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Avatar: The Last Airbender

I was spoiled about almost every part of this show when I started it. I was also not a child when I watched it, and understood what makes a show good or bad.

The fact that I was still floored by how amazing this show is says a lot.

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@clobsters also review for Dragon Prince please? Seasons as well?

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Avatar: The Last Airbender

I was spoiled about almost every part of this show when I started it. I was also not a child when I watched it, and understood what makes a show good or bad.

The fact that I was still floored by how amazing this show is says a lot.

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@cookiegod English please? Or are you in so much awe right now that it's hard to write?

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also, can you review the Dragon Prince? seasons as well?

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Avatar: The Last Airbender

I was spoiled about almost every part of this show when I started it. I was also not a child when I watched it, and understood what makes a show good or bad.

The fact that I was still floored by how amazing this show is says a lot.

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@clobsters even though I knew about basically every big story beat, due to spoilers, I was still absolutely amazed by this show. These writers are simply phenomenal, which makes the news about Aaron Ehasz extremely disappointing.

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