Scrubs: 1x22 My Occurrence

There are a few episodes before this one that show why Scrubs is such a highly regarded show. But, this is the one one for me where it truly becomes ‘Scrubs’.

The way it makes you grow attached to a character in a small space of time. And develops the story to climax with a beautiful finale where the music really coincides with story. It’s everything that Scrubs perfects going forward.

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Game Changer: 5x14 Game Changer Season 5: Cut for Time

The hard cut from the wholesome road trip to Rekha’s ‘Dad’ absolutely killed me.

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Make Some Noise: 1x06 The Hostage Negotiator Knows The Hostage Taker From Way Back

The trio of Zach, Jake and Vic is unbeatable. Their styles and humours mesh brilliantly.

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Game Changer: 5x05 A Game Most Changed

Fully expected to hate this from the start. But my God it was phenomenal.

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The Orville: 1x09 Cupid's Dagger

A really uncomfortable episode. Every beat was extremely predictable. But moreover, the story of a guy knowingly (admittedly not purposefully) drugging people to sleep with him, and then becoming the hero of the episode by using the same method to bring peace to the two warring factions. That just feels off, to me.

And then the episode ends with all the characters laughing it off.

“Hahaha, I might not of cheated on my husband willingly a year ago…. I was just date raped by alien pheromones… what a relief”

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Ted Lasso: 2x09 Beard After Hours

This episode felt like it ended about 12 times… and just kept going.

I like Beard, and he definitely needed some time spent on him. But a haphazard mishmash of improbable situations just doesn’t cut it.

Even at 10x speed with the Benny Hill theme playing this episode would fail to be entertaining.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi: 1x05 Part V

This episode perfectly represents the series as a whole. A few things done really well. But so many examples of terrible writing and bizarre directing decisions completely overshadow everything.

Overall, there is something to enjoy here. But the idea that it can be so much better is ever present.

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Burn Notice: 3x16 Devil You Know

Having just watched Raising Hope, seeing what Burt Chance would be like as a terrorist was very bizarre.

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Game Changer: 6x06 Deja Vu

Great cast and the concept felt cool at first but really lacks any pay off.

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Play It By Ear: 2x08 Joust Because

Probably my favourite one yet. Edgar Blackmon was brilliant.

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The Orville: 2x06 A Happy Refrain

Someone has a really good agent that got them guaranteed face time in season 2.

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The Orville: 1x03 About a Girl

After a poor pilot, and only marginally improved subsequent episode. I was considering dropping Orville.

This episode however was much improved. I have issues with how the main conflict is presented, but otherwise the focus on character drama and wider societal issues really worked. And the humour here blended better into to story than it has in previous episodes.

Hopefully this trajectory continues.

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What If...?: 1x02 What If… T'Challa Became a Star-Lord?

When this started I was worried we might get another remixed version of an MCU film. This time GOTG. But, thankfully this episode tells it’s own story, and is far better paced for it.

Plenty of action, a good level of wit, and it uses the full power of the ‘What If…’ premise to really to mess with well known MCU characters.

I hope this is the direction ‘What If…’ will be taking from here.

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Raising Hope: 4x14 Road to Natesville

Great episode, I always love a ridiculous mockumentary episode. But what is Greg Garcia’s obsession with competitive grocers. My Name Is Earl also had the bagging competition.

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What If...?: 1x01 What If… Captain Carter Were The First Avenger?

The ludicrously fast pace delivers as many great moments as it does completely naff ones. While the pace is definitely a positive, it does slip into feeling rushed more often than not. The episode could of done with an extra 5 minutes to give key points a bit more room to breathe. But none the less an entertaining 30 minutes, but if this is the style of the whole series it may get old very fast.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 1x10 Common Ground

Good to see Bad Batch kick a bit of ass. Feels they’ve had their effectiveness hamstrung a bit to raise stakes, so an episode where they wipe the floor with regs was very much needed to remind us they are still this elite fighting force.

Otherwise a fairly straightforward episode. There could of been more space for character development as Echo and Hunter had their loyalty to the republic shaken by meeting with the separatist senator. But, instead the episode was a touch more routine. Not exactly filler, but nothing world shattering going on either.

But, regardless even as the show isn’t turning out to be particularly deep, I’m still enjoying the ‘A-Team but in space’ thing it has going on.

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My Name Is Earl: 4x01 The Magic Hour

While far from the best episode, this season opener is a nice return to normal My Name Is Earl, compared to the mess that was season 3.

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My Name Is Earl: 3x05 Creative Writing

Weird episode, some funny moments. But each ‘story’ out stays its welcome. And the whole episode just feels unsatisfying.

Bizarre the show seemed to be doing the ‘good guy in prison, helping other inmates’ thing. It was looking promising, now they’re doing everything to escape from the prison.

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My Name Is Earl: 1x18 Dad's Car

Timothy Olyphant and young Patty make this episode.

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My Name Is Earl: 1x17 Didn't Pay Taxes

The worst episode of Earl so far. Silly and just comes of as propaganda to get people to pay more taxes.

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