
1 follower

Edmonton, Alberta

Terra Nova

I think I'm the only one who likes this show. I miss monster-of-the-week shows, now that everyone seems to think shows have to have a ton of romantic drama and character development/background nonsense. I'm fine with a bunch of averagely interesting characters who have a new problem to deal with each week.

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Onyx the Fortuitous and the Talisman of Souls

This was damn-near perfect… except that the main character is f*cking annoying as hell. His radio DJ / infomercial voice thing is so incredibly grating. Also I’d buy the innocent man-child thing more if he didn’t constantly swear like a sailor (not that swearing bothers me at all but it seems out of character). It’s a shame; kind of a missed opportunity to be an awesome cult movie. Sadly, not even Jeffrey Combs could completely blot out the stench of Andrew Bowser’s odious character.

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Black Mirror: 6x04 Mazey Day

Yeah it was fine, for the Twilight Zone or Outer Limits or something. This is not Black Mirror.

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Love, Death & Robots: 3x09 Jibaro

WHAT. THE. ABSOLUTE. F:asterisk_symbol:CK.

Bad Travelling was amazing. Some of the others were ok. This episode made me want to puke until I die. What a horrible f:asterisk_symbol:cling way to end this season.

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