Clement Morton


Lacombe, Alberta

Roswell, New Mexico

Dont you hate when they ruin a show with politics? Leave the fantasy where it belongs. We have enough of Washington's bs in our daily lives. Let us enjoy the escape, and not use entertainment as propaganda.

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@bgriffith080386 Agree %100 - Someone's paid a lot of money to influence the writers of this show.

If this keeps up - I will blacklist this show.

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NCIS: 18x16 Rule 91

Didn’t care much about bishop, but Gibbs. Damn.

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@koulde I smell a Gibbs + Bishop spinoff.

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I watched the first couple episodes. I'm surprisingly actually enjoying it. I have to watch it with English subs unfortunately for me I don't understand Norwegian. So that personally takes away from the enjoyment of the show having to read everything. But I am trying to not let that be a factor in influencing if I like the show or not. I was expecting the show on first glance to be English, and was a bit disappointed it wasn't. However, I do think it has interesting potential as a series. As a story line its intriguing. In other words. I'm trying to give it a chance. I wonder if there is a dubbed version around.

On a side note, the location it was filmed was absolutely stunning and beautiful.

The whole climate spin on things turns me off, comes off a a bit preachy. But that's a personal reaction to it, trying not to let it affect my enjoyment of the series.

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@hunnenkoenig Wait, there is a language selector? Cool! Time to go back and re watch this.

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Reply by daan banaan

Was excited when I saw the poster. Looked like it might be a cool tech and future story.

Upon watching the trailer, meh. Reviews I've seen seem to say not to waste my time on it. I may, give it a try if I'm completely bored, and have nothing else to do. (Fat chance, my time is valuable why waste it on something that others are saying is not worth my time) From the trailers, it seems to be a "woke" propaganda film about climate change and evil greedy earthlings refusing to aspire to a "higher"/"enlightened" way of life. Whoever's pushing for the studios to produce these garbage films needs to be fired. These actors are going to get a reputation for working for these garbage films, and then when they want to actually act in something good - people will automatically turn them off in disgust. I know I would.

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@clem16 you say your time is valuable, yet you spend time on writing this worthless "review".

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If my “worthless review” happens to save even one person the pain and suffering of sitting through that garbage, I see that as my civic duty, a sacrifice of time we’ll spent, for the good of humanity.

Go ahead and watch it if you want to waste time snd there’s nothing better to do, nothing is stopping you. You may even like it. I certainly didn’t.

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Was excited when I saw the poster. Looked like it might be a cool tech and future story.

Upon watching the trailer, meh. Reviews I've seen seem to say not to waste my time on it. I may, give it a try if I'm completely bored, and have nothing else to do. (Fat chance, my time is valuable why waste it on something that others are saying is not worth my time) From the trailers, it seems to be a "woke" propaganda film about climate change and evil greedy earthlings refusing to aspire to a "higher"/"enlightened" way of life. Whoever's pushing for the studios to produce these garbage films needs to be fired. These actors are going to get a reputation for working for these garbage films, and then when they want to actually act in something good - people will automatically turn them off in disgust. I know I would.

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@clem16 I'd disregard your opinion simply for using the word "woke" unironically, but to top it off your most watched movie is the Emoji Movie. Holy shit :`)

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Love that movie. :smiley::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::relieved::joy::sweat_smile::rofl:

The thing is, it’s a valid word that has been created to describe a social phenomena. People tend to get upset when someone accurately describes them or something they identify with accurately. Especially if that accurate description is viewed by the majority of society as a joke.

So go ahead and disregard all you like, that’s your right. It still doesn’t change my opinion that the show is garbage. I person didn’t like it, could barely watch the nonsense. If you happened to like it, great more power to y’a.

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Was excited when I saw the poster. Looked like it might be a cool tech and future story.

Upon watching the trailer, meh. Reviews I've seen seem to say not to waste my time on it. I may, give it a try if I'm completely bored, and have nothing else to do. (Fat chance, my time is valuable why waste it on something that others are saying is not worth my time) From the trailers, it seems to be a "woke" propaganda film about climate change and evil greedy earthlings refusing to aspire to a "higher"/"enlightened" way of life. Whoever's pushing for the studios to produce these garbage films needs to be fired. These actors are going to get a reputation for working for these garbage films, and then when they want to actually act in something good - people will automatically turn them off in disgust. I know I would.

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@clem16 I'd disregard your opinion simply for using the word "woke" unironically, but to top it off your most watched movie is the Emoji Movie. Holy shit :`)

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Love that movie. :smiley::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::relieved::joy::sweat_smile::rofl:

The thing is, it’s a valid word that has been created to describe a social phenomena. People tend to get upset when someone accurately describes them or something they identify with accurately. Especially if that accurate description is viewed by the majority of society as a joke.

So go ahead and disregard all you like, that’s your right. It still doesn’t change my opinion that the show is garbage. I person didn’t like it, could barely watch the nonsense. If you happened to like it, great more power to y’a.

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Reply by daan banaan

Was excited when I saw the poster. Looked like it might be a cool tech and future story.

Upon watching the trailer, meh. Reviews I've seen seem to say not to waste my time on it. I may, give it a try if I'm completely bored, and have nothing else to do. (Fat chance, my time is valuable why waste it on something that others are saying is not worth my time) From the trailers, it seems to be a "woke" propaganda film about climate change and evil greedy earthlings refusing to aspire to a "higher"/"enlightened" way of life. Whoever's pushing for the studios to produce these garbage films needs to be fired. These actors are going to get a reputation for working for these garbage films, and then when they want to actually act in something good - people will automatically turn them off in disgust. I know I would.

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@clem16 you say your time is valuable, yet you spend time on writing this worthless "review".

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Of course my time is valuable, saving it and others from the pain of garbage tv is a good use of it.
Yet, yours must not be; leaving useless “comments”.
What I suspect - is an angry fanboy, lashing out at anyone critical of their newest mind twisting propaganda toy.

But hey, each to their own.

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