


The Zombie

Can't get a source to play this unfortunately.

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Black Entertainment

THIS COMMENT IS REPLYING TO THE OPINION IN THE BLACK ENTERTAINMENT SECTION...You have a very skewed view of people. Why would you think the producers and writers hate black people? Are you really serious about your comments? Questioning foolish things like the lighting. You sound like someone trying to sound smart, but isn't. Does Black Panther have bad lighting also? You are the kind of person that keep black people from prospering because you just keep perpetuating the hate.
What degrading photos are on the covers of these movies? You should be glad they even made the movie. I agree that the casting for black people in the past leaves something to be desired, but that's changing. Black actors have to work also, what do you want them to do, reject a movie just to make an unknown point? You just need to lighten up, no pun intended, and try to have a better outlook on your own people.

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