Christopher Masterman


Hampshire, United Kingdom

Laura Kuenssberg: State of Chaos

An interesting recap that unfortunately misses out the facilitation of the UK press in aiding and abetting the "state of chaos". Repeatedly unchallenging and accepting the 'answers' proffered by ministers and MPs helped sustain the debacle (and unfortunately still remains!)

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NYC 22

NYC 22 is a great series (especially when viewed in the correct story order, which didn't happen on broadcast!)
To assist any other viewers the narrative sequence is:

Broadcast episode Sequence in Narrative Timeline

NYC 22 s1e01 1st
NYC 22 s1e02 8th
NYC 22 s1e03 11th
NYC 22 s1e04 10th
NYC 22 s1e05 12th
NYC 22 s1e06 13th
NYC 22 s1e07 9th
NYC 22 s1e08 7th
NYC 22 s1e09 3rd
NYC 22 s1e10 5th
NYC 22 s1e11 2nd
NYC 22 s1e12 4th
NYC 22 s1e13 6th

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Ghost Stories

Stumbled across this show and like many others I have to recommend the English dubbed version. The unexpected blindsides of dialogue that leave you laughing out loud; at times offensive but always intended to amuse. Definitely an anime for an adult audience.

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Love Soup

From the pen of David Renwick comes this classically English Drama-Com. The two seasons have a distinct difference in feel (beyond the obvious episode durations) The first season being more interesting with it's dual leads illustrating the romantic search for "the one". Tamsin Greig is exceptional as usual in a role filled with pathos and longing.

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The Geena Davis Show

Frequently cited as a "bad sitcom" the show is nothing of the sort. In fact there is a charm to the ensemble cast, who also appear to be enjoying themselves during the taping. I'm uncertain as to whether it was recorded live in front of an audience (it does have the feel of it) The series gets into it's stride after a few episodes, it's a shame that the original broadcast of the final episodes was done so off handedly (a 3 month gap is a shabby way to treat the hard work of cast & crew!) The Geena Davis Show is well worth a watch, definitely binge worthy too. After 23 years I think it's time for a re-evaluation of a much maligned work of FUN!

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Nairn Across Britain

A fantastic example of TV documentary making at it's best. There's no extraneous jingle jangle music covering poor sound recording. No superfluous talking heads, just Ian Nairn our guide along the three linked journeys. And with the passage of time his opinions of the architectural and planning decisions that he points out reveal their prescience.

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Nairn Across Britain

A fantastic example of TV documentary making at it's best. There's no extraneous jingle jangle music covering poor sound recording. No superfluous talking heads, just Ian Nairn our guide along the three linked journeys. And with the passage of time his opinions of the architectural and planning decisions that he points out reveal their prescience.

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Shame no 2nd series, but I guess that makes the 6 episodes we do have more precious.

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Morning Has Broken

Just watched the unaired pilot (Vimeo release) & this looks likely to have been a very dark, black comedy series. Would have been good to use Channel 4 digital platform to gauge viewer interest in the comedy pilot. [Pilot episode - 7/10]

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Section Zéro

Dystopian near future & the traditional bleak outlands. Kudos all round for the location finding which is setting for a slow unfolding plot. Diverting television as this would probably not get made in an English speaking country.

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