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Woop Woop, Australia

Black Mirror

A show centring around technology.
I went in with no information except to skip season one. Netflix even starts you watching from season 3. There are several really good episodes and some really famous actors I'm surprised were actually in the show.

Each season minus 1 (havent seen it) has an episode I really enjoyed. My top 2 favourite episodes are probably the Bee one and the Virtual Reality Game with the guy playing Falcon in Avengers. Definitely recommend and the Christmas special. That one had a really great twist.

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Peep Show

An English show about two men in their late 30s rooming together. Both are social outcasts but pretend that they can fit in with society and probably don't really like each other that much. It's funny at times, sometimes sad, other times just SAD and so so cringey. Good in small doses and very quotable.

If our feet touch, we fuck, obviously.

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Heartbreak High
One Day

Just so tragic, a great and fun story. It's the functional version of Normal People.

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A decent show that feels like a remix of Veronica Mars and Sabrina's Chilling Adventures. It doesn't really feature anything particularly interesting except that it fits with modern goth teens. I liked some of the parts of the show, especially the character relationships (Enid and Wednesday), but found the love triangle overdone and boring and the final conclusion of the storyline to be completely uninteresting. Throughout the show I had this underlying feeling that I was just watching emo Harry Potter.
This is a dark academia with a classical twist - unfortunately I struggled to see the comedic element of the show.

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Some of season 2 really let this show down, like the animated episode (obviously they couldn't go anywhere and both actresses had babies), but it's still a really solid show.

Episode 14 and 15 in season two were really heavy but also had some good moments. The cringey humour parts are better in season 1. Don't miss this show, if you grew up in the 2000s, some of this is really relatable...

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Blood of Zeus

all this because a man cheated on his wife lol

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Goedam is a series of episodes loosely / not really connected about spirits living in the same world as us. The best episodes IMO were Crack, Special Guest, Threshold and Birth. Unfortunately the episodes are so short and there is no continuity (except for when they are in the school) that the show doesn't really feel scary or interesting. All of these episodes are very graphic. The theme of urban legends doesn't really come through except in Dimension and Birth. I wonder if these would be more familiar for Koreans.

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Rostered On

Rostered On is an Australian comedy about a group of people working in an electronics store. As someone who hasn't worked in retail it doesn't hit that close to home for me, but it is still funny. There were some ridiculous laugh-out-loud moments and others that were truly disgusting. In season 2 they try to add more heart and some sad moments but I only came here to laugh, mate. I think the story arc with the old security guard was not funny and wholly unnecessary - a lot like something you'd find in a youtube comedy sketch. Funnily enough one of the extras is a massive Tiktok user too lol. He's in the episode with the new security guard and gets tased straight up. I really liked Shaun's story the most, but Dan and Tess are some of my favourite secondary characters.

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She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer
13 Reasons Why

The actors are really good. Music is forgettable. Writing is overly dramatic and somewhat frustrating with every character calling Hannah a liar with zero context for the audience, from episode 1 to 13. The one bit of proof for the lying is Zach still having the note Hannah wrote, but nothing else. I did like a few of the characters and my favourite plotline was the one about Jessica/Bryce/Justin. That was really enjoyable.

The believability is broken by the fact that the school seems to be sexual assault city, with everyone smoking weed and drinking and very obviously 20-somethings pretending to be teenagers. The only ones believable as teenagers are Alex, Tyler and Tony. The other thing is this whole cliche of a new girl coming to town and pretty much every boy falling in love with her.

The final episode was hard-hitting, especially when Hannah's mother and father find her body in the bathtub, but in the end I'm kind of left disappointed and agreeing this is a teenage drama for middle-aged women who wanna cry. 6.5/10.

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13 Reasons Why

Shout by Catsy

Overly dramatic but truly not that great.

Alex was my favourite character.

My favourite plotline was Jessica/Justin/Bryce. The rest of it is not really that interesting. The final episode is graphic and I'm still picturing it in my head.

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Devilman Crybaby

A true adaptation of the manga, Devilman is a series following two boys (Ryo and Akira) and their lives after Ryo takes Akira to a Sabbath party and encourages him to be possessed by a demon in the ensuing bloodshed.

The story is quite simple and previous iterations have not been as good, but this series is dark and touching. The animation style is unusual but attractive and suits the themes very well. It's spooky seeing how people act after they have become part demon and the turning points in the series were truly gripping and made me cry out in response.

Definitely worth a watch but be warned there is a lot of violence and sex.

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BoJack Horseman

A show about a horse-man who is a washed up actor trying to stay relevant. A lot of different and interesting characters and it treats the anthropomorphism as just part of the world. The show is really depressing at times but each moment of joy is so heartwarming, it's worth it. Season one isn't the best, but the show really gets much better as you go on.

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Rick and Morty

Really enjoyable but better enjoyed by yourself so you don't have obnoxious people screaming out quotes from the show. Truly its fans are cringey enough to confront you in the streets if you're wearing a slogan tee.

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Shout by Catsy

A great intro to a series I would definitely watch long-term. Voice acting is top notch, but Trevor Belmont is a bit of a stereotype long-seen in series of this genre. Few words, total badass--on top of that the long-lost son of a demon-fighting family lol. The fight choreography is really great and so is the animation in the scenes. The backgrounds are decent but you can see some areas they flesh out less detail.

Side comment: how many times can someone fall from great heights onto jagged rocks and not die?

The plot is based on this:

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Run, BIGBANG Scout!

Super wholesome, silly fun with Bigbang. The series was shot at the end of 2016, btw, so they obv won't reference anything from this year.
Post scandal, the episode where they wrote letters to each other is literally the nicest one and so lovely to see the band members bond.

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Nathan for You

This show is hilarious for many reasons: It's so awkward and cringey, Nathan has no tone or inflection in his voice, and the people seem so genuine, so even if it isn't real, it could be.

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