Carlos Teran


Monterrey, MX

Silk Road

The problem with this film is that glamorizes Ulbricht's intentions. Better watch Deep Web (2015) instead.

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Seduced: Inside the NXIVM Cult

A true eye opener about the inner workings of a cult, told by its victims.

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Law & Order: 13x09 The Wheel

This episode features Tzi Ma as a former major of Tianjin, where Mulan (2020) was shot. He also appears in that movie. Odd coincidence, given all the backlash for the concentration camps.

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Awful adaptation of a fairly decent novel. An atrocious change at the end make it unbearable.

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The Tower

Basically a so-so remake of The Towering Inferno (1974).

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Frequency: 1x01 Pilot

I loved the movie back in ´99, and gosh, this is a GREAT remake. I'm impressed about the emotional rollercoaster in just one hour. Excellent pilot episode, and I just hope the series keeps this good.

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Designated Survivor: 1x01 Pilot

Excellent first episode. I'm having a big problem to buy General Cochrane's motivations and overall attitude, and the amount of disrespect that projects upon Kirkman. Kal Penn needs to draw from his own experience at the White House, because his delivery feels tired, uneven. Other than that, this series premiere shines, and I'm looking forward for a great season.

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Lethal Weapon: 1x01 Pilot

The main problem with this series, is the editing. The thematic and emotional jumps that come out of nowhere. It's a mess, despite a good chemistry between the leads and the excellent acting from Clayne Crawford. What I like the most is that instead of channeling Gibson, he made his own character tick. The weak parts of his acting are sadly when he tries to incorporate the film's canon. Every time he goes for those moments, the character feels cheap. He shines when he delivers his sincere southern charisma. They need to get rid of the shadow of the movies, and depart from them. As far as possible, so this series gets its own voice. Then again, this is Fox, and it'll get cancelled after one season, anyway.

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Blunt Talk: 1x06 Goodnight, My Someone

Watching Daniel Stewart (Sir Patrick Stewart's real-life son) performing along his father for the first time since "The Inner Light" was such a treat for me. There are a couple of scenes between them that... I'm sure they meant what those words in real-life, and not just as actors. A great, great episode.

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Doctor Who: 9x01 The Magician's Apprentice (1)

This may be a very promising beginning for this series. The writing, is on the spot and I really appreciate the nods to the previous doctors. Can't wait for next week.

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Mysterious Island

The best I can say about this film, is that they try very hard to narrate a story whose original inspiration can't be truly adapted in a faithful way for a modern audience. Therefore, most of the film is an original story, inspired by Jules Verne's book, and featuring some characters from that book. Let's say it's Jules Verne meets LOST, Land Of The Lost and The Outer Limits. Enjoyable and offering some original premises, that would benefit of more screen time, like a mini-series. Worth the look.

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The Starlost: Season 1

Obtaining a copy of this series, has been a total pain, but the tapes of knowledge were obtained (in VHS). The special effects are flawled, and the series itself suffers from being shot in video instead of 35mm. The first episode is great, but the quality of the scripts, acting and production only decreases as the series progresses. Campy at times, dead serious at others, probably could have been saved with a different producer, and better scripts.

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Killing Kennedy

This movie has a serious casting problem. Will Rothhaar isn't nearly as engaging as Oswald, and can't act to save his own life. It lacks experience, and his performance is unidimentional, at best. The rest of the cast is great, but Rothhaar weights down the play, making Oswald sound like a spoiled whinning brat, instead of a troubled, deeply conflicted person.

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Testosterone driven, lots of gratuitous nudity, hand to hand combat, fast driving Audi cars and a very simple plot in every episode. Hey, what's not to love?. For those times when you need to get from point A to point B, leaving your brain in the backseat, this is it. It works within its limits. The order the episodes appear in Netflix is the correct production sequence, not they way it was broadcast in the US, and the main character mentions plot elements that only make sense if you watch it in the production sequence (yes, it has a plot). The German, French and Spanish dubbing of the series is fine, and I'm not experiencing any out of sync events. Be advised, this isn't Shakespeare, and isn't meant to be, by any means. It's Saturday night pop-corn TV to sit back with your mates and enjoy.

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The Librarians

I must say... after Warehouse 13 ended, there was a little piece missing in my puzzle, and hey... here it is. Hope it gets its footing by the end of the first season.

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Narco Cultura

A heartbreaking documentary about the Mexican Drug War, as seen from the eyes of two opposite subjects: Edgar Quintero, a "narco-corrido" singer whose life is slowly spiraling down into the very lifestyle his songs are about, and Richi Soto, a crime scene investigator, who risks his life every day in a battle that seems already lost. Schwarz, with his camera engages the viewer as a silent visitor in Dante's hell, descending and leaving all hope behind.

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From a technical standpoint, this film is a fitting successor to Kubrick's 2001 in both quality and science accuracy. Emotionally, it's a heartbreaking tale about love, trust, betrayal and hope. However, Interstellar isn't a movie I'll care to watch again or buy, unlike Inception (my favorite Nolan film). I felt that so many plot holes were left open, found some of the characters so shallow and too emotionally driven given the stakes at play. Even the end feels somewhat as a disappointment to me, in every sense. In the end, it lacks from logic plot-wise and it plays the heart-love card way too often. Then again, the old school VFX are top notch and enjoyable. However, the story is thin, thin as paper, and I hate the fact that technology in Interstellar only works as much as the plot needs it to work, otherwise is useless or not advanced enough. Which is true in all movies, particularly sci-fi films, but it’s not supposed to feel like it at this extent, in detriment of the experience.

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