Christopher Masterman


Hampshire, United Kingdom

The Geena Davis Show

Frequently cited as a "bad sitcom" the show is nothing of the sort. In fact there is a charm to the ensemble cast, who also appear to be enjoying themselves during the taping. I'm uncertain as to whether it was recorded live in front of an audience (it does have the feel of it) The series gets into it's stride after a few episodes, it's a shame that the original broadcast of the final episodes was done so off handedly (a 3 month gap is a shabby way to treat the hard work of cast & crew!) The Geena Davis Show is well worth a watch, definitely binge worthy too. After 23 years I think it's time for a re-evaluation of a much maligned work of FUN!

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Ghost Stories

Stumbled across this show and like many others I have to recommend the English dubbed version. The unexpected blindsides of dialogue that leave you laughing out loud; at times offensive but always intended to amuse. Definitely an anime for an adult audience.

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Love Soup

From the pen of David Renwick comes this classically English Drama-Com. The two seasons have a distinct difference in feel (beyond the obvious episode durations) The first season being more interesting with it's dual leads illustrating the romantic search for "the one". Tamsin Greig is exceptional as usual in a role filled with pathos and longing.

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NYC 22

NYC 22 is a great series (especially when viewed in the correct story order, which didn't happen on broadcast!)
To assist any other viewers the narrative sequence is:

Broadcast episode Sequence in Narrative Timeline

NYC 22 s1e01 1st
NYC 22 s1e02 8th
NYC 22 s1e03 11th
NYC 22 s1e04 10th
NYC 22 s1e05 12th
NYC 22 s1e06 13th
NYC 22 s1e07 9th
NYC 22 s1e08 7th
NYC 22 s1e09 3rd
NYC 22 s1e10 5th
NYC 22 s1e11 2nd
NYC 22 s1e12 4th
NYC 22 s1e13 6th

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Section Zéro

Dystopian near future & the traditional bleak outlands. Kudos all round for the location finding which is setting for a slow unfolding plot. Diverting television as this would probably not get made in an English speaking country.

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Shame no 2nd series, but I guess that makes the 6 episodes we do have more precious.

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Laura Kuenssberg: State of Chaos

An interesting recap that unfortunately misses out the facilitation of the UK press in aiding and abetting the "state of chaos". Repeatedly unchallenging and accepting the 'answers' proffered by ministers and MPs helped sustain the debacle (and unfortunately still remains!)

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Nairn Across Britain

A fantastic example of TV documentary making at it's best. There's no extraneous jingle jangle music covering poor sound recording. No superfluous talking heads, just Ian Nairn our guide along the three linked journeys. And with the passage of time his opinions of the architectural and planning decisions that he points out reveal their prescience.

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Nairn Across Britain

A fantastic example of TV documentary making at it's best. There's no extraneous jingle jangle music covering poor sound recording. No superfluous talking heads, just Ian Nairn our guide along the three linked journeys. And with the passage of time his opinions of the architectural and planning decisions that he points out reveal their prescience.

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Jack Reacher: Never Go Back

So much running, running, running.

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One Cut of the Dead

Definitely, as others have said, the less you know going in the better it becomes as the film & story unveils through the running time.

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Léon: The Professional

Compelling cinema. As fresh in 2016 as when I first saw it in 1995. Career enhancing roles from Natalie, Jean & Gary make this a great way to spend a couple of hours.

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Beautiful Audrey, timeless Paris, charming scenario.
Every viewing is a joy!

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Spice World

Nearly 20 years old but still a joyous, frothy, cameo-filled, frivolous, light-hearted romp. This film is Spice Girls pop culture pure & simple; effervescent, untaxing & filled with happiness.

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Light & breezy comedy that uses an excellent selection of music to enhance the period scene. Well paced with a clever alternative take.

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The Matrix

Philosophy & religion combine in a film that largely ignores the main rule of cinema storytelling: SHOW don't tell! Very 'talky' with some standout fight sequences.

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Out of Sight

A pinnacle of acting craft. Everyone has brought their A-game to the roles, no matter how small. The pacing of the plot propels the film forward perfectly, allowing the romance aspect to evolve naturally. Out Of Sight is a movie that easily bears repeated viewing.

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Bad Day at Black Rock

The Director's Commentary for this film is a brilliant insight into the film making processes used. Worth the repeat viewing alone.

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La Haine

It's not about the fall, it's about how you land.
A masterpiece of cinema; from the film's soundscape & visuals to the immersive realistic acting & dialogue, La Haine embodies everything that makes filmmaking such a powerful storytelling medium. Every viewing it's as good as ever.

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Saturday Night Fever

Shout by Christopher Masterman
BlockedParent2017-11-29T20:04:58Z— updated 2021-12-31T21:02:59Z

Often remembered as simply a disco movie, Saturday Night Fever is more than the sum of it's dancing & music. Sure there are missteps with the plot (what's going on with Frankie; coming home to leave again) & the adult themes that get touched on but aren't allowed to intrude too much. The location footage captures a Brooklyn & New York that, 40 years on, is now history.
Watching this with the Director's Commentary on is a blast too! So many great snippets on movie making, acting & also period social reference.

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Sterling performance from Dave Bautista. Masterfully edited to feel like a seamless accompaniment of our main protagonists.

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The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

23 April 2012
Right ; here it is; I've finally seen "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (2011)" & was underwhelmed. It's well acted & shot. The dialogue is ....... well lost by an unnecessary amount of background 'noise' (how much music!) Quite frankly the 2009 film (Swedish version, NOT dubbed; read the subtitles) is head and shoulders better in these fields plus also covers more of the plot points from the novel in only about 20 minutes more screen time. I wanted to enjoy this so much but having seen Michael Nyqvist as 'Kalle' Blomkvist Daniel Craig was just going to have too much to do to even come close. I do like how Michael's daughter snagged a role as the girl who sells Daniel coffee, cakes & ciggies! If you haven't seen either film start with this; then seek out the trilogy with Noomi Rapace, Michael Nyqvist et al to see how it should be done. Oh & read the books as well, it's worth it!

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Kojak: Ariana

Andre Braugher as Detective Winston Blake is superb. An engaging realistic and truthful foil to Inspector Kojak. A twisty plot that as an audience we are drawn through by engaging actors. And a return to form with those cutaways of REAL New York streetlife. :statue_of_liberty:

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Happy Death Day 2U

It's a rarity that a sequel is as good as the first film, but this manages to achieve that & still bring surprise twists to the story.

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The Rookie: 5x20 S.T.R.

Every episode with Flula as Skip Tracer Randy is a comedic treat :joy:

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Bo Burnham: Inside

Best Bo Burnham special yet. Often feeling like an intimate performance for just one viewer. Innovative & funny, emotional & catchy. Everything that makes us adore Bo's superlative creative talent.

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Wayward Pines: 2x01 Enemy Lines

Wasn't going to watch this as the story was complete in just the 1st season. Gave it a look though & have to admit, it doesn't look like it will have much/ anything interesting to add to the original premise.

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Bosch: Legacy: 1x03 Message in a Bottle

Loved the Trejo Coffee & Donuts cameo :thumbsup:

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Sliding Doors

First time watching Sliding Doors & the simultaneous dual stories idea is cleverly presented. The BEST thing by far about the film is John Hannah, who manages to lift the overall film from a mediocre romance by his sparkling & engaging performance.

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Shin Godzilla

Came for the monster, stayed for the administrative bureaucracy (desperately hoping there would be more city destroying action!)

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