Clement Morton


Lacombe, Alberta


I watched the first couple episodes. I'm surprisingly actually enjoying it. I have to watch it with English subs unfortunately for me I don't understand Norwegian. So that personally takes away from the enjoyment of the show having to read everything. But I am trying to not let that be a factor in influencing if I like the show or not. I was expecting the show on first glance to be English, and was a bit disappointed it wasn't. However, I do think it has interesting potential as a series. As a story line its intriguing. In other words. I'm trying to give it a chance. I wonder if there is a dubbed version around.

On a side note, the location it was filmed was absolutely stunning and beautiful.

The whole climate spin on things turns me off, comes off a a bit preachy. But that's a personal reaction to it, trying not to let it affect my enjoyment of the series.

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Was excited when I saw the poster. Looked like it might be a cool tech and future story.

Upon watching the trailer, meh. Reviews I've seen seem to say not to waste my time on it. I may, give it a try if I'm completely bored, and have nothing else to do. (Fat chance, my time is valuable why waste it on something that others are saying is not worth my time) From the trailers, it seems to be a "woke" propaganda film about climate change and evil greedy earthlings refusing to aspire to a "higher"/"enlightened" way of life. Whoever's pushing for the studios to produce these garbage films needs to be fired. These actors are going to get a reputation for working for these garbage films, and then when they want to actually act in something good - people will automatically turn them off in disgust. I know I would.

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Star Trek: Picard: 1x02 Maps and Legends

Slow episode.

It was basically more backstory, and setup. A few introductions to characters and general maneuvering of rolls to set the stage. There wasn't really anything that stood out and wow'ed me in this episode. Overall this episode was important because of its setting of the stage. I enjoyed watching it.

I think the whole series has a lot of potential. From what I can tell its my kind of star trek. I'd like to see more tech and discovery and adventure. As exploration and 'the unknown' are aspects of star trek that make it star trek.

Anyways, Good episode. No real action, just a lot of talking and exploration of characters.

The setting up of the "good" and "bad" guys. - So for this alone - watch the episode so you know what's going on in the future.

Enjoy :)

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Watchmen: 1x01 It's Summer and We're Running Out of Ice

Good first episode.
Be interesting to see where this show goes.

I think the white vs black aspect of the show. Is going to inflame an already tense situation in the world. While its these kinds of themes that make a show good, it also serves to stir up peoples anger.
I think the show has a LOT of potential.
The world building and tech is what interests me. The obvious political bias of the writers just pissed me off.

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The Peripheral: 1x08 The Creation of a Thousand Forests

Show is Getting worse.

Inserting propaganda.

The moment the uttered the words “right wing”, I lost respect for the show.

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Superman & Lois

Shout by Clement Morton

Business Men; wanting to create jobs and work is the “new evil”… if you can’t understand the “issue” with this…

Otherwise apart from the obvious and extremely deplorable ideological bias of the show, the screenplay, actors, etc.. enjoyable.

If you can look past and stomach the pervasiveness of the nonsense, you may enjoy it. Hopefully it’ll get better in future seasons.

I won’t hold my breath, I expect the series to be done in a couple seasons at most.

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Highly Surprised & Pleasantly Delighted.

Riveted to the TV the whole episode.

DC Has A Hit.

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DUNE is one of those - You either really love it - or really hate it shows.

I watch DUNE with an eye towards the epic that it is, not so much tied up in any one character or story - but imagining its the universe I live in. - The imagination and the epic of dune lasts long after he credits roll. For days and weeks, I can imagine scenarios or picture events in the film and ask myself the question of, what would I do if... For the people that do this, this is what makes DUNE.

I'm glad to see they're attempting a remake. - Let's give it a chance.

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Hunters: 1x01 In the Belly of the Whale


Shaping up to be a really good series.

I'm not looking to nitpick - Not really looking for historical inaccuracies.

I predict there will be two types of opinions on this show. Those who enjoy it for what it is, and those who will find every little detail wrong and nitpick. I strive to be the first, and enjoy it for the entertainment that it is.

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Doctor Who: 12x06 Praxeus

All I could think was, "God I'm itchy", "Don't Scratch, Don't Scratch"... "How can he not pick at that"

Tho, this whole "pollution" push in Dr. Who is frankly woke nonsense & pandering to a crowd of extremists. Keep your nonsense out of our shows. I can stomach one or two such episodes. Fine. You've made your point, you've preached your message. But if the whole show becomes an ode to wokeness I'm out, and frankly the ratings are going to plummet and the show is going to tank. People watch these shows to escape the real world, not to be lectured at. If you don't take these words to heart your going to destroy Dr. Who.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender: 1x01 Aang


Highly enjoyed it.

A bit cliché at times. Much of the exposition seemed a bit clunky and forced at times. But it kinda fits with the bright colours and characters.
The wardrobes and sets are “on point”, and just beautiful.

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Halo: 2x04 Reach

Pleasantly surprised, it’s getting better.

Good action, and consequential story progression,

Still the lighting sucks.

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Doctor Who: 12x03 Orphan 55

The “obligatory ode to climate change fear mongering” that pretty much all shows make an episode about.

Wish Dr Who was immune to this but unfortunately it’s not. Watched the whole series again, and the last dr IMO is meh, hopefully it gets better next season but I doubt it considering the trajectory it’s going.

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One of THE best productions of 2023.

  • I fired up the series with great scepticism, I’ve only watched one or two of the animated versions - while I understand that they hold a special place in many peoples hearts - I personally never really took the time to dive deep enough into them to appreciate the story…

Watching this… I think I get it now…

I watched every episode of the 2023 version on Netflix one after the other.

This is THE most heartwarming, heartbreaking, kickass, corny, beautifully crafted piece of cinematic storytellingI have watched in a very very long time. Through much of this, I had tears of laughter, joy, sadness, surprise and heartbreak.

Do not start this series until you have a full block of time to sit uninterrupted and enjoy every single minute of this. It’s much much more than a live version of what I thought was a corny anime about bashing and fighting. This story does that in a way that makes you fall in love with the heroes and the villains.

All with a straw hat…

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Voyage of the Chimera


Ok so I like the premise and the story 8/10.
However the actors are BAD, the camera work sucks, the writing and character interaction feels forced and blocky.

Absolutely sucks, and I’m forcing myself to watch it just because I started it.

For the minuscule budget for this film, feels like they all bought weed with the budget, say around smoking it, grabbed a budget handy-cam and took turns reading off a script in a back ally somewhere with cardboard and floodlights then whipped up a bit of computer generated “ship” stuff and called it a day.

This concept needs to be remade with a 50-100 million budget, good actors, good directors, etc.

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We Have a Ghost

Interesting semi enjoyable movie - made worse by the obvious political undertones and off handed comments that are essentially obligitory and to be expected in pretty much anything created today. The cracks about politicans that the authors dislike and want to smear in public opinion are distasteful and ruin the enjoyment of what's supposed to be entertainment.

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I have really fond memories of this series.
Can't seem to find it anywhere to watch for love or money.

This show is heavily Canadian, there are elements that unless you have lived and experienced pieces of our culture, many people simply wouldn't get.
I have a sneaking suspicion that it was pulled from air and burried into the memory hole of history because of the cultural uniqueness shown in this show. Jokes that bond us together as a nation are a threat to those who seek to divide.

In summary there's a reason this show isn't available to watch anywhere. It was too uniquely Canadian, and expressions of culture that are not approved for general consumption are forbidden.

Basically - You are not permitted to watch this show. If you didn't experience it live, good luck watching it - you are not allowed.

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The Simpsons: 34x06 Treehouse of Horror XXXIII

“Global warming” death murder revenge fetish by the writers.
A low point for “The Simpsons”, they couldn’t even use the likeness of their beloved characters.

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Family Guy: 21x02 Bend or Blockbuster

A Very Weak Episode, just dumb.

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Halo: 1x08 Allegiance

This show.
If it can keep up this quality and syndicate out to as many networks as possible.

Will be added to peoples short list of “good tv” in the last 25 years.

It’s takes a tiny fraction of the universe of Halo, and builds interesting and engaging stories that one actually looks forward to watching.

Not a lot of tv in the last couple years has been able to come close to that high bar. This one does.

I’d rank it up there with some of the greats like Firefly, StarGate, Dr Who, StarTrek (not discovery), and The Expanse.

For me to become excited about tv shows these days, a high bar has to be met. So far Halo, has not only met the bar, but passed it.

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The Sound of Magic: Season 1


First impressions were another poorly done foreign series imported onto Netflix and dubbed.

I started watching out of shear boredom, and lack of pretty much anything else of interest to watch.

I think I’ll actually finish the series.

At its heart - it’s a musical. None of the songs are in English. They are however, very, very good in my humble opinion. It’s a very interesting and heartfelt storyline, look past the surface and ignore the language barrier.

The series is bringing me to tears; and so far - I’m only halfway through episode two.

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Slow Horses

The use of “right wing nationalist”, as the evil bad guy in the show. Is an obvious wink and nod to the ideologies and beliefs driving the writing, directing, and acting that’s permeating the entertainment industry.

The show is virtually thick with it.

Apart from that, it may actually be enjoyable to watch. But, I suspect the show - will inevitably be a flop when it’s looked back in on history after it’s run it’s course and the funding runs out.

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Halo: 1x01 Contact

Very very well done.

A great start to what appears to be an amazing show, lots of action, lots of great acting, really cool tech, the lore of the whole HALO universe to play with.

I was worrying that this show would be chocked full of “wokisms” like pretty much everything new these days is. Didn’t spot anything blazingly obviously. Just great actors doing great tv. Keep this up and you’ll have a massively popular show.

Oh. The network making it, would be wise to let other services stream it. If it only streams on one platform they’re going to be a victim of obscurity.
I suggest they stream it on their platform first after production. Then after a week or so, let other services stream it.

Watch the show. It’s very well done, im already seeing visions of 10 seasons.

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The Blacklist: 8x10 Dr. Laken Perillos

This show is starting to go down the "woke" path. It's becoming unwatchable. Soon; I suspect, it'll be added to my "blacklist".

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Roswell, New Mexico: 3x04 Walk on the Ocean

Once again; the yahoo writers and directors are taking potshots at social issues & mischaracterizing half the country.

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Roswell, New Mexico: 3x03 Black Hole Sun

Great until around 21:00 min; when the bs started. Immediately this dropped the episode from enjoyable, to this crap isn't worth watching anymore.

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Roswell, New Mexico: 2x10 American Woman

This episode plays heavily on the Immigration debate currently raging in the US.

It plays almost as an election ADD for the Democrats.

It uses emotion & personal connection to characters to manipulate sympathies for illegal immigrants.

I really love this show, however It's quickly becoming not worth watching due to these annoying partisan issues.

If it keeps up, its getting taken off of my "to watch weekly" list.

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Stargirl: 1x01 Pilot

Very Very Love able Characters and Cast. Good introduction.

It's a superhero show, with characters we can actually relate to.

I would Highly recommend it & as more people watch, it's going to become a hit.

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Maleficent: Mistress of Evil


I enjoyed watching this film.

  • I will probably even "re watch" it.

  • I would even recommend to friends and family they watch it.

  • It was heartwarming and definitely had that "Disney" feel to it.

  • Great Cast, and amazing acting, really good music. (I especially liked the song at the end credits about angels).

Watch it on an afternoon / evening with a friend you enjoy spending time with, and a bowl of popcorn.

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Ad Astra

If it wasn't for a top billed cast such as "Brad Pitt" et. al. It would be considered a C level film. The kind you give away with a box of cereal. I was not impressed. If it wasn't for him being in this film, it wouldn't even be worth watching.

There was some amazing shots of space ships, and a couple cool stunts - But that's about all that's even remotely notable in this film.

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