

Glasgow, Scotland

American Horror Story: 6x03 Chapter 3

Why is no one calling that "sex scene" a rape scene? If he really doesn't remember it, then it's rape. And if that's the case, I'm incredibly tired of this show for using rape as a plot device.

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Riverdale: 3x16 Chapter Fifty-One: Big Fun

Haters gonna hate and continue to be Big Boring. If you're not enjoying the show by season 3, why are you still watching? I loved this ep + I love how the show continues to be a fun mess of 70s-90s pop culture references.

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The Good Wife: 7x07 Driven

Awful. I quit. Never thought I would but.....

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Mr. Robot: 1x08 eps1.7_wh1ter0se.m4v

I love this show to death.

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Farscape: 1x12 The Flax

nice!!! this has to be five words apparently so i am literally just using words 2 get over limit. but nice. this ep was v nice.

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