


Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Border 2: Ghost Whispers
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex: 1x15 SA: Time of the Machines; MACHINES DÉSIRANTES
The Expanse: 6x06 Babylon's Ashes
The Expanse: 6x06 Babylon's Ashes
Blade Runner 2049
Cowboy Bebop: 1x23 Brain Scratch
The Expanse: 4x02 Jetsam
The Expanse: 4x01 New Terra
The Expanse: 6x04 Redoubt
Black Mirror: 4x01 USS Callister
Black Mirror: 4x02 Arkangel
Foundation: 1x02 Preparing to Live
Black Mirror: 3x04 San Junipero
Black Mirror: 3x04 San Junipero
Black Mirror: 3x02 Playtest
Black Mirror: 1x03 The Entire History of You
Black Mirror: 1x03 The Entire History of You
Westworld: 3x05 Genre
Westworld: 3x03 The Absence of Field
The Handmaid's Tale: 4x10 The Wilderness
Vikings: 6x09 Resurrection
Vikings: 6x08 Valhalla Can Wait
Vikings: 6x06 Death and the Serpent
Vikings: 5x18 Baldur
Altered Carbon: 1x08 Clash by Night
Altered Carbon: Season 1
Altered Carbon: Season 1
Altered Carbon
Altered Carbon: 1x02 Fallen Angel