the super duper funny "you're not allowed to say anything anymore because people are offended". Weak start.

Highlights: Maya Rudolph's guest appearance, a very creative performance by Billie Eilish, Aidy's hilarious break.

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So Weird: 3x26 The River

A clip show for the series finale. What a let down.

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Joan of Arcadia: 2x22 Something Wicked This Way Comes

Can't believe they built up this whole thing in the last few episodes, just to get canceled.

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