Clive Pottinger


Hamilton, ON

Mea Culpa

What a mess! At first I was intrigued to find out why the husband and mother-in-law were acting so weirdly. But, after a couple of scenes with the client, it became quite clear that they were not acting weirdly: they, like everyone in this movie, were just written incredibly badly. To be fair, this movie should have won an Oscar for its fantastic portrayal of a completely non-human species with alien mores and social interactions, and only a superficial resemblance to humans.

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The Gray Man

Another phone-it-in action movie without even a hint of an attempt to develop a plot line: burned spy chased by baddies in his own organization proceeds to demolish half of Europe and kill everyone who gets between him a a randomly inserted little girl. That's it! That's the whole plot. It's as bad as the endless parade of brainless DC and Marvel schlock that has been pouring out of Hollywood these last few years.

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