Callie Pyke


Edmonton, Alberta

American Ultra

I enjoyed it. Kristen Stewart and Jesse Eisenberg were great together in this movie and I kinda wish they had made a sequel

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Bones: 6x06 The Shallow in the Deep

This is one of my favorite episodes due to the slave ship story line. Powerful

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Dangerous Beauty

One of my all time favorite movies! The fact that she is also loosely based off of a real 16th century courtesan is fascinating as well.

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Anne of Green Gables

An absolute classic. Megan Follows plays a fantastic Anne and as a fan of the books I enjoy the movies so much.

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Grease 2

I couldn't stand ANY of the songs! I liked it more for the story and that is sad as the story wasn't even that good

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Anne with an E

9 minute in and this girl IS Anne Shirley from the books! While I am an absolute fan of the Meghan Follows mini-series I have noticed differences between the books and the adaptation that can set you a little outside it (still love it more than anything). The very short part with Matthew and Marilla just felt right and the setting is perfect so far. The issues I worry about is if they drag it too long. Will update review as I go along

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Charlie's Angels

Enjoyed the action sequences but the dialogue and off shoot story lines could be downright cringe worthy unfortunately.

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The Substitute 3: Winner Takes All

No where as good as first 2. I just felt like they weren't even trying with this movie and the sexualized parts are so out of place that it took me out of the movie. Disappointing

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The Quick and the Dead

Loved this movie years ago and still love it today. Is the acting perfect? no. Is the store the best? no. But I still enjoy it deeply and love Sharon Stone as "the Lady"

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American Pie

Does Not Age Well! While re-watching made it a whole 10 min in and all the things I remember liking are now squeeking me out

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Tomb Raider

I greatly enjoyed this movie and really hope they someday make a sequel. Also I enjoy it specifically as a movie as I have never played the games. The action was fantastic and loved the story line

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Charlie's Angels

I actually liked this quite a bit. Was the acting perfect, heck no but it kept me entertained and after all isn't that what Charlie's Angels has always been... entertaining. I legit hope they make another movie with this cast as well

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I couldn't wait for this movie and really enjoyed it. Some people seem to expect too much out of a movie about a superhero barely anyone has heard of. Take it for what it is, a fun time action hero movie

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I used to adore this movie but maybe because I now know the true history, I just am not enjoying it. Way too slow and just no longer for me

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West Side Story

Not for me. The acting seems hollow and it just seemed ridiculous couldn't watch more than 30 min, so boring

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Men in Black: International

So very very bland. I normally love underdog movies but this one was so boring! I loved Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson in Thor Ragnarok, so I have to say their complete lack of on screen chemistry was so surprising. Even the action scenes were so boring I found myself wanting to go for a walk. Kind of a let down and waste of 2 hours

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The Relic

I remember watching and loving this movie when i was younger but was a little apprehensive re watching it now that I am older as quite a few monster movies don't hold up years later. But found myself still enjoying it as much. Sure the acting is a little hokey but otherwise I enjoyed it

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A Simple Favor

I went into this a little unsure but had to admit pretty funny and the twists were quite interesting. Issue is the boring parts were way way too boring! Seemed to wrap up nicely.

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The Spy Who Dumped Me

The first part was so slow and boring and not funny. Second half was okay but not great. I like Kate McKinnon some of the time and alway like Mila Kunis but the writing is slow and boring

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First time seeing this one ever and gotta say kinda liked it. Sure the acting and the plot weren't the best but considering in age its still fairly decent. I do however like Laurie's character. She didn't just sit back and scream like a helpless child. All in all fairly decent. Definitely going to watch the next one

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Sword Art Online

It was great until they added elfeim. Then I got bored. Dragged on way longer than I wanted it too and will NOT be watching season 2

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Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders

I have to also disagree with the negative comments as a fan of the criminal minds franchise I am greatly saddend by the end of another criminal minds

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